Nice and all that but still no standard army decals?
Pretty cool. But I’ve never seen anyone ask for something like that. Unlike changeable camouflage for premium vehicles and APCs, or classic decals like the star for American tanks, the cross for Germans, etc…
Cross/star decals and random turret numbers on tanks?
That’s literally bare minimum for any WW2 game.
Also adaptive camo by default? Dark yellow for Tunisia and white for Moscow?
Actually, none of this will matter anyway because the Devs are still actively destroying their Stalingrad by Tiger 2s and RPDs.
So when are we getting the Balkenkreuz, the Red Star, and the Invasion Star?
Can we get better tank death animations? The turret could go flying and wheels/sideskirts should come off.
Wow! Thanks a lot for info. That made my day so much better.
Great, but isn’t there anything else you can improve? Like gameplay stuff?
Very nice details, but I don’t think that it’s important since tank v tank combat takes places in fairly large distances so players can’t see these tiny details.
Checking your own tank for damage is also pointless since tank crew has X-ray vision with wrench in hand.
It would also be nice if they added camouflages for event vehicles
That would be so nice. I have been wanting it since day 1
Also adaptive camo is really needed.
Yellow tanks in Moscow are weird.
I hope the decals become the new default look and are simply “WW2”
Not “alt history prototype unique and brave purple hair snowflake” WW2
Its all fun and games until the Germans write censored X-terminator on their tank.
Honorable mention:
Japanese custom tanks
Looks nice, i like graphicy
Would love for other improvements though
- choosing shell types and numbers carried (like warthunder)
- same for planes. Loadouts (warthunder)
- adaptive camo (again, warthunder)
- premium vehicle camo
- warthunder has really large muzzle blast and smoke for tanks. Looks sweet
- working hull gunners
- option to spawn on another player as a hull gunner/plane tail gunner
Yay! Great! We are getting WT-quality hit marks, love it
Just one detail that is concerning - does this vehicle really have such thick armor that 50mm or 75mm cannon shells cannot penetrate it? Seems like it, judging by these marks here
it probably something less than 50mm i think no way the armor that thick
Maybe not totally random - it would be perfect if there was a pool of numbers to be placed on every tank in the battle, and every number was used randomly, but only once on each tank used in a single battle. That would be almost unnoticable but mighty awesome if some dev coded it that way.
Great changes. The game is looking more beautiful with each passing day. But it would be even better if you guys can focus upon the movement in general. I remember a trailer from closed beta or something where the soldiers were sprinting much more realistically. Plus the items present on their body were also shaking as they moved. These little details enhance the aesthetic appeal of the game to a significant extent. This is a change which I would like to see as we approach the Steam release.