Chinese tech tree

I was browsing the internet today and learned that in the 1930’s the Chinese used the German Panzer I, which was a very popular tank in China. I knew that Chiang Kai-shek’s army used German firearms and helmets, but I had no idea that they imported tanks.

German tanks captured by the Japanese

I looked into it and found that they purchased Soviet-made T-26s and BT-5s, and they would also own several U.S.-made tanks after 1941.

There are currently no plans for the Chinese army to appear in the game, but what would the Chinese tech tree look like if the Chinese front were added to the game in the future?
I thought their tech tree would be very varied and fun.


The Chinese had a lot of equipment help from the USA too.

It’s an interesting idea, but it won’t bring too much new stuff to the game, other than a new theatre to play.

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Yeah,there may be little that is brand new for those who have already finished studying the U.S. and Soviet trees.
But it feels interesting to me when Soviet and American tanks are treated on the same team and have unique skins.

Also, if the Chinese front is added, the timeline of the game will go back to the 1930s.
There will be a lot of weapons from the 1920~1930’s there and the Tier 1 content will be expanded.
I would love to see a battle between the Chinese deployed Renault FT and the Japanese type89 I-GO.


If Enlisted did a China VS Japan campaign I think they would be the first FPS to do so. Which could be great marketing Darkflow!


Yes, it won’t happen anytime soon, but I would love to see that happen someday.

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The chinese have some interesting equipment, a lot is borrowed though. The backlash in a hypothetical scenario where china gets a panzer 1 before Germany is funny, kinda like how the USSR got the M3 halftrack first.

anyway I made a mockup of what I thought a china tree could look up a while back:


Chinese faction should never be added. It would be faction made of copy pasted stuff.

Just add Pz I and Renault to Germans.


I watched it and it was a huge and detailed list, not just limited to China.
This would be a good source of ideas and reference for developers.

I want to reply "“Great job!” that Thread.
but the last time I did that in another thread I got the thread locked for surfacing an old thread, so I’ll just say thanks here.

Great work!

This looks like a fun thread to read.

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Eliminate communist political correctness
The problem is that China still doesn’t have much equipment
Unless we attach them to the United States and release some purchased equipment
Forget about history and all that.
It’s time to use P47 to fight the Communists (US vs. US) and the Japanese

Yes, the Chinese got P-47s in 1944 and they also had P-51s.
When facing high BR Japanese forces they should have something like that, even if the map is Shanghai.

Their P47 is also equipped with 10 rockets and 3 bombs?

It should be possible.

Make U.S. aid great again

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Problem with china:
Most of their stuff are from other factions.

The most important aspect of the campaign removal update, was removing duplicates (not having to grind mp40 5 times)

I’m not going to waste time unlocking the exact same stuff of other factions again just because china.

It’s just… Not interesting.


China’s own weapons are certainly few and far between, their tanks are bought from foreign countries, and their firearms are just Chinese versions of the MP18, for example, or variations of the Kar98.
(Well, from my point of view, the Japanese Type 100 would also be like a variation of the MP18.)

When we look at Enlisted after the merge, I think many of us started with some items in that tree unlocked.
The items we got from the old campaign were already available.
If China is added, I would like to see it start in a similar state. In other words, it would be nice if the items that people got in the other factions could be used in China without grind so that people don’t have to unlock the same thing twice.
Conversely, if people starting in China also unlock weapons provided by other countries, it would be nice if they could also unlock them in the supplier’s faction.
And in the folder, it would be great if we could get an improved Chinese version. :slightly_smiling_face:

And they have some really unique ones too.

Xiangying rifle

Designed in 1944 by Chinese communist forces, this rifle is said to be a semi-automatic rifle modified from the Japanese Type 38 Arisaka.

General Liu rifle

This semi-automatic rifle was also seen in Battlefield 1.

Thompson copy made in China
images (1)
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There were numerous copy Thompson copies in China in addition to authorized imports
This is due to the fact that at the beginning of the Sino-Japanese War, the U.S. stopped importing arms to China.
The Thompson was not simply copied, but uniquely modified.

Mysterious submachine gun with unknown name

If China does join the game in the future, I think it will be a faction that Chinese players will find attractive, even if it doesn’t look so attractive to us. As far as I know the majority of the Japanese player base is actually Japanese and the Chinese will love their troops just as much. The main faction of the Chinese will be China.
And they may tell us about unique Chinese weapons that we don’t know about yet.
And I believe that the Chinese faction will be a fascinating faction. :ok_hand:

There will be more maps for Japanese main players to play on.
Well, I would like to see more maps of Singapore, Philippines, etc. before China.
The game has a lot of work to do before adding China, but still it will be more fun when China is eventually added. :slightly_smiling_face:


China vs Japan BR5, the battle of the prototypes.

If it’s fantasy JAP vs. fantasy CHINA, let’s give the Chinese soldiers more kung fu skills than prototype weapons.

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I would die of laughter if Japanese fought with swords against Chinese Kung-Fu master.

But China might not be the most ideal faction to add, a faction only fighting against one faction is exploitable, unless DF can somehow make China a Soviet subfaction I rather have other nations like Hungary, France, Finland ect.


Yeah, this thread is not specifically suggesting the addition of China, but there are a number of practical challenges that would need to be met if they were to actually be added.
Even the UK is not an independent faction, so I can’t imagine China joining as an independent faction at this point.
But if this game were to live on and continue for years…China’s entry would be inevitable.