"Conquest Large" BF-style gamemode concept

Enlisted’s conquest is one of the least favored gamemodes by the players.

They say don’t fix it if it isn’t broken.

BF series have long perfected the conquest concept and I would love to see it added to Enlisted as well.

The main idea is to use a larger map area with varied capture points, allowing for actual maneuvers and flanks, but most importantly – the ability to spawn on the points your team is holding.

One of the main issues of current Enlisted’s Conquest gamemode is the dependance on rally points, as without them you’re forced to run for ages across the map. And unlike Invasion or other progressive gamemodes, Conquest normally requires 4-6 rally points for enjoyable experience.

Another negative I’ve always felt about Enlisted’s Conquest is tiny maps: Reich Chancellory’s 3 points are literally 3 rooms within one building, Herman Goering Strasse points are so close that you can have full vision of one of them from Goebbel’s Villa (C below), and a tank sitting in grey zone on a hill in Tiergarten (between B and A) can nuke 2-3 of the objectives as well, and flanking anywhere with a truck/APC is basically impossible because you’re instantly seen, and Stalingrad Conquest is just the Railway Station.


So I suggest “Conquest Large” gamemode which would feature two main differences from “Conquest Small” (can be renamed to Domination):

  1. Friendlies can spawn on objectives when they are held by the team
  2. There are 4+ objectives, each of them divided by some distance and presenting an actual point of interest

Some conceptual examples (not 100% balanced yet):

1. Berlin Conquest Large


2 - Moltke Bridge; 3 - Ministry of the Interior; 4 - Moat; 5 - Kroll Opera; 6 - Königsplatz; 7 - Reichstag; 8 - Brandenburg Gate; 9 - US Embassy; 10 - “Goebbels’ Villa”; 11 - Greenhouse; 12 - Old Reich Chancellory; 13 - New Reich Chancellory; 14 - SS Barracks

Capture points:
A - Reich Chancellory
B - Brandenburg Gate
C - Tiergarten
D - Reichstag
E - Ministry of the Interior
F - Kroll Opera

This map layout looks like it would give tanks an actual role other than camping (maybe in Conquest Large tanks would be allowed to capture objectives?), would give trucks and APCs an actual important role and would be a unique experience of the whole recreated city of Berlin.

2. Moscow/Winter USSR Conquest Large (don’t mind the numbers)

Capture points:
A - Manor
B - Vysokovo Village center
C - Monastery
D - ‘Enlistedovo’ Village
E - Kamenka church

3. Stalingrad Conquest Large


Capture points:
A - Railway Station
B - ‘Ivanov’s’ House
C - Univermag
D - Gorky Theater

These are just raw drafts but I think a gamemode like this (crucially with spawns on occupied objectives) could play quite well.
Possibly the distances to be covered would be helped by a larger number of prop cars/trucks on the maps.
The lower intensity of firefights could potentially be also set off by much larger XP amounts given for objective defense/capture.



I too have had a dream of a giant game mode and ideally it would be conquest, but

I disagree that the team should spawn on the capture points. Movement should actually be important. In game now with some maps there’s almost no point in rallies when everything is always so close to eachother. Ideally in a giant mode your only true spawn would be way in the back on your teams side, making rally points and transport vehicles actually important.

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But that’s the whole Idea of this game mode – the only game mode where you don’t suffer from lack of rally points from your teammates, and holding an objective grants you an ability to spawn there.

Also, with only 10 real players max on each team, without spawning on objectives this would really become walking simulator with very few combat engagements.

It would be already.
Check the map concept and imagine walking with your squad from Monastery to the starting point in the village, or from Brandenburg gate to Reich Chancellery – it’s not a short trip without vehicles.

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Sadly the berlin map is split into 2. First map has reichstag, möltke, bahnhof, ministry, königsplats and kroll while the second one has reichkanzlei, wilhelmstrasse, ministry garden, brandenburg gate, villa and embassy


Yes the minimaps are connected in my concept, but I would dream that they can be connected ingame as well.
I believe Brandenburg gate is present on both.

Also Reichstag indoors area would be cool of course.


I think they are separated for optimization reasons. After all berlin has probably the most detailed maps

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i feel like if this ever get add by that time all those broken gun placement would work since it would be a shame if you get a big map but all those defense are broken

do you know my least favorite part of conquest? constant running and searching for enemy. this was already bad enough on small map, but it will be even worse on larger map.

you will basically get running simulator…

Yeah probably, but potentially a “new” map if you cut out the Lehrter station and maybe a couple more buildings by grey zone doesn’t sound too crazy?

Moscow is one huge map always as far as I know

Well the basic idea to offset this is spawning on held/contested objectives, so in fact you’re not dependant on rallies and can always appear around the action points

At least something like that Stalingrad concept looks rather reasonable, and more fun than just the Railway station

sound like in Tannenberg game where you can spawn on already cap zone

Moscow is mostly made out of random villages and forests that have low entity count. Berlin in the other hand has a lot of large detailed buildings and unique locations

rally points were least of the problems of conquest. it was division of enemies. you can spawn on A cap, kill 1 enemy squad there, cap A and then you need to go to B or C cap to find enemies or wait couple of minutes till someone decides to cap A again. running from default spawn or rally point was never the problem. it was running between caps and searching enemies to fight that sucked (there are only few good conquest maps currently in game).

you are basically magnifying the problematic part of splitting the enemy across even more cap points on even bigger map, so if you are surviving you are forced to run around and search for enemy. if you die you can easily find new fight.

biggest advantage of invasion/confrontation is that it is funneling all players to one central location so you can easily fight. opposite is true with conquest.

Great idea, being able to spawn on captured zones in particular would be a great change. That would keep the fighting intense.

spawning on captured zones is problematic in itself. it gives big advantage to those who first capture it giving instant reinforcement on the point.
can you spawn while it is contested? or when it is partially captured? cause you could easily just spam it till you clear cap point from enemies.

and if you cant spawn while it is contested or partially captured you give away biggest advantage of this game mode and you are still forced to have rally points for quick spawn to those points.

If I remember correctly from BF series, as long as the objective is at least 51% contested by your team, you can spawn there and help capture.

Maybe the maps indeed don’t need to be as big as in my concepts, but current ones are incredibly small:
I tried using my truck to flank on HG strasse and I just got blown up on both flanks (Tiergarten or ministry garden) because you’re always seen.

Ok Gastano don’t close this thread immediately pls

I just really want to fight near the Brandenburg gates, such an unused location in the game

Would be cool to have something like this as a new conquest map, using the Reichstag and the Gates, if Conquest Large is a no-go.
