Historical/simulator battle for Enlisted

They did indeed promise better modding tools.

Meanwhile, you could gather all 5 people whos asking for HA, and setup a custom game where all use the weapons of said timeline.

I view that it would basically make the game as intense and chaotic as BR 5 matches. Donā€™t get me wrong Iā€™ve certainly had good matches in earlier BRs, but I find that the absolutely most intense matches are BR 5. Plus I think those are the most filled matches as well. Theyā€™re the only time I reliably see so many vehicles, planes, even people actually building AT and AA guns. It is the game at its fullest potential

I simply believe everyone would adapt and it wouldnā€™t be so bad.

Not to mention that there may be changes and features added to the game that would benefit the game overall as well as making such a historical restructuring not seem terrifying. For example, Iā€™ve always felt objectives are too small. Well if we played on the whole playable map with larger objectives then your PPSh in 1941 canā€™t capture the flag when that one building is just one part of the whole objective youā€™re fighting over.

But I hear you when you say that there may be players who canā€™t adapt. Which is why I say the devs should at least test a historical mode. Itā€™s a long march of trial and error. Like I said its a pipe dream




Thereā€™s not a huge incentive to play customs, they donā€™t end in a reasonable time and there isnā€™t much balancing or gain experience wise or silver wise.
If it was an official mode itā€™d probably be the only one Iā€™d play but I almost never play customs cuz theyā€™re very restricting on console.

Custom games are actually very popular, but ONLY when there isnā€™t some kind of ā€˜eventā€™ for people to grind in squads mode.
Not long ago my friends and I would play Winter War most evenings, and sometimes Iā€™d host France Urban and wait until player numbers slowly increased to 25 per team (usually took an hour for things to really takeoff).
Currently I realise thereā€™s little point in hosting any custom maps until the events have finished - which is gonna be a long wait.

Also most of people come to customs to try something different from the base game. Usually fast paced gungames and zombie maps get the most attention

in mods, you are currently able to set preset squads and equipment (ie dont use your loadout, but the game gives you what to use, predetermined by the mod maker).

HA is ok as long as their main faction has best weapons and they can equip meta weapons on all soldiers. i really dont know why majority of people that want HA are soviet mainsā€¦

itā€™s a " battle " of opinions.

but i donā€™t believe there are many allied mains in this thread.
anyway, in the end undeniably, HA does favor one faction over the other.

personally, i wouldnā€™t mind playing with just ba against ppshes and what not.

itā€™s sort of how i grinded berlin when it was a campaign.

full volkssturm HA. but i wouldnā€™t really reccomend it to anyone as itā€™s not a playstyle for everyone.

andā€¦ iā€™m more of the opinion that HA can only work through PVEs.
but i digress.

iā€™m just not sure how many people are actually interested in HA to even justify a whole matchmaker like some believes in this thread.

itā€™s pure idiocy to expect anything outside customs matches and / or from the editor it self.

whichā€¦ we still need those frikkin selector of equipment and various fixes / additions to the editor it self and custom games.

Personally, when I bought access to the closed beta, I bought it because of historical accuracy and realism. Currently, we do not have historical accuracy and realism has become secondary to the arcade game. I liked the fact that the game was itself, it wasnā€™t a simulator, but it wasnā€™t BF either. She was something between HLL and BF.

All changes were mostly forced by players who did not pay for access to the closed beta.

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hey - how do we do that ? I had no idea that was possible, and havenā€™t seen anything in the editor. Do I have to manually edit a file, or is it hidden somewhere in the editor ?

I think it is entities.blk stuff. Im not familiar with it so you gotta ask someone else

Thereā€™s a guide on how to set one up (its not simple), I do wish for Darkflow to just release a document for each map that I can just edit ā€¦ as that would allow a 3rd party tool to be created to modify it easily. But its basically just repurposing the custom files for the old Even Fight events (which with the tech trees ā€¦ I would like to see another one, so we have more up to date custom profiles to use).

Custom Profiles - Another look (Guide) - Game Mods - Enlisted

ah cool thanks !
Just been playing on my new Tunisia map - took ages to finish - and wasnā€™t helped by the fact that my ā€˜stalkerā€™ turned up to try to ruin the game.
He failed.
But I can guarantee heā€™s bragging to his mates how he shot me twiceā€¦
and wonā€™t mention how nothing he tried actually made any difference to the eventual outcome.

Heā€™s ā€˜Raccoonlordā€™ - some annoying backstabbing kid who used to be in my milsim group. Nasty little bugger with no life.

Itā€™s a shame Tunisia isnā€™t as popular as France Urban. Iā€™m getting a bit bored of the ā€˜Omerā€™ map, and Tunisia is a beautiful (and much larger) map.

I say just make the queues as 1 by itself being the time period of from 1941 to 1942. 2-3 being from 42-late 43 and then 4-5 be 44-45. Just uptier the vulksturm weapons to 4 and then have 1 strictly as early bolt actions and low capacity smgā€™s. And then all weapons that are currently on 4-5 that existed during the early phase of the war get knocked down to 3. This should make it that way Moscow will be in 1 with the pacific.Stalingrad and Tunisia can be 2-3 and even Leningrad being in 1 and then 2-3 if they add it into the game. With the 4-5 queue they can also add bagration and Aachen maps alongside Normandy and Berlin.

I would like to see another one, so we have more up to date custom profiles to use

What do you mean by up to date? The sample profile file is the most up to date you can get.

The custom profile file is a seperate JSON file that contains squad data.

Itā€™s not easy to edit, you can mess it up very easily.

Also, due to the merge, most event profiles are broken, there is like one or maybe two that works with the latest version of Enlisted.

About that loadout selector, it doesnā€™t surprise me that itā€™s wasnā€™t added yet. If i think about it, itā€™s a pretty complex thing to addā€¦ and distortion effects, and poses are more important i guess.