Japan just needs any new content

Hello comrades!

I recently reached BRV for Japan and noticed that the faction feels so… “light”. There are big holes compared to any other faction. I dont know much about japans experimental or late war weapons, but i think everyone agrees that japan needs new content. (and no, a recycled BR:II shotgun from the US is not “new content”)


Because this is what Japan can field, sure there are other low and high BR stuff but aren’t better than what Japan already have, sadly Japanese haven’t the same equipment pool that other factions have


maybe burma could be that new content?


You can take a look at this thread. Especially the comment at 66/74 by @Killerwolf1024. Some really nice suggestions therein.
Source: Japan Small Arms Balancing Discussion Thread - #66 by Killerwolf1024
(P.S. I am hoping we get a nice event Guerilla squad for Japan with an unique weapon.)


Uniforms: Japan Soldier Uniforms Extras
Bandanas:Japan Customization
Flamethrower Tanks: Japan Flamethrower Tanks
Machine Gun: Japan Premiun High Br Squad, Scoped Machine gun: Japan Type 96 and Type 99 Scoped
Silenced Pistol: Japan Supressed Nambu Event Pistol or Gold Order
Plane with Rockets: Once Again Rockets for Japan
Tank with Rockets: Truck or Tank Rocket Event
Bikers :Once Again Japan Motorbikes for Pacific , Jeeps New Rider class : Jeep - #5 by Naohmcete
Tanks: Japan Tank Concepts
Bombers/Atack Planes: Japan Bombers - #5 by Naohmcete (not only my post, look answers)
Ho-Ri II Premium: Ho-Ri II Premiun
Gold Order Pilot: Saburō Sakai Gold Order Soldier
Gewher Event Style: Arisaka Type 38 and Type 99 Gewher Event Style
Nambu Prototype: Type 15 Event Pisto

and here they are my posts, if you look the dude with emperor avatar from red alert, he did many good posts as well, we are trying bring lot of stuff for japan!


They need a new maps even with new weapons/tanks it would be still too boring to used them on old busted maps.


well then i guess they should add burma or something since they are so reluctant to add manchuria or i guess they could add pelulieu, okinawa and other US front i guess

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Maps are needed more than anything else


No more paper design power creep pls
Japan surely could use a ton of more aircraft types though, it’s very light on those

Otherwise game should instead focus on filling out sidegrades for mid tier things and possibly even doing more strict equipment matching

My dream is each map becomes its micro campaign and only had select weapons available for the time period and you just make a lineup for each and have to queue for everything at random

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I would love to see a “Filler” major update. No new classes or mechanics or overhauls, but instead a bunch of low and mid tier vehicles and weapons in addition to a couple new maps. Pair that with much desired BR changes for a lot of weapons and vehicles and you get an update with a lot of content despite only having to make a couple new maps due to there being so many unused weapons and vehicles sitting in the editor.


They have many options, such as the 70 mm Mortars (BR IV) and the 81 mm Mortars (BR V), but they chose not to add them and the US M1 81 mm Mortar to the American tech tree. The link lets you see their other options by going through the MGs.


Japanese-Infantry-Weapons.pdf (bulletpicker.com)

Edit: I have many pdfs of these types of documents if you would like to see more.


Not only Japan US and UK also devs must focus finishing all the 4 faction then add more stuff to USSR and Germany … and every update is more stuff to Germany and USSR… they better remove Japan and US/UK and leave only GE and USSR at this point…


Next update we just get a shot gun that copy paste yeah …


Depends on the weapon category in question, least regarding MGs they’d be fine. See:

and also

Everyone probably has the assault rifle question on their mind, but the 6.5x30 Model 2 should do fine in that regard, if .30 carbine is good enough for the US something similar will be fine for Japan.
(Lets see how many people will just copy the image again without reading the text, this is the previous interpretation of the 6.5 gun by Morio, note the mag most likely would not have had the “leg” extension and also the Type 99 style monopod is still missing in this one, still a neat image.)
Image from this tweet in which he also talks a bit about the gun (and gets corrected regarding the lacking monopod in a reply).
The second interpretation would be more accurate in my opinion (y’know the one thats been reposted everywhere).


They can also give Japan Mengjiang SIG Model 1930 :


Will be nice BR V SMG


my blessed emperor your fellow follower nammed you in this post as well


sadly lately there is no much content for Japan and don’t think there will be anytime soon I can make another post cuz i have now even better setup but I’m a bit burned out

just like your name huh? i see (get it? cause burn out, life burn? heh)

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dont give up,I told about the double barrel type 100 one year ago, I spoke about Murata and about shotguns and one is in and other is coming, have fait, we wont surrender

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I really need to buy some Muratas xD

hahah yes xD

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