Possible British vehicle Reasearch Tree

Or things like the “Skink” Canadian, Australian and N-Z things aren’t enough to make a full trch tree by themselves, but all commonwealth things bundled togheter would do nicely :slight_smile:


Solid bases. But vehicles are the less important side of the tech tree.
After all, it’s just 4/10 of team in match.

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That’s true. But as I know, there were six A-41 tanks (the early Centurion tank) manufactured in 1945, they reached Germany but never join any combat.

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Yes, I used to want to make a complete research tree, but I found that I didn’t have much time.


E-50 and 75 were designed before the war end E100 had its hull made before the end of war, 2 maus were prduced before the end of the war , Panzer VII Löwe was designed before end of war (2 variants)
Panther with 88 mm was designed, Panzerjäger Tiger (P) 8.8 cm PaK 43/2 L/71 ‘Ferdinand/Elefant’ were made in small numbers, Panzerkampfwagen VI (7.5 cm) VK30.01(H) four of these build (heavy panzer 4s ) , and a lot of stupid German tanks that were designed and even produced in small numbers if we can add a post-war tank don’t blame (you could have suggested pilot vehicles like Centurian P-1 which were produced before war’s end) me when I suggest something like Tiger-Maus, Krupp 170-130 tonne Panzer ‘Mäuschen’


Centurion and Tortise? no.


Your Tier 5 less the Firefly is largely post war, so there’s no point in those. There are plenty of other British experimental designs that were never fielded, but could fit the role. The Churchill “Black Prince” with the 17 Pounder springs to mind and could substitute for both your post war tanks. Equally if you’re desperate for a BR5 TD then the Archer with its 17 pounder will do the job nicely. Like many of the other nations counterparts its essentially a steel sheet wrapped gun but its mobile enough and its a good enough gun to take on the cats, particularly if you issue it with APCR ammunition.

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So plz tell me how to deal with Tiger2? Before the end of the war, six of them were manufactured. Do you hope the 17-pounder gun can penetrate the 185mm armor of Tiger 2?

No Centurion and No Tortoise.
No fakes, thanks a lot.

They are not fake first, second: give the man a break he tried his best and beside Centurian mk1 all were made before the end of the war

for Centurian Design

In 1943, the British War Office mandated the Directorate of Tank Design to start working on a new heavy cruiser tank. The requirements stated that the new tank should be capable of withstanding a direct hit from the infamous German 88 mm gun, while providing greater protection against mines as well as staying under the 40-ton limit imposed by logistical constraints. The tank also had to offer a good cross-country capability when offroad, a high reverse speed was required but not a high forward top speed. The new project, called A41, had to surpass the Comet tank in all areas except the main armament for which the 17-pdr gun was still deemed effective enough to deal with enemy tanks.

here is the thing 6 Centurian mark 1 was sent to Belgium a month after the war so they are not suitable to add to the tech tree but prototype centuries and pilot Vehicles are, since they were finished before war’s end

Centurion Pilot Vehicles

20 built late 1944-early 1945. Vehicle weight 42 tons.
P1 – P5
Armed with 17 pdr with 20 mm Polsten cannon and 7.92 BESA in ball mounting at turret rear.

P6 – P10
17 pdr with linkage to 20 mm Polsten and turret rear escape hatch

P11 – P15
17 pdr with linkage to 7.92 mm BESA and turret rear escape hatch

P16 – P20
Armed with 77mm HV and driver-operated hull machine gun


you see these were finished before war so in my mind all OK

By the Second World War’s end, only six Tortoise prototypes had been built, and these were not delivered until 1946. A few of these 6 (exact number unknown) were sent to Germany for testing after the war as part of the British Army of the Rhine (BAOR).
During trials, it showed its reliability. The gun proved incredibly effective during tests, with the tank itself providing a stable gunnery platform. A serious problem, however, was the logistical issues created by the sheer weight of the tank. It required 2 heavy-haulage trucks to move and carry it. Also, not one of the British Army’s mobile bridges, such as the Bailey Bridge, was able to support it.

And about tortoise 6 were made before the wars end so its OK

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None of them were used in the war.

If we go by “but it existed” then look up: Maus, E100, Lowe, etc. megatanks as well?

No, thanks.

Britain doesn’t need to be at BR5 if Firefly isn’t enough.

Lowe never existed it was designed but because of Hitlers love for heavies they soon abandoned to make Maus well whatever man we are not devs simply they can determine if they want to add more stuff or not

I have been harping about subfactions. It is time.

I am all for new stuff to be added, but stuff that was promonently used in WW2:


Enlisted has nothing to do with historical accuracy anymore. Sadly it’s an outdated concept that ended as soon as Normandy Jumbo, culminating with as44 for Sovs.

Ppl wanted War Thunder system. War Thunder is all about prototypes, and it’s what we got!

Hopefully we get many of such weird paper tanks in the future, along br 6, 7, 8…

Once the steam valves open.

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Without the Centurion and Tortoise will be fine. Cuz Centurion is the first main battle tank and adding it will just invite the USSR to add T-44 and IS -3 and Germany is R.I.P. so we replace it with Black Prince Churchill ,Challenger and Archer. So Tier 5 will be Achilles ,Firefly and Black Prince.


Supporting the UK’s departure from the USA.


me likey even tho i think britain should be subfaction to US cuz of the player count making it another faction would hurt the matchmaking but im all for it

First actual game possible centurion tank prototype was made in April 1945, unless you want a “centurion” tank thats unarmed and unarmoured.
