New Weapon Suggestions - Finland/Romania

Here is a list of Finnish and Romanian guns I have found that I think could be added to the game in some capacity in the future. Please note that I am not a historian and I did light research on each weapon to provide a description.




  • M/27
    • One of the main service rifles of Finland during the Winter War.


  • M28/30
    • Also saw use in the Winter War. Some contest the M28/30 is one of the most accurate military rifles ever produced.

  • M/39
    • Rifle used during the Continuation War. Replaced both M28/30 and M/27.

Pelo 4



  • Pelo Rifle
    • Experimental semi automatic rifle developed in the 1930s in Finland by Captain Carl Pelo.



  • Sampo L41
    • Prototype Finnish light machine gun that likely saw combat in 1942. 35 total guns produced, seems to take both belt and drum magazines.


  • Kg m/1921
    • Swedish light machine gun allegedly used by Swedish volunteers and small numbers of Finnish troops during the winter war.

  • FN DKg m/4
    • Finland purchased several hundred of these light machine guns from Belgium. Allegedly used during the Continuation War.


  • Suomi Korsu
    • A suomi variant created for use in defensive positions. Approximately 1,000 were made between 1939-1941.


  • Suomi Kp-44
    • Finnish attempt to copy the PPS-42 and 43. Due to how late it was developed, it is unlikely to have seen any action during WW2.


  • Husqvarna M/37-39
    • Swedish license production of the Suomi KP-31, sold to Denmark and Norway. It is unlikely but possible that swedish volunteers used small numbers of this SMG when fighting in the Winter War.

  • Suomi M-31
    • Variant of the Suomi KP/31 produced in small numbers for Iran. These guns were never delivered.


  • Lahti L-39
    • 20mm anti-tank rifle produced and used by Finland in WW2.



  • Suomi Flame
    • Field tested in 1944 the gun was trialed by the Finnish army in small numbers but never adopted.
    • This has been posted about to death, but the flamethrower variant of the Suomi smg would be a very unique and fun gun to have in the game.


The Romanian army in WW2 relied heavily on weaponry from other nations and thus does not have many unique weapons that could be added to the game.


  • M.1879 Martini-Henry rifle
    • Used by Romanian troops in WW1.
    • Would function similar to the Berdan II in terms of gameplay.


  • ST-61
    • Romanian MG15 machineguns with water cooled barrel.


Orita 1941 late

  • Orita M1941 Late
    • Late production Orita 1941. Very little information about this gun is known.

is op so every faction would that has a tier six would love it

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Finland also received 94,500 7.35mm Carcano 91/38 Known as 7.35 kiv/38 “Terni” (7.35mm Rifle 1938 “Terni”) in Finnish Service perhaps could be a event squad weapon or event weapon



I think it would be balanced if you only got 1 or 2 in an event squad. The flamethrower itself was mentioned as not having much range (flamethrower 1) and would probably weigh down the user quite a bit, which would make the suomi itself not as useful. The gun itself though is far too cool to not include in the game imo.

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They should make some of them free unlockable. Tier 1 finnish or romanian rifleman wouldnt be so bad to see them in eastern front.
Also change names, germany to “european axis” and us to “western allies”