New Weapon Suggestions - France

Here is a list of French guns I have found that I think could be added to the game in some capacity in the future. Please note that I am not a historian and I did light research on each weapon to provide a description.

French Guns



  • MAS 40
    • Developed in 1938, the MAS-40 was a semi-automatic rifle set to adopted by the French Army in 1941. However, the german invasion interfered with production.

  • Meunier A6
    • The Meunier A6 was another attempt to replace the lebel rifle. The semi-automatic rifle was adopted in 1910 but only around 1,000 rifles were produced before production halted due to WW1.

RSC Modele 1918

  • RSC Modele 1917
    • A cheaper semi-automatic rifle adopted by the french army during ww1 in-place of the Meunier A6. The rifles weight was a problem for troops. ~85k 1917 models and ~4k 1918 models were produced.




  • Faucon Balanced Rifle
    • An early bullpup semi-automatic rifle, developed in 1910 and fired over the shoulder. The gun attempted to make it easier for soldiers to shoot safely from cover. Six round internal magazine fed by stripper clips. Two prototypes were completed.


FM 24-29 3

  • FM/24/29
    • Standard light machine gun of the fgfrench army after 1925. Somewhat based on the BAR. Had a reputation for being reliable and stayed in service till the 60s. ~190,000 made.

Reibel_MG 3

  • Reibel MG
    • 1931 Machine gun desgined for use in tanks and in fortified positions such as the maginot line. Derived from FM/24/29. Had massive 150 round drum magazines. Gun could also be used with a tripod.

darne 2

  • Darne MG
    • Tested during WW1 but only partially adopted by the French in the 1930s. Light machine gun varient used a skeletonized pistol grip. and folding stock to reduce weight.

  • Hotchkiss M1909
    • WW1 era french machine gun that used an interesting 30-round ammunition feed strip. Used in limited numbers by the French Army during WW2. ~41,000 made.


MAS 382

  • MAS 38
    • Designed in the 1930s, only went into full-scale production in 1939 and around 1,950 were produced before occupation. During occupation thousands more would be produced. Uaws 32 round magazine.

STA 1924 SMG

STA 24 2

  • STA 1924 SMG
    • Part of a program to modernize french infantry weapons after WW1. Designed in 1919, adopted between 1925-1928. 12 prototypes were constructed, testing different materials and magazine sizes up to 40 bullets. Approx ~310 were made.

    • Designed in 1933, this gun was very mobile featuring a folding stock and magazine. Though it was never adopted, approximately 100 guns were made and were pressed into service upon the invasion of Germany. It is unknown if they saw combat.

Petter Mle 1939

  • Petter Mle 1939
    • Another submachine gun designed as part of the French program to modernize their army. This gun did well in trials and french army ordered 3,000 guns, however the order was declined as due to manufacturing concerns. ~50 were made.


  • Ribeyrolles M1918 Automatic Carbine
    • 1916 attempt to produce an automatic rifle for the french army using a 25 round magazine. Trials of the weapon proved it was unreliable and heavy. Only 1 was ever made.

  • Delacre SMG
    • A somewhat mysterious French smg patented in 1939. This 9mm submachine gun used a steel drum magazine and featured some unusual design decisions. Not very much is known about this gun and at least one was made.



delacre36 2

  • Delacre 36
    • A very wacky looking French smg patented in 1936. It is unknown if a prototype was ever constructed. Surprisingly it took some inspiration from the FM/24/29.

  • Union Pistol
    • A full auto pistol with an interesting 35 round horse-shoe shaped magazine. The pistol itself is a french variant of the spanish ruby pistol, which saw use in the french army during both world wars

Winchester Model 1907
A semi auto carbine with a ~5 round magazine and similar ballistics to an m1 carbine
Purchased in small numbers by france in WWI, allegedly some were converted to full auto with 20rd extended mags


Nice job also
Winchester M1907 Carbine in “assault” configuration, with bayonet and extended magazine. The French bought several hundred of these, some modified to allow fully automatic fire.
this would also be a good weapon to add



French C6 Long-Recoil Prototype Semiauto Rifle

MAS 44

Rossignol ENT B1

The Rossignol ENT B1 was a French automatic rifle that was manufactured by the École Nationale de Tir (ENT) and designed by a Mr. Rossignol.

Berthier automatic rifle

The Berthier automatic rifle was a light machine gun prototype. The weapon could be converted from an automatic rifle to an LMG.



Very interesting, thanks for the additions!


No worries friend

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