America’s Prototype - and more (Make shotguns a viable weapon)

America’s Prototype ‘Trench Guns’ Of World War I



posted on May 23, 2022


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“Trench Guns” Of World War I

When the United States became actively involved in the First World War during the spring of 1917, our troops deployed to France soon found themselves in the unfamiliar environment of trench warfare. Since an important component of such fighting was periodic raids on enemy trenches, guns that were capable of being effectively wielded in close confines were particularly valuable. Handguns weren’t sufficiently powerful, and the standard Model of 1903 and Model of 1917 rifles were too long, cumbersome and slow- firing to be truly effective in such situations. Clearly, another type of arm was needed, but there was some debate as to just what it should be.

When deciding on what type of trench-fighting gun would be most efficacious, some senior Army officers, including Gen. John J. Pershing, then commander of the American Expeditionary Forces, remembered their experiences in the Philippines almost two decades earlier. When the United States gained possession of the Philippines from Spain following the Spanish-American War of 1898, our troops were faced with the unpleasant task of battling several indigenous groups who had fought the Spanish for decades and looked upon the Americans as just another occupying force. Foremost among these were the fierce Moro tribesmen who exacted a deadly toll on American troops in close-quarters combat. The standardized .30-40 Krag rifles and .38 Long Colt revolvers proved to be unequal to the task, and a more effective arm was sorely needed. Circa 1900, the U.S. Army purchased some 200 of the newly introduced Winchester Model of 1897 short-barrel, slide-action shotguns for use in the ongoing “pacification” campaigns in the Philippines. These “sawed-off” shotguns proved to be devastatingly effective close-quarters guns and were instrumental in eventually helping to quell the bloody uprisings.

Prototype Remington Model 10 shotgun with No. 5 rolling-block rifle saber bayonet

Given the effectiveness of shotguns in the Philippines, it was recognized that a short-barrel, 12-ga. repeating shotgun loaded with 00 buckshot would also be a formidable tool in the trenches of France. It was decided to develop a shotgun specifically modified for trench warfare. It was logical to base the new weapon on the tried and proven M1897 shotgun, but the War Dept. stipulated that the gun must be capable of mounting a bayonet. The M1897s previously used in the Philippines were standard commercial-production, plain-barrel “riot guns,” so a method of mounting a bayonet on the proposed shotgun had to be devised. Working in conjunction with Springfield Armory, Winchester developed a metal one-piece bayonet adapter/handguard assembly. Since it would be necessary to grip the barrel to properly wield a bayonet-equipped shotgun, the assembly had a ventilated metal handguard for protection from a hot barrel. The adapter was designed for use with the M1917 bayonet as used with the M1917 rifle. The new combat shotgun was soon dubbed the “trench gun,” although this was not official nomenclature. Production contracts were given to Winchester for the new firearm.

Since it was believed the new “trench gun” would be a valuable addition to our Doughboys’ arsenal, the Ordnance Dept. solicited proposals from other manufacturers for bayonet-equipped versions of their repeating shotguns. Remington Arms Co. submitted a “trench-gun” variant of its Model 10 slide-action repeating shotgun. Rather than the all-metal one-piece handguard/bayonet adapter used with the Winchester gun, the Remington Model 10 design featured a wooden handguard and separate bayonet lug, also adapted for the M1917 bayonet. The modified Remington Model 10 was adopted and put into production. The U.S. Army now had two standardized “trench guns,” but other models continued to be evaluated.

Remington Model 11 “short pattern” trench gun prototype

Remington Model 11 “short pattern” trench gun prototype

Although Remington had accepted large contracts for arms from other nations—chiefly Pattern 1914 rifles for Great Britain and M1891 Mosin-Nagant rifles for Russia— the company was still looking for additional business. Since the American government had adopted the Model 10 trench gun, the company believed that such guns might appeal to other nations but recognized that these potential purchasers likely wouldn’t be interested in a shotgun designed to use the U.S. M1917 rifle bayonet. Remington had a rather large number of “saber” bayonets for its No. 5 rolling-block rifles left over from previous South American contracts. The company submitted a standard Model 10 shotgun with a metal bayonet lug brazed to the underside of the barrel. However, no type of protective handguard was provided, which obviously limited the gun’s effectiveness in bayonet fighting. A prototype was submitted to the Ordnance Dept. for review, but little interest was shown, and it was rejected.

Undeterred, Remington turned its attention to the Russian government, which had placed large contracts for M1891 Mosin-Nagant rifles and bayonets. The Russian bayonet was an all-metal socket design with a cruciform blade. Having learned from the previous unsuccessful submission, the proposed “Russian trench gun” was equipped with a wooden handguard somewhat similar to that used on the U.S. Model 10 trench gun. The bayonet was locked into a metal flange and was not attached to the barrel as was the norm with most bayonets. Although it appeared to be a functional design, the fall of the Czarist government resulted in no real consideration being given to the gun, and it was discarded as well.

World War I Winchester M1897 trench gun with M1917 bayonet

After these two abortive modified Model 10 prototypes, Remington came up with one of the most novel ideas for a trench gun ever conceived. A popular gun in the company’s product line was the semi-automatic Model 11 shotgun designed by the legendary John Moses Browning. It was believed that such a gun would be ideal for trench warfare due to its impressive rate of fire. There was, however, one major problem: The Model 11’s recoil-operated mechanism required that the barrel move back and forth with each shot. Since Ordnance specifications for trench guns mandated that they be equipped with a bayonet, Remington engineers had to devise some method of overcoming this inherent problem. Mounting a bayonet on the barrel wouldn’t be feasible because the added weight would not allow the barrel to reciprocate properly. Also, if a barrel-mounted bayonet was thrust into an adversary, the barrel would move backward and could, at least partially, eject a chambered shell, resulting in a jam.

The problem was ingeniously addressed by mounting a metal sleeve (tube) to the front of the receiver into which the barrel was fitted. A bayonet lug could be attached to the sleeve that didn’t affect the reciprocal movement of the barrel. In order to permit the gun to be properly grasped for bayonet fighting, a wooden fore-end that served as a handguard was fitted. There were at least two variations of the design that differed primarily in length with a slightly greater tubular magazine capacity for the longer pattern. It appeared to be a rugged and functional arm that likely would have been quite effective for its intended purpose.

The prototype Model 11 trench guns were completed by the fall of 1918, around the time of the Armistice. However, with the war ending, the Ordnance Dept. abandoned further consideration of the shotgun. The prototypes were shelved, and, perhaps surprisingly, the concept was never revisited. It is intriguing to think that if the gun had been available a year or so earlier, it might have been adopted. As events transpired, even though the Model 11 trench gun never made it past the prototype stage, large numbers of plain-barrel Model 11 riot guns (and long-barrel training guns) subsequently saw service during World War II.

Stevens Model 520 trench gun prototype

Stevens Model 520 trench gun prototype

In addition to the Remington designs, there was another proposed trench gun fabricated and submitted for testing in 1918. The J. Stevens Arms and Tool Co. developed a trench gun based on its Model 520 slide-action shotgun. Rather than using a wooden handguard, like the Remington guns, or a one-piece metal handguard/bayonet adapter assembly, like Winchester, Stevens equipped its gun with a ventilated metal handguard and a separate bayonet lug on the barrel. The shotgun reportedly acquitted itself quite well in testing, and it is speculated that a small number may have been purchased, but this is unconfirmed. Unfortunately for Stevens, like the Remington Model 11 prototypes, the end of the war resulted in the cancellation of all pending contracts. Stevens had better luck with a trench-gun version of the Model 520-30 (an improved 520) during World War II when substantial numbers were procured and issued along with some Stevens M620A trench guns.

If the First World War had lasted into 1919 as had been expected, it is possible that at least two additional trench guns, the Remington Model 11 and Stevens 520, could have found their way into the trenches. Instead, the only two trench guns to be issued during the war were the Winchester M1897 and the Remington Model 10. Nevertheless, the efforts to develop innovative designs for a new type of combat arm, the “trench gun,” illustrate the resourcefulness and expertise of American gunmakers at a critical time in our history.
Winchester Model 12 Shotgun

Right Side view of a Model 12 Trench Gun (Top). The Winchester Model 97 (bottom) was the iconic World War I Trench Gun and also saw action during World War II. (Courtesy of Rock Island Auction Service)

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Model Types

1882 Spencer

This is the first model of the Spencer shotgun. Approximately 800 were made between 1884 and 1885 in Windsor. Their first catalog printed in 1885 listed 3 grades of shotguns and these were available with 30 or 32 inch barrels, with shorter barrels available “by custom order”. They were 7 3/4 to 8 1/2lbs depending on barrel length and grades: These are easiest to identify by long control plates and the single screw on those along with them all having the trombone grip

-Grade A, Finest Italian Walnut, pistol grip, Turkish Damascus barrel, Extra engraved…. $100
-Grade B, Fancy English Walnut stock, pistol grip, damascus steel barrel…. $80
-Grade C, English Walnut stock, pistol grip, Laminated(most likely fluid steel with etched pattern) barrel, no engraving…. $60

-Model 1882

1886 Spencer

In 1886 the second model was released with the only difference being the “SPENCER ARMS.CO.WINDSOR.CT.U.S.A.PAT.APR.1882” markings added to the top of the barrel, some guard models having a longer forend, and a second screw added to the top of the control plates. These had the same 3 grades of gun available and barrel lengths as well. They were 7 3/4 to 8 1/2lbs depending on barrel length and grades, and there were about 1,300 of these 12 gauge models made in their only year of production. Serial numbers range from around 800-2100. Four grades of these models were available, with the newly introduced “Grade D” model being the most affordable. These are easiest to identify by a long control plate but dual screws

-Model 1866 guard gun(one of the 345 used by the prisons).

1887 Spencer

The third and final model produced by the Windsor plant was the Model 1887, made from 1887 till bankruptcy in 1889. Less than 1000 of these were made in the final 3 years of production and it was not enough to sustain the company. This led to financial pressure by late 1899 and soon became bankruptcy, as payments to creditors and machinery companies like Pratt and Whitney(who owned the tooling)stopped and could no longed be payed. Four grades of these models were available, with the newly introduced “Grade D” model being the most affordable. A 12 gauge rifle was listed as being available as well on some of the ads. The only other differences present here were a new thumbscrew in the magtube for easier takedown, smaller right side control plate, and a lower priced “D” Grade model at $45. Serial numbers range from 2100 to ~3000. The one pictured below was a VERY late one with the Bannerman style rubber forend rather than a 1886 grooved wooden “guard gun” style one. These are easiest to identify by the short control plates with 2 screws and lack of Bannerman markings.

-A Model 1887 straight wrist model. This was a VERY late one with the longer forend that also appeared on the 1890 Bannermans

1890 Bannerman

In the fall of 1890, Bannerman had restarted production of the shotguns while using up the last of the Spencer Model 1887 receivers till at least Serial #3000 and likely more. When they ran out of remaining stocks of recievers, they would then produce more with their markings as the “Model 1890”, and at the same time introduced a new longer pump forend as standard. About 9000 of this new 1890 model would be made over the next 3.5 to 6 years. Serial numbers range from ~3000 to ~12000, and are marked as follows;


MODEL 1890

-The bannerman Model 1890. Note the 2 screw sideplates, Bannerman markings, and rubber foreend.

1894 Bannerman (maybe)

Bannerman would later go on to market what they called an 1894 model… although, they are either very rare, or were just marketed in brochures as such to try and increase sales….as most Bannerman guns were very talked up in their ads to drum up business at that time, and pictures or records of ones marked as such have been impossible to find. Those made after late 1893 started getting a new, more shapely forend that stayed till the early Model 1896s. Serial numbers on these are unknown if they even exist…markings below are what these would have most likely been…


MODEL 1894

1896 Bannerman

These models were pretty well unchanged, minus forends. In the early days they got a rubber checkered forend but they were too fragile and Bannerman declined to even guarantee them. These were then replaced by a very similar looking wooden version which sometimes had a cutout on the inside, then a little while later they were replaced again by the much more common grooved wooden 1896/1900 forends that superseded them. Most of these will have that style forend and some may have even had dual ejectors but it is doubtful. Serial numbers range from ~12000 to ~18000. These are marked as follows;

MODEL 1896

-Bannerman Model 1896. Note the forend change, the most defining change on these.

1900 Bannerman

This is by far the most changed of all the models, and the last revision made before production ended in ~1902. These are most easily distinguished from a distance by…. A 2nd left side ejector, a tall left control plate, takedown levers or screws, and the same 1896 grooved forend.

The biggest functional change on these models is the unusually tall left side plate, which is where the 2nd ejector on 1900 models rides. This is used to help extraction, yet the left side plate being taller is a mystery, as the side plate doesnt control the ejector at any point, nor would it being extended help any.

I have verified that this makes no sense, as i have fitted my model 1900 pump with its extractor removed(as the plate is not recessed for it) and placed on my otherwise unchanged model 1896 gun. Later i tried it with the full Model 1900 pump/barrel/dual extractor setup, again on my Model 1896 receiver… it seemed that it would work fine with a relief in the receiver and side plate for the left side extractor to slide into as is present on a 1900 receiver/plate. Previously, i had guessed that the tall left sideplate may have been for another reason, or perhaps even a simple tooling work around to save money. But, since a 1900 setup clears in all but that one place, it doesnt seem to have any logical reasoning behind it that i can find or think of.

These also all should have come with the large teardrop takedown lever for the barrel and mag tube from examples ive seen. Simply rotate the barrel lever straight down 90*(NOTE: do not remove this lever by unscrewing unless barrel is removed from receiver, and ONLY if you need to! The threads are weak!) Then turn the mag tube lever counter clockwise till the tube pops off, then pull the tube out and unscrew the barrel, while leaving the lever in the mag tube . Serial numbers went from ~18000 and ended between 21,000 and ~21,100 by best guesses and records. These are also marked as follows;

MODEL 1900

-Model 1900 Bannerman. Note the taller left side control plate, grooved forend, and takedown levers

Breakdown with parts view(My Model 1900)


Good effort on explaining things and providing pictures …to a gun nerd like myself this was a nice read

I myself would love to see more shotguns in the game, in enlisted they arent as effective but damn they feel rewarding
Though general playerbase doesnt care much for shotguns as they cant fit in any bracket in terms of effectiveness. Repeaters, semi autos, SMGs, pistols …they all fill a certain role

If devs somehow made shotguns to have good sides and tradeoffs that would make them excell in certain situations, compared to …say SMGs so more people would use them
Though …damn, i’d love to see these in-game wish they added some sort of premium squad with nothing but rare decorated shotguns or a combination with all of these for each individual soldier - or better, event squad

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I want all of them.

For Normandy and Pacific Ally assaulters I use shotgun exclusively though, the US SMG are so dogshite

I just want a bayonate for my good old 1912 but all of this? All of this made my american sprit proud.


Just gotta have some luck and a good aim

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