Once again about unacceptably poor tank visuals in Enlisted

What are the most basic requirements to tank visuals in a WW2 game?

A. Basic faction insignia
German tanks must have Balkenkreuz, American tanks must have white stars (Soviet tanks must not have red stars - those were mostly for parades).
And no they must not be sold for gold. They must be pre-rendered on all skins with fixed sizes and positions according to army regulations of the time, e.g.:


B. Basic color change according to the biome
Any and all Pz III must be dark yellow in Tunisia; grey/white in Moscow, Rzhev and Stalingrad; dark green/ambush in Normandy, Ardennes and Berlin.
These must work exactly like soldiers’ automatic clothing change, and any additionally purchased/unlocked colorway must only be applicable within the appropriate biome preset.
And no they must not be sold for gold.


C. Basic random turret numbers
Simple randomized turren numbers must be added to add life to generic looking tanks.
For example a German tank numbered 243 would mean 2nd company, 4th platoon, 3rd vehicle.
And no they must not be sold for gold.


D. More like wishful thinking – but Darkflow, different engines and cannons really need to have different sounds.

These are some things that games from early 2000s such as BF 1942 or CoD had.



Yet we don’t have this in Enlisted after 4-5 years of development?

I started making these suggestions back in 2021:

Our lord and savior Keofox said “planned” 165 days ago but that’s all we’ve had

It’s time we saw such basic features of a WW2 game already.


For vehicles, they should let us change the skin of tank by battle campaign in matchmaked battle just for camo purpose

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Update thoughts:

  • Standard faction insignia should be free.

  • Turret numbers randomisation should be activated by default in each match so that two Panthers parked next to each other are not both No.243.

  • Tank camo should cost appearance orders like soldiers or be unlocked with gameplay. Selling it for gold is insanely greedy.

  • The camos which people have bought should be reimbursed, and if bought again would only be available for the appropriate biome preset (e.g. no snow white IS-2 in Berlin).

  • There should be a “disable custom decals and decorators display” option added like in WT, WoT or BF, so that players aren’t forced to look at others’ fruits of imagination IF decals and decorators placement is unregulated as it is now.

  • Yes, this means an overdo of the entire vehicle customisation system but DF built a nonfunctional one to begin with.

  • @MajorMcDonalds this should be on the roadmap. The fact that vehicles customisation is this bad and not mentioned in plans is shocking.


What insignia did the Soviets use if it wasn’t the red star?

Ranging from nothing at all


To operational unit markings


To war slogans, famous persons or donators’ names

If Darkflow really cared, there’s a whole website dedicated to Soviet WW2 tank insignia (G-translate it if needed)




This is the only thing in this list I actually care about. Attention to sound design is peak game development

FOR REAL its so immersion-breaking