Confrontation win conditions still don't make sense

  • We captured every objective but the last one (was contested at the end of the game)
  • Both teams have 0 tickets left
  • Both teams have some players alive
  • We lost??

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Killing squads make lose tickets … but this mode need to have SHOWN REMAINING TICKETS not this stupid bar who doesnt make sense … the same cap a point should show how many tickets a cashed back.

you lost because they had the most presence on final cap when both teams were out of tickets. your last 2 players (Plane and tank) cant do anything

Taking objectives only matters to give you more tickets, if you burn them all doing it, it doesn’t help you.


You lost because they take the final cap and kill all of you in the last man standing between the two team

But they didn’t take the point, it was still contested

We still had the genius 3-2 plane alive though

Probably this is it.

But still, this “push, capture and still lose at 0-0” gameplay is counter-intuitive and super weird.

For confrontation whoever have even 1% of capture progression is the cap owner wen both side end the reinforcements and the end game countdown start

tanker lost the game. nothing special

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Only two players (with 1-1 soldiers) were alive at the end of the game, Roman070209 was capping the point, xX-LoneWolf-Xx was in a plane, that’s why only one timer was counting, because the cap point wasn’t contested.

I was literally with my crew at the last objective in the end.

Ok, I see, still to me feels absolutely counter-intuitive to push all the map and still lose.

This “confrontation” gamemode didn’t need to be reinvented, it worked absolutely fine as “frontlines” in BF1/V – basically whichever team had controlled the most of the map for the majority of the time won.

You have to be one who is controlling (is actually on objective) last when reserves for both are depleted. It’s that simple. The team who’s controlling objective will not have “countdown”.

Btw. On confrontation it doesn’t matter how many objectives did you claimed if you did it too unefficiently.

Your team basically doesn’t know how this mode work and that’s why you lost. That’s all.

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people got used to rush strategy which works fine for every single gamemode except for confrontation.
I think the problem is that gamemodes are no different from each other in terms of strategy to play.
I love concept of confrontation, it should be more like BF1 frontlines. I think devs didn’t use the full potential of this gamemode concept and made it into another meatgrindy mess


Two infantry squads versus a plane and a tank. It’s no wonder you lost. Even so realistic.

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