New Enlisted matchmaking system

Yeah, id have other measures to ensure that though, like one heavy tank at any one time etc etc

I know youve heard me say it a few times so.i wont write it all again.

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Okay, as you say, otherwise increase the tank respawn time. Always seeing the same type of tank in a game because you’re high level will annoy me.

I’ve been suggesting similar things but many ppl don’t like to be limited this way. (I can’t tell if it’s majority or minority.) And they have good reasons for it.

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and that is relevant how? it all depends on number of players in queue. if there are not enough players in your BR, it will match with whatever is available in queue.

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I really hope this new matchmaking doesn’t ruin my gaming experience and that of players who find the current system works well. I hope we will keep this diversity through the new matchmaking. Otherwise I hope they will correct the problems related to this. :slightly_smiling_face: :expressionless:

i hope new br still gonna keep bot so that way it wont take like 5 min to load a one sided match in high br since some side wont have player as far as i know

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