Are they Adding China?

Are they adding China, the only County with almost no tanks ?

They had some early pre war German and Italian stuff, in the late 30’s, and T 26’s in Burma, and after the retreat into Inda a few of there units would re equipped with American tanks, but those only fought in Burma…

Is Burma the next theater?

T 26 in Burma


More fluff. Not important right now. I’d actually like to see the Soviet para plane bug fixed by now. Or the long arms. Someone told me that problem still persist.

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Or at least someone said the portrait of the china soldier, has a Korea war uniform. I’d like to see this as a hint of future eras.

I’d rather see fun stuff like France and early, or even pre war (ww1?) Things before a chinese faction. Maybe would appeal to chinese audience, but most of their ww2 stuff are variations of existing arms from other factions. Personally just ain’t a fan :person_shrugging:


If you saying this because of the Lunar New Year event, then most likely not.
They already had such event on 2022.

No because of the Portrait

I sure hope to see Soviet-Japanese BR1-2 fighting for Khalkhin Gol and France on BR 1-2 for battle of France before we venture into China

It’s more likely that they recycled content from the Chinese cliente rather than planning to add a literally new era or Chinese faction that wasn’t very significant during ww2.

There are still factions that need more maps, there are still plenty of campaigns that could be milk out.
I think this potrait was released only to celebrate Chinese new year.

No, you have been trolled.

Yesterday they nerfed main weapon of Chinese players, it is obvious that they must give them something in return :sleeping:


We got a Chinese portrait last year too. That meant nothing, so this one also probably means nothing.


I think England and Italy are still more likely to update in the future than China.


Yeah, without achieving basically nothing. Meaning, there’s no relevant. They’ve just been steam rolled by Japanese.
Similar case to French. The only difference is that Japanese soldiers despised them and therefore their losses were higher.

And casualties were primarily civilians, not soldiers.

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Yes, if civilian losses are included, China’s war losses will exceed Germany’s
(from wiki :nerd_face:)
Maybe they are like the early Soviet, continues to lose land and personnel, needs assistance from allies, and consumes ??% of Japan’s national power.

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The Bulk of the Japanese Army was in China (and Manchuko), the US really only faced a fraction of it in the pacific During the war.

Havign said that the Chinese were basically totally over run during operation Ichi go in 44, when on all fronts except China the Japanese were losing.

Personally I don’t see a Japan vs China theater viable, given the Chinese had no Tanks to speak of, apart from a variety of different types they had in the late 30’s that were largely expended then.

What few they had left were mostly sent into Burma in 42 the T-26.

Burma is imo again the best place to have Chian as a faction added, a the Chinese forces deployed there in early 42 had armor, and they would them retreat into India with the British and be rearmed wit, largely, American arms and Armor to eventually participate in the liberation of Burma in 44/45.

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Just found out that my post was deleted
Seem like the mods don’t like the “social credit” joke

They also got some tanks from US

Yes, as I noted above that was not till they had retreated into India, and only those units then in Inda received them.

The Chinse sent several of their Best units into Burma to help defend it against the Japanese invasion in 42, but the Japanese pushed the British and Chinese units in Burma out into India, it was not until 44/45 that those Chinse units, and the British/American/Indian units would reenter Burma.

We don’t want to upset our dear chinese overlords shareholders, do we.

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Ya, honestly the whole Chinese thing is filled with land mines, The Vast Bulk of the Chinse opposition to the Japanese was by the nationalists, the Red Faction was at the time small by comparison and spent as much time fighting the nationalists as the did anyone else, then of course you have the RGC, reformed government of China, Japanese Puppet’s, that fielded an army of ~ 1 Million men who fought alongside the Japanese against Both the nationalist and the communists. It’s a big mess really.

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