Simulator gamemode

DISCLAIMER: This is my personal opinion but I’m sure there are others out there who think similarly.
I would be happy if the Enlsited developers so much as see and consider this idea. I’m not asking for any immediate changes to the game:

This game is fantastic, BUT I would love to see this game embrace a more strategic, teamwork based approach in the future, or atleast a game mode as such.

In simple words - there’s too much info given to the player by default to make this game a true simulator (not saying that this was their goal anyways because I don’t know what the community really wants).
Fot starters adding a new “test” gamemode would be good to see what the community thinks.
Features to be changed / added in a new “simulator” gamemode:

  1. no hitmarkers / hints;
  2. no player / vehicle indicators of any kind, even if friendly;
  3. a static map (meaning you to must figure out your location and points on the map on your own);
  4. placing info markers (the red triangles) would be done by marking them on your map. You could use diffent symbols for marking different things too;
  5. friendly fire is on but could be left disabled while gamemode is in development and testing.
  6. microphone comunication + proximity voice chat. Perhaps comunication farther than like 100m could be done by field telephones set up by signallers (a new soildier class).
  7. Signallers - sodliers who can set up field telephones, shoot signal flares and use signal lamps.

(by the way I have ideas on how to deal with team killing)

Features 1. through 5. alone would be great and would practically be enough until further development. 6. and 7. would be great future additions.

If it were up to me, this is what Enlsited would be by default, but that’s besides the point. An arcade mode would still be good for new players to get used to the concept.

If this gamemode gets so much as a shed of light by the comunity and developers that’d be awesome!


well, hello there.

what you are looking for, is somewhat already a thing and can be played in custom matches.

usually those missions/map with hardcore settings.

has most of your points ( 1, 2 3, somewhat 4, and 5 )


microphone is a thing, but only for players in your squads.
and to this day, they haven’t released simple chats in the lobby, and others.

the signalers it would kinda require a lot of effort for something that not many play or would use in any situations.

after all, teamwork isn’t widely widespread in enlisted basic matches.
and individualism often rewards more than having to relay on others.

but, as a biggest proponent of HA and hardcore milsim my self ( albe it, i make PVEs ), enlisted simply ain’t the game for it. the community is for the most part, made by casuals and are fine with the current arcady settings.

what you are looking for though, can only be achieved through
custom made missions:

or through HA communities over the official discord:

aka, you can make it your self ( somewhat ) or find others that already do host such activities and what not.

as explained by the general community, it is very unlikely that it will ever be an actual official gamemode due to there not being an interest by most people to begin with.

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Ahh the custom matches! where you get 0.2x exp per game! What a great solution

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not at all


if you get to play with communities and what not, you will get xps.

which, beside custom games, you don’t have a whole lot of options i’m afraid.

Stop putting custom games as a solution to everything as if we had millions of active players in the game, normally there are always 4 or 3 full servers and you can’t even play what you want, it always depends on others, the single combatant modes are unrealistic, I don’t know what, even Fortnite is more accurate and not to mention Modern Conflict which is good but it’s a World War II game, who enters this game looking for modern things?

except it is.

it ain’t my fault if the majority of the people prefer to complain about opponents weapons and not give a damn about customs.

i, on the other hand, redirect people to customs, so that maybe someone will wake up and realize how… bare bones those are. and maybe starts asking for improvements along side those few of us that keeps making the same suggestions over and over.

( although, customs to the very least, can do many basic things. such as what op asked )

don’t i know it

well, duh.

it’s because not many people even know they exist.

according to the CM, half of the playerbase is made on console players. and console players to this day cannot host missions unless were featured in mods digest.

well, yeah. not many people run with hardcore settings.

which it’s why i suggested to go for clans / communities. some of them do.

:roll_eyes: sure thing buddy

that’s interesting that you bring that.

i have no idea either why modern mods are popular.

i guess it provides something different from the base game.

since mods are primarily played by people who ( i presume ) has ended the grind for a faction or want to try something different.

but i can tell you that historical accurate mods are not popular.
i don’t think the community actually wants HA either way.

and those who want HA, do not have a clear idea of what they wants either.

for personal experience, my type of HA is essentially “walking” simulator with precise and historical loadouts used for a specific battle. ( more ha and hardcore than hell let lose ) and some people ( rightfully so, do not like ). and when you ask what said HA proponents wants, you get all sort of answers.

and in my modding “career” i have seen and partecipated in most of those said HA mods with their own flavors and what not. most of them are nice indeed but couldn’t even reach more than 1k lunches.

except on the other hand, gun games, zombies and moderns are the most played mods.
which the community seeks more those than HA mods.

but ultimately, customs are the only place for those who seek some sort of similar playstyle.
in op case, hardcore offers what he desires.

so, the custom answer pretty much is the only definitive answer beside " do it your self " through mods.

which mods can achieve on doing more sphisticated things like ammo trucks, custom vehicles, custom profiles with historical loadouts etc.

but they are not popular.
end of story.

and expecting developers to provide a matchmaker for a dedicated gamemode ain’t gonna bring any more popularity to it.

matter of fact, i hardly think it would top off 1000 players.

and trust me. in 4 years of similar suggestions, i can tell you it ain’t coming any time soon.

we were supposed to get improvements for custom games and the editor featuring more HA stuff.

after all, that’s where developers wants people like us to go.

( yet they failed to deliver on their own promises. so you can pretty much put 1 to 1 and figure the rest out )