Of course!
I celebrate my wallet staying fat, and safe!
Of course!
I celebrate my wallet staying fat, and safe!
Don’t get me wrong, i love katanas and copypasted tommys, but Japan needs some love, not 1 soldier…
that’s all?? you’re not giving out more portraits with the battle pass? I miss old BP system
i think pretty much what has been discussed or covered with/by keo went down the drain ( with him if i have to land a wild guess ).
something About dark dark dark black guns that gets me .ppsh just looks dope
Well I don’t think he meant “I plan this”.
Most likely this was the info from the devs?
Also damn… Almost 2 years ago and this feels like a different reality
We will expand the possibilities of custom battles. You can set restrictions on weapons and equipment in them
It is a desire for accuracy and authenticity.
Also damn… Almost 2 years ago and this feels like a different reality
it really does.
Most likely this was the info from the devs?
but… is that really case?
i can’t honestly count what promised and was delivered.
most certainly not the decals, nor the br equipment selector, nor the camouflages, nor the inventory system and the list actually goes on.
speaking of decals,
you’re telling me adding a bunch of png.s was such a difficult thing to do?
scratch that. it’s not even about adding what’s already there:
these are the decals from the game resourches.
the same decal that are present in war thunder.
yet, despite being in the game, roundels and what not have yet to be introduced in the base customization.
i don’t even know what to call it.
i don’t know.
i’ll keep my own opinions for my self.
but it’s not a good look if you ask me.
i suppose A.M took the priority.
anyway, i outstayed my welcome.
So, then gold order vehicles are death as a concept?
RIP are freedom
We want content! Finland / Italy / Britain / France as own faction … the game seems more and more boring in this days.
I mean, since gold orders themselves are already dead…
Now beginners won’t be able to have cool weapon for their br and faction
Unless you can pick maps, picking vehicle skins is worthless.
Naaah everything is awesome, i really miss that Campaign System Freedom and in future i miss that Gold Order Freedom but hey Future is now. Everything is awesomeeeee
Give them some credit, under the old system the 100 free gold was once in a (long) season, so you’d get it once every 3+ months. Now it’s 50 free gold once every (short) season, so in a similar amount of time it’s 150 free gold, actually more than before.
yes, but the battlepass wasn’t always 3 months long, it used to be shorter
The rate of F2P gold still went from 100/season to 50/season, and the price of the BP hasn’t changed
Yes the logic is we were paying 900 golds for the choices of 4 weapons, 4 soldiers and 4 vehicles so because they reduce the content the price should have drop right???
so no gun info till tomorrow?
man oh well i will wait and see then
Other thing is any Mod digest is plan to release soon because the last one was in march
I want to see Appearance orders in these cyclic tasks.