Chinese tech tree

No. Quite the opposite. It can be bery problematic due to the irl politics reason and thus making it even less worthy.

There’s no significant reason why China should be added. On other hand, there’s so many reasons why it shouldn’t be added.

The Chinese have made countless Sino-Japanese war movies and TV shows and sell Hideki Tojo ice cream.

Imagine them eat Tojo’s face on Victory Day.

When we add Chinese faction to the game, there is no “political issue” to worry about. :smiley:

Yes, because ww2 is a favourite topic of quite a large number of today’s politicians, through which they can create propaganda.
That’s also why Russians (Certain people on state TV and politicians, not ordinary Russians) are constantly comparing something to ww2 and so.

The existence of such films does not invalidite my point at all.
On other hand, I wonder how many foreign movies or documentaries about ww2 in asia are allowed in China.

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I understand your concern.
But well, I am optimistic.
Because Enlisted has a Chinese version and an international version, and I imagine that Chinese who use VPN and play the international version will not care much about the details.

Btw, The anti-Japanese war (Sino-Japanese war) themed game released in China about 10 years ago was pretty crazy.


wtf is that game, why are anime girls fighting Japanese?
Doesnt that make it Japanese vs Japanese?


I forget the title of the game, but it is from 2015 and the image I posted was a demo movie.
The game itself was a strategy like Clash of Clans, which was common in cell phone games at the time.
It’s about a Chinese anime girl fighting a fantasy Japanese army led by a Japanese anime girl.



KanColle for Chinese nationalists.

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They’d have to beat Corvo Studio to it, Easy Red 2’s about to release a Sino-Japanese war campaign soon.

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I am a Chinese player, as you know, during the Japanese war of aggression against China, and then the period of the Chinese Civil War, most of our weapons and equipment are purchased or imitation. It was not until 1949, when the People’s Republic of China was founded, that we began to develop our own industrial system.
From a gaming point of view, joining the Chinese camp does not bring more distinctive content and gameplay.
From a political point of view, that history is serious to the Chinese and not very suitable to be added to the game, we Chinese players will always complain about a lot of things.

As for kung Fu masters, you can think of them as Marvel superheroes, or Ultraman in Japan. Using cold weapons on a real battlefield is just a tough decision that has to be made.

The above content has been translated and may be incorrect.


I have never seen a Chinese player so anxious about a Sino-Japanese war campaign. However, I respect your opinion that there are Chinese who have the same opinion as yours.

My context of “Chinese fighting with kung fu” is a joke compared to the Japanese army in this game, which is covered with fictional weapons.
I imagine that a TV show about fighting the Japanese army with kung fu would be a joke even for the Chinese.

I have seen some good Chinese movies and thought it would be fun to recreate them in a game.
For example, The Eight Hundred was a great movie.

I can also share some pictures of the Chinese Internet.

In the past, our army was very poor, and a soldier had less than ten rounds of ammunition, so cold weapons training was also very important



The warehouse in the movie, as it is now, has been partially restored and is now a museum


Thanks for all the interesting photos.

Yup, In World War II, the Chinese military was inferior to the Japanese in both the quality of its equipment and the training of its soldiers.
In the end, however, Japan was unable to defeat the Chinese and was defeated.
The Chinese were skilled in tactics, and they continued to inflict a crushing blow on the Japanese by cleverly taking advantage of their geographical location.
The Chinese were in danger of being invaded by the Japanese and their very existence was at stake.
They were fighting for their lives regardless of their disadvantage, and the Japanese were unable to crush their resolve.

According to the memoirs of Japanese troops stationed at “南窖" Communist army attacked their pillboxes.
A young Chinese soldier, in his teens, climbed up the rope ladder to the pillbox despite the fact that his teammate, who was standing right next to him, had been shot dead. He stuck his hand into the gun sight of the pillbox, grabbed the muzzle of a Japanese machine gun, and pulled it out, saving his friends behind him.
Japanese military records document the actions of many Chinese soldiers who were willing to spare their own lives.
At the end of the war, the Japanese army launched a guerrilla war against the U.S., inflicting numerous losses, but this was the result of their copying exactly what the Chinese had done to them in the Sino-Japanese War.

You can give me some examples. Let me see if I’ve seen them.

I found a movie website and simply searched for three keywords: World War II, Europe and America, and war. 143 movies are searchable.



That’s not what I have said but okay.

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Because I also read through the translator, so I may have some problems in understanding, sorry


Yeah, that’s understandable. No need to apologize.

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First comment I read for Easy Red 2 was “This looks like crayon version of Hell let Loose” :rofl:

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