All Potential Faction Tech Tree Proposals

I have compiled all factions I think have the potential to be added in the future. Please note that these tech trees are not necessarily balanced. I put more emphasis on finding unique weaponry for each faction than on what order they should go in. This post primarily exists to highlight the potential each of these factions has for fun and unique loadouts and cosmetics. Personally, I hope some of these factions are added to further increase the already impressive weapon variety Enlisted has to offer.

I did not include Italy or the United Kingdom as those two nations are more or less confirmed already.



France could be introduced in the popularly requested “Battle of France” as an early war 1939 setting. Free French forces also participated in North Africa, allowing France players to access Tunisia maps. France also had a strong small arms industry, creating a lot of options for premium and event weaponry.

Some potential French cosmetics -




Denmark and Norway are relatively tricky to include, as they both had almost no armored vehicles in either of their armies. However, both nations had some interesting light arms that I think would make them worthy of including. It might make sense to combine these two nations into one tech tree to bulk up their tech tree, or even create a larger Scandinavia tech tree with the inclusion of Finland. However, I am unsure what would be the best course to take with these nations. These nations could be added in a hypothetical battle of Norway campaign.

One exciting addition to the German arsenal with a battle of Norway campaign would be the Neubaufahrzeug heavy tank:

To compensate for Denmark and Norway’s lack of any real armored vehicles I had to substitute some Swedish armored vehicles made at the same time. Including the Swedish Morgårdshammar Tank which I think would be a good match for the Neubaufahrzeug heavy tank.

Here are some potential Danish cosmetics:

Here are some potential Norwegian cosmetics:



For the Australian tech tree, I decided to include weapons from New Zealand. These nations would likely be included in the commonwealth tree, but I think they have enough weapons and variety to stand on their own. Like the other sub-factions I have made, I focused primarily on exclusively Australian/New Zealander guns. If they were added to the game, I am sure this tree could be bulked up with British/American weaponry.

Australia fought in Normandy, Tunisia, and the Pacific.

Potential Anzac cosmetics:


This was my attempt to make a unique faction for the forces of the Commonwealth outside of the United Kingdom (Canada, India, South Africa, etc…). Ultimately, I am unhappy with how little I was able to find for a unique Commonwealth faction separate from the United Kingdom. Most of the unique weapons came from Canada or South Africa. In order to make this faction work, I think it would need to be merged with the United Kingdom or Australia or both.

Commonwealth cosmetics:



I know a lot of people think it is impossible for China to be added to the game. I understand that, however there is no negative of showing off what China could potentially bring to the game anyway. China would have to be added as a China vs Japan campaign. China received all sorts of donated weapons, giving it access to a significant amount of the weapons currently in the game. However I focused as much as possible on weapons unique to the Chinese.

Yes, I did include a melee based premium squad. I think it would be fun.

Chinese cosmetics:



The nation of Czechoslovakia would have to be introduced with a “battle of Czechoslovakia” campaign. The Czechs had very strong arms industry in the buildup to world war 2. Allowing them to field armies using completely Czech weaponry, some of which is currently used in the German arsenal. However I think there is enough Czech weaponry that Germany isn’t using to justify Czechoslovakia getting their own faction.

The Czechoslovakians could potentially also fight in some of the eastern front campaigns in support of the Soviet Union, as the Soviet Union harbored a Czechoslovak foreign legion of volunteers.

Potential Czechoslovak cosmetics:




Poland has the potential to be a very unique addition to the game. Poland battled both the Soviet Union and Germany during the 1939 invasion. This would allow for greater variety in opponents for lower-level Germany, Soviet Union, and Poland players.

In terms of campaigns, Poland would have to launch with it’s own maps. However, there is the potential for Poland to join Soviet players in later war eastern front maps. Polish forces in the Soviet army participated in the battle of berlin on the Soviet side. It is debatable whether Poland could be allowed to participate in Moscow or Stalingrad maps.

This tree is admittedly a little low-tier, it could be bolstered by more experimental weaponry/vehicles such as the Jurek mk.2. As well as tanks such as the 25TP and Chorbok, shown below.

25TP as seen in World of Tanks

Chrobok Experimental Heavy tank

Polish cosmetics:


This faction would include the nations of Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg. This faction would supplement France, in a theoretical “Invasion of France” early-war campaign. It potentially could also appear in the pacific, as Dutch forces battled Japan.

Benelux cosmetics:



Hungary seems like an easy pick for future axis factions, as they participated in the Eastern Front and have a decent assortment of weaponry. I think it is possible they could be given access to the Moscow and Stalingrad campaigns. I am unsure if Germany would still be allowed to use Kiraly submachine guns if Hungary is added.

This is also the first tech tree I designed, so please excuse that it is not as full as others I have made.

Hungarian cosmetics:


Here is my attempt at a tech tree for Finland. When doing research on Finnish weaponry, I learned that Sweden donated approximately 135,000 guns (1/3 of their entire arsenal) to Finland during the Winter War. They also sent approximately 8,700 volunteers to aid the Finns. I saw this as an opportunity to include several Swedish guns in the Finnish tech tree, as Finland received so much aid from Sweden. I think this helps the weapon variety significantly and gives Finland a very unique feel with old Swedish and Finnish weapons that are very rarely seen in any form of media.

This tech tree is designed to be applicable to both the Winter War and Continuation War. This makes Finland eligible for two potential future campaigns instead of one. Theoretically in the future matchmaking system, a high-level Finland player would be more likely to play on continuation war maps and vice versa.

I also included vertical progression for the SMG weapons, so that players aren’t forced to grind the same gun twice in a row, but can if they want a bigger magazine.

Some Potential Finnish Cosmetic Options -




Romania proved to be the most difficult faction I attempted to make a tech tree for. Romania mostly used German equipment, and didn’t produce too much of their own. It could be possible to combine Hungary and Romania into a single tree, however that would get rid of the potential for a Hungary vs Romania “Battle of Transylvania” hypothetical campaign. If added, Romania could definitely be included in the battle of Stalingrad and maybe Moscow.

Romania cosmetics:


Spain did not directly participate the second world war. However, Spain did send approximately 50,000 volunteers that fought the Soviet Union between the years of 1941 and 1944. This volunteer force also included some Portuguese volunteers, so I included some Portuguese weaponry as well for more flavor. This faction could participate in the Battle of Stalingrad and maybe Moscow.

Spanish cosmetics:

Honorable Mentions

South America

This faction would be primarily Brazil and Argentina. Brazil was the only South American nation to send troops to fight in Europe, and those troops primarily used American weaponry. There are some interesting South American guns, but I did not find enough to make a compelling tech tree.


This faction would have to be included in a “Battle of Greece” campaign. I did make a draft for a Greek tech tree, but I decided against it as it was not unique enough to be worth making into a tech tree graphic.


Rifles -

  • Mannlicher M1903/14
  • Lebel 1886
  • Berthier M1916
  • Gras M1874
  • FN model 30


  • S1-100
  • M3
  • M1943? (very experimental smg)
  • Mp-40
  • EPK Pyrkal


  • Chauchat M1915
  • Hotchkiss M1922
  • Browning M1895/14
  • Hotchkiss M1926

AT -

  • Pzb 38
  • PIAT

Planes -

  • PZL 24s
  • Fairey III
  • Potex 633
  • Spitfire Mk IXc

Tanks -

  • Vickers 6-Ton
  • L3/35
  • Mk IIIB
  • M13/40

Premium -

  • MB.151

Bulgaria has some very interesting guns I would love to include in a full tech tree, but after doing some research, Bulgaria never actually participated in the eastern front or in the invasion of Greece. This would make their inclusion in any campaign besides a late war soviet campaign a major historical inaccuracy.

I made a draft of a tech tree anyway, this focuses on axis equipment before they switched sides and joined the Soviet Union.


Rifles -

  1. Mannlicher M1895
  2. Mosin M1891
  3. Kar 98k
  4. Vz.24
  5. SVT-40


  1. Spasov M1939
  2. Mp-40
  3. ZK-383
  4. Spasov M1944


  1. Madsen
  2. Vz.36
  3. Mg 30
  4. Spasov M1936/38 LMG
  5. Mg 34

AT - Same as Germany

Planes - Not Researched

Tanks -

  1. Vz.33
  2. T-11
  3. R-35
  4. Stug 3
  5. Panzer 4 ausf F2 (T4G)

Premium -

  • Vickers 6-ton
  • SOMUA S-35
  • BIC 1944
  • Spasov 1944 Trigun



Not included for similar reasons to Greece. Not enough weapon variety to make a compelling tech tree.


Ethiopia could be included in a “Battle of East Africa” campaign against Italy. Ethiopia did have some interesting rifles, but did not have enough unique equipment to make a compelling tech tree.



Here are some of the sources I used to make the various tech trees above.
I got a good amount of information from Wikipedia and tank encyclopedia.


Get_Em_Puppy's World SMGs


List of World War II weapons of Norway - Wikipedia
Brøndby Maskinpistol Model 1933
Kulsprutepistol m/1937-39 - Armémuseum / DigitaltMuseum
Get_Em_Puppy's World SMGs


Madsen M1888 Forsøgsrekylgevær: The Strangest Semiauto
Get_Em_Puppy's World SMGs
Belt-fed Madsen tank gun
Historical Firearms - The Danish Weibel M/1932 The Danish arms company...
WTB Reibel Machine Gun MAC 31 - NFA Market Board - Forums
Historical Firearms - Experimental Danish Submachine Gun In 1941, Dansk...

Australian Electrolux Charlton
McCrudden light machine rifle | Gun Wiki | Fandom
Commonwealth of Australia (WW2) - Tank Encyclopedia
Get_Em_Puppy's World SMGs


Steam Workshop::Gun Graphics
Canada’s WWII Self-Loading Rifle Experiments
Rare Canadian Ross Prototype Self-Loading Semi-Automatic Rifle
The Huot Machine Rifle: A Ross Conversion
Experimental Pre-WWI Ross .30-06 Automatic Rifle
Forced-Air Cooling in an Experimental Ross Machine Gun
“Carbine” Williams’ Battle Rifle: The Winchester G30R
Historical Firearms - STEN MkIV (Prototype) The above images show the...
Canada's SAL experimental firearms of WW2 | SpaceBattles


General Liu rifle - Wikipedia
Sichuan Type submachine gun | Gun Wiki | Fandom
List of Chinese military equipment in World War II | Military Wiki | Fandom


Czechoslovak Air Force - Wikipedia
Czech M14: The ZK-420S Battle Rifle at James D Julia


Warsaw Uprising Bergmann 1910/21
New campaign suggestion - September campaign 1939
Teterycz machine gun | Gun Wiki | Fandom
PPHU Fox - Kolby do karabinĂłw


Dutch Mannlicher Plus Lewis Gun Bolt Equals Semiauto…?
FN-49: The Last Old-School Battle Rifle | An Official Journal Of The NRA


List of World War II weapons of Hungary - Wikipedia

Pelo Rifle

Romania in World War II - Wikipedia


The inclusion of these various factions could create some matchmaking issues as some of them are locked to one or two campaign map sets. However, I don’t think this will be too much of an issue, as the main factions would almost certainly be more popular than these smaller factions. So it is unlikely that there will be long queue times for Norway players as there would be more than enough UK and Germany players to fill out the rest of the lobby.

Which factions do you think have the most potential?
Are there any factions I missed that you think have the potential for their own tech tree?


Great work, love that it’s all compiled into one place.

Incidentally, do you have a template for this?


Adding onto french, we should be able to play as Vichy French vs Americans or British with the same gear.


I did make at template, I posted it in this topic here:

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This is we’re u implement the platoon historical accuracy Ike if they were sent to reinforce or guard or make a new division with other countries like invasion of Russia were there were three fronts and multiple countries mixed together.

Also have to take note of what platoons were in the campaign and base that of said engagements the platoon/division took part in

I Have no suggestion

wow Really wish u were da enlisted dev lol

And just think man if they would’ve made this game a gorey bloody mess to show what war is like then maybe ww3 wouldn’t have so many partakers in the recruiting department for all countries that play this game.,for all we are is pawns looking to be kinged

Awesome post and proposal! I really do hope the Devs will look into this and add as much as they can. Balancing will be an issue no doubt but at least the unique equipment for it’s Faction is mostly there. I wouldn’t mind having some shared equipment if it’s necessary.

For France , I hope they will also include the Colonial Troops or French Foreign Legion if and when they do add them.

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I like the idea of riding my Renault 17, armed with Chauchat LMG and Ribeyrolles 1918, defening Verdun. BF1 vibes.

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I also hope they let u change paint schemes in game bc no historical game gonna have pz 2 running snow camo in the desert

Please mate they’re about to allow King Tigers in Moscow and other types of blasphemy.

Cool work though I would rather have Spain as premium unitd.

Lovely stuff, many thanks!

Really impressed by the effort but I’m not sure how well having this many trees would work in the game. Considering each tech tree is really short and the fact that many weapons differ mostly by name, it could potentially make for stale gameplay.
In addition to this, would the nations be thrown into completely random scenarios or would the playerbase be split into very specific conflicts? While some players would accept sacrificing historical authenticity, Enlisted attracts a lot of history nerds that might not necessarily want to play hardcore MilSims. Before you refer to War Thunder, remember that Enlisted is in a more competitive genre.


I was a little limited in space on some of trees, however I will admit some of them probably couldn’t be expanded too much beyond what I made. Though I will note that most of the trees I made are similar in size to Japan currently.

To address your concern, I think it would be very possible to include some of the smaller nations as sub-trees in other factions. For example you could include smaller Romania tech lines in a larger German tech tree (I may try to create a visual in the future). It may also be possible to combine some of them together, but that may cause historical accuracy problems. Some nations definitely should not receive this treatment though, such as Poland.

I would be disappointed if no sub-faction system is attempted or some of these factions aren’t added in any form outside of premiums.

In my current proposal for the addition of these nations, they would be split into their historical settings. Limiting their access to maps, but I don’t think it would be a problem for matchmaking as the main factions would almost certainly be more popular than these smaller factions. So it is unlikely that there will be long queue times for Norway players as there would be more than enough UK and Germany players to fill out the rest of the lobby.

Fair, I must admit that I am biased towards having more weapons at the cost of a little less historical accuracy. Some changes may need to be made to cater to historical accuracy. Changes such as moving some of the more rare/experimental weapons out of main progression. This might make it difficult to justify adding some of the factions I listed as some of their main progression tree would be reduced. In this case a special-subtree system like the one I suggested above for Romania could be considered.

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Perhaps to solve some complications, research trees could be grouped into groups such as “Western Allies”, “Eastern Axis”, etc. This way players could skip the near-identical bolt actions and try out all the unique weapons that come later.

I’ll simply bribe alot of people just to play as this guy he looks so silly yet so authentic :


Great conceptual work !


I want a map of the Spanish Civil War and the factions.

For alternate campaigns, you could also add :

In 1940 the Brits had the idea codenamed Plan R4 to invade both Norway & Sweden in order to deny Germany from further receiving Swedish iron ore but never realized due to Norway being invaded.

Operation Rädda Danmark was a Swedish non executed plan to liberate Denmark in the last days of the German Reich before falling into Soviet hands.

Germany devised a plan named Operation Tannenbaum to invade the Swiss but was never executed.

Germany & Bulgaria planned in 1942 to invade Turkey since it was speculated that it would join the Allies which it did in 1945. This plan was never realized due to the Allied landings in Sicily and rapid advances of the Red Army in Caucasus

was invaded by the Ussr and Uk in 1941 to allow the Soviets access to Lend-Lease goods.

allied itself with Japan after being invaded. They participated in the battle of Burma and battled against Vichy french troops in Indochina

I appreciate the ideas, but I think there is plenty of historical content for the devs to focus on instead of alt-history invasions of sweden and switzerland. This is why I didn’t make a tree for Bulgaria despite them being an axis power, they did not send any troops to fight on any fronts until they swapped sides to the Soviet Union. I doubt Turkey did anything substantial enough to have had any meaningful contribution to the war. Iran and Siam though could be further explored, I am unsure if they have enough unique weaponry to warrant a tech tree though.