New Enlisted matchmaking system

Yes, if you take T-34-85 and Fedorov / AS-44 / PPSh-41.

there is lot of unknown about new MM. considering what they said my guess is that we will have relative BR MM depending on players in queue. so it depends on time of day/server/crossplay/loadouts of players in queue.

so you could theoretically end up playing against pz2 with t-34-85

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Missing players will be replaced by bots. Panzer II vs T-34-85 is too big difference.

source? cause from all information i have read, they havent included any hard MM limit.

Source is that new system is supposed to reduce current differences - Panthers + Tigers vs army of Stuarts. In current version of the game a team with not enough number of players is filled with bots.

In all information you have read there is at least one that a new system will be a system without the bot-players ?

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this is what was announced.

so pz2c vs t-34-85 is still possible.

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If it’s like that in the future, then what’s the point of having low level tanks, if as a high level player you’re only going to end up with high level tanks? You also lose somewhere a historical reality, because Tiger 2s or IS-2s were not common during the war. Developers would then do better to keep the current system which mixes old and new players. When I see a Tiger 1 or Tiger 2 in Berlin, I strongly tell myself that I have reached this level to have these monsters. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :thinking:

A Panzer II will never face a T34-85 because they are not from the same era.

Quick answer: no.

Eventually, after the war thunder patch is well implemented and players got used to it, everyone will minmax their lineup for maximum efficiency at a set br. So you’ll face the same vehicles often, at the br you are at.

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This is a reason to keep the current matchmaking system where the diversity of tanks and players is for me a good thing for the historical context.

Diversity in that respect is great and all. But would you be the guy volunteering his leisure time to be fodder for a tiger in your stuart? :stuck_out_tongue:

I view it as every vehicle has its roles to play and when you get blown up welp that’s just a war game for ya. If I’m a Stuart I’m gonna do my job, and the Tiger is gonna do his.

Plus I prefer the variety as we have now. I think things would be stale if everything had to be a direct 1 to 1. I like how throughout a whole match I see a Puma, Panzers, Panthers, and Tigers.

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Yes, I do!

But I’m a bit on the crazy side so… I get that others don’t. But I rock the Chaffee and love it!

If there’s a big cat, I just avoid… Then when I explode, I go around on foot.

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I do to, but not to be fodder…to get the shame kill!!

But veterans dont count!!!

Will still be taking pumas and such up tier :stuck_out_tongue:

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There will still be BR spread, so that bunch is likely still to be together

Precisely. It’s the same as what we discussed earlier. I understand why others might not want to, by always putting myself in the shoes of a newcomer.

Aaagh, when will we know about those important details! :laughing:

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I completely agree with you. the current system is very good. I also like variety in a game. See Panthers, Tiger 1, T34, SU85… Even if your tank has no chance for example against a Tiger 1, it forces you to go around it on the side or rear parts of the tank. A game that I had done in Moscow where I had my Panzer II, I had bypassed a Soviet T28 and I destroyed it. This is the pleasure of the diversity of the parts. :yum: :wink:


Personally I wouldn’t mind. Assuming that said tiger isn’t spammed and won’t spawn again after 10s.
Imo facing stronger oponents from time to time is fine (quality vs quantity kind of thing).

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Yeah, id have other measures to ensure that though, like one heavy tank at any one time etc etc

I know youve heard me say it a few times so.i wont write it all again.

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Okay, as you say, otherwise increase the tank respawn time. Always seeing the same type of tank in a game because you’re high level will annoy me.