Faction Subtree Mechanic Proposal

The setting of ww2 offers an expansive variety of potential weapons, cosmetics, and theaters to explore, many not yet present in Enlisted. While the developers have done a great job exploring the major nations of the war, there is a lot of opportunity to include minor powers that are currently available as event or premium squads.

Though these nations could in theory be added entirely separately, the additional strain put on the matchmaker is a major concern. The subtree mechanic would be an option to allow minor nations to have much more presence in the game, offering greater variety to players while also not putting extra burden on the matchmaker. Subtrees would also have the benefit of supplementing the main tree, so the subtrees themselves don’t need to go all the way to BR 5 or necessarily have every type of equipment.

Below are some crude example images of what I think a subtree system could look like.

Note: Symbols used to represent nations may not be the most accurate symbols available, from left to right:
- axis: Germany, Italy, Hungary, Finland
- allies: USA, British Commonwealth, Australia, France
Australia is given its own separate tree for this example

German tree

Hypothetical Finland tree

Hypothetical Australian tree from the tech tree series I made : All Potential Faction Tech Tree Proposals

In this example, an Australian tech tree is selected (highlighted in yellow).

In my ideal scenario, players would able to create squad combinations using squads they have unlocked from the main tree and subtrees.

For example, the above image is an example of a player primarily using german squads but also bringing in an italian tank.


Implementing subtrees in this way is bound to lead to historical inaccuracy. As soldiers from certain nations could placed in theaters they did not exist in. Example: Finnish troops defending d-day. So additional mechanics could be considered to address this issue.

All that being said, it is already possible to use a variety of Finnish, Italian, and Hungarian weapons in settings where they were unlikely to be present. So it might be best to just enforce German customization onto squads from other subtrees in map sets where they did not appear, as is the case with Italian squads available to Germany players currently.


As I see it, Italy and the many other nations I would like to see included in the game just aren’t feasible to add as their own factions due to stretching the player base too thin (the entire reason for the merge in the first place). So I think subtrees are the only way to see these nations implemented into the game properly.


Got my vote for this alone :smile:
Love your Australian tree


I need it


I love your suggestion. I had something similar in mind for quite some time already.


I think that it should force the proper cosmetics if people think that it’s so bad it’s inaccurate. I don’t like that both of my British squads appear in the Pacific but I’ll deal with it, to if we could just fix it based on map…

I’ve never seen a more perfect idea that would:

1: Not break up ques.
2: Allow people to enjoy different nations and have non of the cons of full new nations + ques, Such as starting from zero akin to grinding a whole new tree, That way they can grind using their favorite squads and prems from let’s say the US to grind the UK.
3: Allow for people to play as Italians/UK/ECT again.

This is the best suggestion and I hope the devs accept it.
sure it may come with some cons here and there such as being confusing at first, Among possible bugs but it would work I feel.


It can Simply fixed making them dress german uniform in map they never showed up, as already Is done with italian outside Tunisia, Also Is true in the german army there was soldier of other nationality


Totally agree.

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Theoretically using for example italians would make it more likely to get tunesia.

Lets say you need 4+ players from one subfaction to use specyfic maps. Queue each subfacrion separately but also queue them together in a reserve queue.
If you manage to find 4+ players but not 10, the rest are taken from the “main” subfaction queue (like germany).
If it takes more than X seconds to match make, remove the map limit, make it free for all subfactions and take first 10 players from the reserve queue.

Though it may be too complicated as the current match maker is literalry “first 10 in the queue” from what I understand.
I don’t know if it’s worth the effort.


Could be interesting, sounds like it would be a nightmare to implement. Maybe it would just be better to implement some sort of preferred map selector, so you could hopefully get more tunisia maps if you wanted to play on those maps with your italian squads.


It should be a soft rule and It would be Just a placebo, the point Is more stuff enlisted get (weapon, faction, veichle, new war zone ecc…) more Is hard to keep It historical and compromise are need


A “filter squads by nationality” option may be useful there.


It may be difficult to tell, but I did try to indicate that german squads were selected on the example image. Implying you would be able to select the other nations and have their squads appear. The germany logo is highlighted in yellow.

Personally, I don’t mind us losing a hint of historical inaccuracy as long as the squad and the uniforms are historical accuracy to what they may have at the time or could get at the time.
While it may seem weird to have finnish soldiers running around at D-DAY Germany at the time accepted people from all around, Including captured lands, Americans who agreed with no no man’s ideals, and the like.

Logically yes they would wear German uniforms, but it would be cool to see more uniforms and nations in game, It would give a feel of a world war


Yes, I only meant an additional UI filter when selecting squads from reserve, on top of the already existing class filter.

(Not strictly needed, just useful to find specific squads quickly among the mass)


True but I’d say keeping countries more or less connected to maps if infinitely easier than to do this with weapons.
Also it’s far more visible (for example US in dunkirk).

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I’d say the biggest issue would be with ques.
The way you said it could work but the issue I see is, That would be alot of coding and risk of making a major error leading to major problems, Plus I could see people who really like Italians spamming the match maker so all you get is Tunsisa maps, Which is not bad but not great.

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Any changes can lead to errors.

If there are other subfactions and they wait for too long (because of “italy spam”), they will get random map. So theoretically it shouldn’t be an issue. But hard to say without any tests.


You never can fully lock X axis/allies country to a map, because if you use mixed nation setup how should work? It Always end with finnish in Normandy, so It Need be Always be a soft rule with some compromise (aka uniform swap)


The issue is how long would the wait be?

If people are waiting 5 or even maybe 15 minutes to get into a game they may get a bit annoyed, Time is money after all in terms of it. The Match Maker (MM) could easily become messy if they link squads to X Y and Z.

Such as let’s say you got a few volksturm units in que, and italian units, and finnish units and each are connected to a map, Each trying to find a map. you get a bootleg campagin system which does slow down the que, Sure there’s the bypass of “Slam a huge group together on one map” but the question is how long does the MM take to do that?

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