Please fix paratroopers flying to the back of the map

Instead of where actually I put the marker


I’ve never had my paratroopers drop anywhere except where I told them to drop

Can’t say I use them a lot, but I haven’t had this happen to me.

Did your plane collide with another?
Guess you would of said that but

Was playing USSR, and decide to spawn paras first go, as did some one else
spawn in plane, 2 secs Bang!, kill feed comes up, that i4i killed a team mate and he has those X as what kill him next to his name, next thing it ejects me after impact, and had to walk a bloody long way from edge of map.
But no never landed anywhere that i hadn’t marked, pin point roof drops pretty well.

Well as you can see I’ve had at least 2 instances recently where my paras drop in the back corner of the map, 400-500m away from the objective.

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did your plane get shot down by enemy ? When the plane is destroyed the paratroopers have to jump earlier, that might be the reason.

No, that was the beginning of the match, 1000 points stilll on top

That’s the weird part

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woah, ok this one is definitely strange, I don’t play para often so I cannot relate but this seems to be a bug indeed. You should do a bug report for it.