Historical/simulator battle for Enlisted

Since before the merge and especially after the merge, the experimental weapon and ahistorical vehicles has been popping up on the battlefield. For example before the merge, we have MKb 42H, Fedorov, Panzer IV F2 on Moscow or RD-44, AS-44 on Berlin. And now after the merge, Panzer IV J is seemingly everywhere and all sort of late war equipment (FG42, Tiger II H, IS-2, etc) is roaming around Stalingrad. Not to mention all the prototype gold order weapons.

I know Enlisted is merely a game with WWII-themed game but I’d like to see a mode where the participant from both side can only equip the equipment that were used during certain campaign regardless of their BR (So that PPSh-41 can play on Stalingrad without facing the Tiger II H and StG-44. This probably will only work in an event setting to commemorate certain battle or operation or in custom matches.

I also remember that they said about expanding the custom matches functionality so that we can choose particular campaign with the list of allowed equipment. Where is this functionality?


Personally my historical standards are just that whenever something was made is when it should see service. I don’t have a problem with prototypes or anything, I just care that at least chronologically everything lines up for a given battle


I get where your coming from…but too many people have br4 and above squads in their squad deck so they wont get to play those other maps as its more enjoyable to play with br5 squads and weapons. Just look at Tunisia/Moscow campaign maps it is hardly played now because majority of people have br4-5 squads. Since Merge i have yet to play a Moscow or Tunisia map because it simply doesn’t come up, even when i put in Tunisian campaign tank squads it simply wont accept my other squads.

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I would say don’t people mess around with their squads and change up their gear every once in a while?

I say they should just have no map BR. You could have a BR 5 battle on Moscow and Tunisia or a B1 battle on D Day and Berlin

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@GiltBurrito7238 Sometimes its too much trouble to start from scratch on squads having to upgrade a squad again from nothing its very time consuming and you earn less XP because while doing so because you have less men and missing engineers and radio men which earn you the most xp. During events you want to earn the most XP to get the Event rewards in time.

I mentioned in another that BR could be done off of when the gear was applied, and the maps can be chosen as fronts between two factions. This could’ve been much better than current merge.

Because time, money and grind.

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well MKb and Pz IV F2 were never in Moscow historically so my point still stand


Not really. Trying to make the game historical when it wasn’t is not logical, especially if it appeases three people.
Even in a separate mode, because we will surely know where the Soviet fanboys usually hang around.

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This probably will only work in an event setting to commemorate certain battle or operation or in custom matches.

That’s why I’m asking for it to be as a custom matches functionality or as an event.


A special historical mode with historical loadout?

Yes, please.

I have some buddies working on an elaborate suggestion with such idea. Stay tuned.


I’m interested. Do let me know about this.


I think a purely 101% historical mode would be interesting.

I just think the sandbox chaos or default version we have now is fine, if it was just given a little historical touch



as much i can get behind that.

there are many issues with it.

like, there are a bunch of people that likes HA but with their squad ( ultimately, not too much HA ) and then there’s the second type that they all want HA, but their own kind.

and it’s really impossible to get what they want because you’ll reach points of where it’s either too historical, or not historical enough.

that’s why there isn’t a simple " game ".

for experience, as i made my HA ( albe it, pves )

blood and rose:

less HA with players profile reached 162 plays. despite 200 people clicked on it,

more ha ( my battle of foy ):


131 people saw it, only 6 people played it ( which, 2 of those were mine for testing )


stands correct.
there isn’t a huge request.

i guess you could however, go in one of those HA clans and fight each other… or whatever they do.

but with randoms, it’s next to impossible.

with enough hopium, ( and equipment selector that was hintend but no where to be found ) you would theoretically be able to limit equipment based on… host preferences.

but that still makes a minority.

so… the effort should be spended to allow mods and other factors such as the equipment selector for custom games.

p.s. yes. looking at two mods doesn’t tell the whole picture.
and… unfortunately, i don’t really have much time to make more mods.

i’m trying, but i somewhat moved elsewhere.
trying to make a police mod and something that… unironically, i don’t think anyone wants. but it will be innovative to the least.


That would surely be fun. However, at the very least, it should be designed in such a way that silver cannot be obtained.
We must avoid that the farmers abuse Chi-ha and Ha-go with shamans to earn silver.

i mean sometime i do want to play enlisted using the historical loadout but wouldnt this make Japan the punching bag of enlisted? (not that they arent already without player helping them)


That’s why I personally think a “historical” BR overhaul similar to my ideas would be fine for the whole game. The vast majority of the playerbase will always go for the main default experience and customs will never be as filled. Which is why I simply think we should change the main default experience.

Or at least make it a separate mode.

Regardless I’m an optimist and always like to believe hopefully eventually one day…I love and fun with the game now anyway. Its just a pipe dream

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that’s telling though.

and… if barely enough people fills custom to play HA,

how do you expect the majority to suddendly shift for your HA br?

you’d be playing somewhat of a pve 24/7

For what its worth when I play Japan my loadouts are all basically historical in that I use 99% bolt actions. Maybe at best I’ll use one or few semi autos.

Heck, whenever playing as any faction except America I use mostly bolt actions. Of coarse I do use more semi autos for Germany and the Soviets than I would with Japan because they certainly used them a whole lot more

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