Faction Subtree Mechanic Proposal

I’m all for it, though will this effect matchmaking? Does it impact anything besides just adding extra equipment? This has potential for more but must be treaded carefully.

If you have many different subfactions (except for main subfaction as it’s a filer and is supposed to fit everywhere), you would be placed only in reserve queue as you don’t fit.

And waiting time for mixed match would be probably 1min at max, probably less.
EDIT: Actually it can be made even simpler. Try to create a match with each subfaction queue (it can fail). After this try to match make reserve queue and it must succeed. So even with one sub faction stacked, you have only 50% chance to get map locked. Though at this point it’s becoming more of a placebo thing I guess.

But as I’ve said, hard to tell anything without any tests.

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The problem is simply resolved by restricting map selection exactly as its done now for the Soviets, Americans on Europe maps, and Germans and Soviets for the Pacific maps.

Put simply there were very few foreign units that fought on the German side in the ETO, most were fighting the main war in the East. So under the current map selection
Tunisia will see Italian and German troops
Normandy & Bulge will see only German troops,
Whilst all of the Soviet maps would see the full spectrum of Axis formations.

As more maps are introduced into the game, where the minor Axis or Allied powers played a role, the wait time will reduce, and the MM can pluck appropriate maps depending on who is lined up. This does mean that there is likely to be a much shorter wait time for Germans, Americans and Soviets since they will have a wider map compatibility.

The problem becomes more acute and ahistorical as we traverse the periods of the war, since we’re working on a bell curve here. However, if the devs understand this and create more content for the median of the curve, then the wait time will be less of an issue, but BR compression will become a problem for BRs II, III and IV.


With great weapons comes great gold order weapons.

KP31 made in heaven


i’m not opposed to it.

but… what would devs then put behind premium and gold orders?

unfortunately, it’s a slippery slope…

the same kind that puts mass produced tanks behind premium… or god’s knows what tube with a trigger of someone made in the basement.

They could come up with something, thats for sure. In best case scenarios, premium stuff would be simalar to ppsh41 parkenized.
Meaning, Slightly different from tech tree version, yet you still have free equivalent to it.

Same goes for firefly IC/VC. One could be premium, other free.

I don’t think premiums/GOs are any issues here.


Me and some friends came up with the same idea. And this is the best way I see about adding all these new “factions” as it were.

It wouldn’t be such a bad idea for France then. The voices are there, some of the weapons are there, all they’d need to do is add uniforms and some vehicles. Put them at low BR of course, and maybe some new maps. But all within the US tree but as a sub faction.


Bit of topic, but i waited 2mins for a game today, and when i spawn in, this is what i was greeted with.

Seems theres no diff in w8 20 secs or 2 mins, this is not cool.

edit, i just add these

so still not full team, not even with added bots when game starts

Interesting result, had to check guy in 1st place enemy team, but he clean, and was impressive to watch him in replay.

he built a AT gun and just pwned everyone, :rofl:

Yeah playing popular factions can be annoying. Faction bias clearly exists.


Those Things:







Don’t you ever underestimate human creativity there are so many things that they can add to the game.

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i always imagined implementing minor nations as subtree of main faction cause it is only solution that actually makes sense for this game. most minor nations just dont have enough weaponry to go past t3 and they wouldnt be popular enough to have standalone MM (not to mention adding complexity to MM).

but before implementing this i would like that we actually have some kind of map voting/veto mechanism so we could at least steer MM towards maps we want to play.


This is by far the best solution to the addition of subfactions. You wouldn’t have clones of legacy regular/premium squads on the wrong faction, as they’d simply be moved to their respective sub-tree (without any detriment to the ability of researching on the original faction tree), example the current UK/Italy squads on the US and Germany trees respectively. It would also allow a significant increase of variety in weapons/vehicles that would otherwise be impossible to do.

What I’d like to be added aswell, as others have mentioned, is a soft-rule of restricting sub-factions to their historical map selection and a hard-rule of uniforms, meaning, no french uniforms in the pacific.

Perfect solution, well done! One can only wish that it’ll be added in the future.


Why would you say no to French uniforms in pacific?, when they have islands in Pacific?

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I do love me some subfactions! Now do Romania and Hungary :smiley:


To my knowledge the Free French forces and the Japanese did not face each other in battle in the pacific during WW2, unlike the dutch for example. If there was I retract my statement, but my point being, there should be a hard-lock on the uniforms when fighting with the wrong sub-faction on a map where they did not fight.


They had a brief battle in Vietnam. Nothing substantial though.

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Vichy is not free France, is it? Vichy would be subfaction to Germany.


True, vichy and free france were different. I’m not sure if they should be separated because from what I understand their equipment would be identical. Neither subtree would have to rely on copy-pasted stuff due to them supplementing the main tree.

Luckily I don’t think the selection of future premium and event weapons would be degraded at all by subtrees. For example:

There are still a ton of US trial weaponry that could be explored:

1919-31 experimental rifles
Us light rifles/carbins
Rare American SMGs of WW2
America’s Prototype - and more (Make shotguns a viable weapon)

The French had a lot of trial weaponry that was produced right before the war. They also had plenty of tanks:

New Weapon Suggestions - France
Some French weapons

Finland had some interesting rare weapons of their own, but that could easily be supplemented by unique weapons from Denmark, Norway, and Sweden that may have been donated or used by volunteers during the winter war:

New Weapon Suggestions - Finland/Romania
New Weapon Suggestions - Denmark/Norway

The British commonwealth can still draw from the various field modifications and unique weaponry of their colonies, on top of all the other stuff they developed. If need be the British and Australians could share the same tree. Not to mention all the British tanks that could still be added:

New Weapon Suggestions - Commonwealth

Australia and New Zealand, due to their distance from the UK main islands had to develop a lot of their own weaponry, which is slowly being added as premiums and event stuff anyway:

Some weapons for western allies
Commonwealth of Australia (WW2) - Tank Encyclopedia

Germany still has plenty of unique modifications of captured vehicles and last-ditch weapons that have not been added:

Some more Axis weapon (Part#2)
Some more weapons for Axis

Italy has plenty of tanks and trial weaponry to look at:

Some Italian weapons
Kingdom of Italy (WW2) - Tank Encyclopedia

I think Romania, Hungary, and Bulgaria could be combined into the same subtree due to the massive lack of equipment from both Romania and Bulgaria. But that doesn't mean they don't have anything that could be a premium:

New Weapon Suggestions - Hungary
Interesting Bulgarian Weapons
New Weapon Suggestions - Finland/Romania


It’d make more sense if Free France was added rather than Vichy France as the latter played a rather insignificant role, and was later assimilated by Germany, in WW2.

As for GO weapons there’s plenty to go around and should not be an argument against this proposal nor should premium squads, which is an even easier issue to solve. They can use the same equipment but have a unique customization (which I’m not a fan of) and an added research bonus, as they already have, or go with the parkerization route.