⭐ About the new progression and matchmaking

In this devblog series we will share with you the upcoming major changes in our game. We’ll be talking about the new progression system, updated mechanics for creating sessions and other improvements that address issues discovered during the open beta stage of Enlisted. We’re moving toward release — and making sure Enlisted is at its best when we get there.


In the updated Enlisted, we’ll move away from linear progression to a research tree format. You’ll be able to choose which weapon or vehicle you want to unlock first — or skip entire branches if you simply don’t need any of them!

It’s also a much clearer development format that will make it easier for us to add more intermediary gear into the game.


In the updated Enlisted, you upgrade one country once and for all. The need to start the progress of an already familiar nation anew in each new campaign will be over.

Many commanders will discover new theaters of war which they may have previously avoided, due to the prospect of long development from scratch.

A further improvement follows on from this one, which is no less significant.

In the updated Enlisted, all campaigns and their hundreds of missions will be combined into one huge pool. At the touch of the “To Battle” button, the matchmaking engine with advanced rules will create a battle for you, with a location fitting with the selected country.

Meanwhile, new campaigns will keep appearing in Enlisted. With their release we will launch in-game events, where you’ll have the opportunity to try these new items, units and weapons in detail, receive unique rewards for participation and unlock special achievements. After a while, these new missions and content will enter the general pool of battles as well as the research trees of the related countries.


But do these changes mean that for most Enlisted locations, the timeline of weapons and equipment available to them will expand?

Indeed. In some cases, there may be more deviations from historical accuracy than what we currently have in the game. We believe the advantages of the updated Enlisted outweigh the abandonment of complete accuracy, but we want to hear your opinion as well. In addition, to balance out this aspect - which may be a disadvantage for some players, we are implementing a few more features.

In the updated Enlisted, missions will still be linked to specific countries. If you queue up as the Soviet Union, you will only see Moscow, Berlin or Stalingrad. Even the soldiers’ uniforms will automatically change to match the historical location and period of the battle, customization mechanics will be improved too, so that you can customize the soldiers’ appearance for each historical period separately.


In the new environment of combining campaigns and armies, matchmaking will learn to divide World War II weapons into several stages of development. Depending on the equipment of your soldiers, they will be assigned a conditional rating, and in the first stages of matchmaking where the engine is selecting participants for battle, it will try to assemble a session of participants close to each other in terms of rating.

If there are enough players in the queue willing to enter a battle with weapons/machines close in level of development, the battle will be initiated by taking into account the rating of its participants. If the waiting time is too long, the matchmaker will assemble a classic session without taking ratings into account.

Enlisted newcomers will be able to get used to the game in much more comfortable conditions, while experienced commanders will be able to measure their strength against worthy opponents.


Fans of purely historical battles will not be neglected — we will keep the Custom Matches mode with the ability to create battles with unique settings and even expand its functionality by selecting specific campaigns and the list of allowed weapons (as you requested).


To begin with, there will be no wipe. You will keep everything you’ve earned during your glorious exploits in the old version of Enlisted.

All the weapons, squads, soldiers and vehicles you’ve earned and unlocked, complete with all your upgrades will carry over into the new campaign and be combined within your country.

At the same time, the importance of campaign progression in the current system remains very high, because each campaign has unique content, which will then merge into one unified army. We suggest you continue leveling campaigns in the current version of Enlisted, so that after the changes you will have access to all of the unique weapons and vehicles.


These are just the main directions Enlisted will soon be heading in, and we’ve only covered them briefly. There will be another devblog in which we’ll tell you about squad progression in-depth, the replacement of the complicated order system with a simple currency, as well as often requested features like rewarding players for joining a random side in battle, and much, much more.

Until then, take another look at these plans, then at the recently published roadmap, and share them with your friends. We’d appreciate you sharing this major news with old, current and future Enlisted players, let’s make Enlisted the best it can be.

Lastly, ask us whatever you like in the comments — the third new devblog about the new meta will focus on answering your questions.

Enlisted is moving forward!


Thats insane!
But how squad progression would be working?
Can new players start Berlin with mp3008 and kriegsmodell, or they are must start with Moscow?
Can we have wipe option to choose with exchange to orders and boosters?


no please god… don’t sacrifice accuracy for matchmaking purposes… don’t kil he game, stay stick witwhaou promised, accuracy must remain a priority

You also have the opptunity to take the slice of of the HLL players are leaving the gamon’t waste it


t50, Fedorov, F2, MKb in Moscow are already in the game


yes and that’s already bad enough, I don’t want things to get worse


You have one army of one country. You just play battles and unlock more and more powerful and modern weapons. It’s a pretty classic progression format that you’ve seen in a lot of games.


Yeah, but that’s still better than Tigers and IS-2s, right?


So, we need to research mp3008 after researching MKb?
And kriegsmodell after gewehr 43?


Yup. You unlock em one by one but I think its power based not campaign timeline based


Just GOAT…Keo…G.O.A.T…


That is why the new matchmaking will try to collect enemies with similar weapons and vehicles for you. It is a desire for accuracy and authenticity.



Will there be some kind of system preventing players from using certain weapons and vehicles on particular maps? Some smaller or bigger inaccuracies like we had until now were at least kind of acceptable. But if it comes to Tiger II and IS-2 fighting each other at the outskirts of Moscow then it really misses the point of creating historical battles at all.


It looks very Cuisine Royale


Great news

Hopefully will make the game more fun for everyone.

A horizontal grind wouldn’t work ever.


With the Pacific I’m mostly fine with them having it cover the entire period from beginning to end because at a certain point it wouldn’t be optimal to have 50 different Pacifics (I’m exaggerating but you get the idea). After that I thought it would be good if they have a little leeway with new campaigns, but I’m not entirely sure I like this new change.

I’m excited to see how it will turn out anyway and we’ll just have to see where it goes from here. I’m sure they can definitely tweak, change, etc it going forward

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Where pps42 then? It is definitely weaker, than ppd40.

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So do players who have already fully honed in on the same nation in multiple campaigns get ORDS or some other form of compensation? I finished grinding the Soviet Army in Berlin and am now grinding Moscow, will the amount of time I spent unlocking what I already have (Federov and AVS36) be reasonably compensated for if the new mechanics are implemented?

Also, nice new matchmaking mechanic, keep up the good work

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We will expand the possibilities of custom battles. You can set restrictions on weapons and equipment in them.

In normal battles, the battlefield under your feet may be appropriate for the country, but will not necessarily match the weapons of the parties. This is a fair price for the improved balance, excellent filling of battles with players.


its nice to see that the devs have listened to the community about reworking progression! Very excited about this update. Just a quick question, what’s going to happen with the stalingrad campaign pass? Is the xp bonus gone?

i am EXTREMELY optimistic about Enlisted in the future.

Good work Darkflow!