New Weapon Suggestions - Hungary

I wanted to share some of the interesting weapons I would like to see added to the game for certain nations, starting with Hungary. Some of these weapons appear in my old faction tech tree proposals.

Also, some of these weapons are very experimental and were never produced in any meaningful numbers. However, since weapons like that have already been added to the game I think these are worth sharing.

Hungarian Guns


  • Danuvia 44M
    • Trial submachine gun made in Budapest at the end of 1944.

  • Sig MKMS
    • Developed in 1935, Its unknown how many swiss SIG-MKMS weapons were used by the Hungarian army. Archive footage exists of a Hungarian soldier using the weapon during a 1938 military excercise.


  • Kiraly 39/A.M
    • A modification of the Kiraly 39 with a folding stock for use by paratroopers, designed in 1941 and produced in 1943. Proved to still be difficult to handle for paratroopers. Production numbers unknown.

  • Kiraly 36M
    • Experimental 1936 smg cast in aluminum. Chambered in 9x25mm like the other kiraly smgs. Said to use 10 and 30 round magazines. Not much else is known.

  • BSA-Kiraly (short)
    • 1938 or 39 smg developed by Kiraly and sparked interest by the british. A few prototypes were made, one with a long barrel and one with a short barrel. The gun was not adopted by the British, and was refined in Hungary into the 39M.

  • BSA-Kiraly (long)



  • Frommer AR
    • Automatic rifle developed by Rudolf Frommer in 1908. Trialed by the austro-hungarian but not adopted. Chambered in 7.92x57mm mauser with a long recoil mechanism.


  • 31M
    • Powerful 8x56mmR, could freeze in the cold, one of the first straight-pull rifles, developed after WW1, 5 round internal magazine

  • 35M
    • 8.5mmR, lengthened barrel, simplified and interchangable bolt, replaced the 31M after only a few years of service in the Hungarian army

  • 43M
    • 35M rechambered in the german 7.62x57 rifle cartidge. Further modified for german bayonets and 5-round charger clips.

(Very similar to 35M)

  • 33M
    • Slightly modified 31M trial rifle, with cold temperatures in mind. An intermediary between the 31M and 35M rifles.

  • Frommer FEG
    • Prototype gas-operated semi-automatic rifle patented by Rudolf Frommer and manufactored in Hungary. Only 1 is known to have been made. Had to have been designed in interwar period, Frommer died in 1936.


  • Frommer SLR
    • Experimental self-loading rifle from Rudolf Frommer somewhere between 1905-1908. Long-recoil action, 5 round internal magazine fed by stripper clips.

  • Tatarack P14
    • 1913 design by hungarian Edmund Tatarek, a modified P13 Enfield rifle in an attempt to convert it to semi-automatic. Tested by the British in 1913. All information is not confirmed.



  • Solothurn 31M
    • In 1931 Hungary purchased 2,000-3,000 Swiss Solothurn light machine guns as well as the license to produce them, these guns were rechambered to 8x56mm.

(Nearly identical to Solothurn 31M from what I can tell)

  • Solothurn 43M
    • In 1943 Hungary converted 31M guns into 7.92x57mm Mauser. This change increased the muzzle velocity but reduced the rate of fire. Manufacturing of this weapon continued in Budapest even as the Red Army surrounded the city.

Gebauer 1934M

  • Gebauer 1934M
    • Multi-purpose machine gun developed in 1934, used on various aircraft. Featured a 100 round magazine and could function similar to the vickers paratrooper squad currently in the game.


  • Skoda M1909
    • Austro-Hungarian machine gun produced between 1909-1917. Using during the first world war, compared poorly to the maxim machine gun.

(picture is Swiss ke-7)

  • Kiraly 1935
    • An experimental light machine gun that looks very similar to a Swiss ke-7. The internal components of the Kiraly lmg is much more complicated than that of the ke-7. Likely designed in 1935 or earlier, not much else it known.



  • Solothurn S-18/100
    • In 1936 Hungary bought the license to produce Solothurn S-18/100 anti-tank guns. Powerful semi-automatic 20mm anti-tank rifle with a 5 round internal magazine. Production continued until 1943, some guns were put on tanks and motorcycles.



  • 44M 60mm
    • After the invention of the bazooka, developed in 1943, produced in 1944, Hungary attempted to make its own portable anti-tank rocket launcher. It looks similar to a German panzershrek, but is not the same thing. Production numbers unknown.

I found that weapon when I was poking around and I was thinking about making a post about it but looks like you beat me to it.
Solothurn S-18/100 - Wikipedia


and I was also thinking about this weapon as well.

Finland’s Lahti L-39 Anti-Tank Rifle - The Armory Life


great work keep it up

This is an Italian Perino 1908 machine gun

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My bad, good catch.

I believe this is a Skoda M1909.

Knowing how DF made Fedorov a proto AK-47 I wouldn’t be surprised to see this in Battle of Berlin as new secret prototype amazing BRV weapon

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Nice list!
Did not know some even though I am hungarian.

Here is one (hopefully) new gun you did not hear about that could be added:

(I dont know how to put an image, I am not a trusted user yet. Will post the picture when I will “level up my account”)

This is a self loading rifle designed by Király.
It had a ammo capacity of 10 rounds.

Some specifications:

caliber: 7,92 mm
ammo size: 7,92 x 54 mm
weight of gun: 4,5 kg
-length: 600 mm
-weight: 1,1 kg
ammo capacity: 10 rounds

Its name is a bit controversial because there is no specific one.

The names it can have:
Király-Danuvia automata puska
7,92 mm-es Danuvia öntöltőpuska
7,92 mm-es KGD (Király – Gebauer – Danuvia) öntöltő puska

I know it does not really matter much but its interesting in my opinion.

The Király 1935 light machine gun could be called KGD golyószóró, similar to the self loading rifle.

Some specifications on the golyószóró.

caliber: 7,92 mm
ammo size: 7,92 x 54 mm
weight of gun: 6,5-6,8 kg to 7-7,4 kg (sources vary)
barrel -length: 580 mm
ammo capacity: 80 rounds

There is a mention of a szuper golyószóró, that should be interesting as well, but I need to look into it more. There is little info on it.

Other than that I would like to see the Buzogányvető’s as well.

With 300 mm of pen and ~4-5 kg of TNT, nothing should be a problem for it. But only 56 m/s velocity.


Gebauer Tank Machine Gun 1934/37.M

Gebauer Harckocsi Motorgéppuska 1934/37.Minta GKM

This gun was the same as the 34.M, but slightly modified for tank use. The 100-round drum magazine was retained. This gun was also called 34.AM. It was chambered for the 8x56R 31.M ammo. Both single or twin configurations were used in tanks. Among other Armored Tanks, this gun was utilized in the Fiat Ansaldo light tanks, Csaba armored vehicles and Toldi tanks. After 1942 it was also used on gunboats and patrol boats. The 34/37.M’s were also used for air defense on the boats, so these guns were equipped with large round anti-airplane sights.

Submachine Gun Cristobal Carbine Model 1

Pistola Ametralladora Cristóbal Modelo 1

Manufactured by Armeria San Cristóbal, Dominican Republic 1949-50
Quantity: 200,000 combined with the Modelo 2
Caliber: .30 US M1 Carbine [7.62x33] rimless and possibly 9mm Luger
Auto-loading action, delayed blowback
945mm [37.2"] overall, 3.51kg [7.74 lbs] without magazine
410mm [16.14"] barrel, 4-groove rifling; RH, concentric
Detachable box magazine, 30 rds
Spring-leaf and elevator sight
564 m/sec [1850 fps] with standard ball cartridges; 250 rpm

The first Cristóbal Submachine gun was the Modelo 1. It was almost identical to the Hungarian Danuvia Machine Pistol 44.M. Most sources claim the Modelo 1 is a simplified version of the Danuvia Machine Pistol 43.M which is not completely incorrect, but shows their lack of knowledge about the 44.M. The 44.M had no stock, the Modelo 1 is a close copy of the 44.M with a folding stock. Also, the ‘experts’ statement, that the Danuvia and Cristobal machine guns were ‘inspired by the Swiss SIG MKMO’ needs to provide the proper credit, that Pál Király, the designer of the Danuvia and Cristóbal guns WAS working for SIG at that time, as the co-designer of the MKMO.

At first the gun was actually called ‘Király-Cristobal Carbine’, but the designer’s name was dropped at the end of 1951, apprently for marketing reasons: the gun was mainly marketed in Latin America.
This gun’s design was patented by Pál Király. It was a delayed blowback utilizing a simple lever system. The bolt was engaged with the receiver by a pendant lever. When the bolt is blown back by the force of the exploding cartridge it revolves the lever and disconnects before recoiling freely. This achieves the necessary delay for bullet travel before extraction. It had two triggers: the front trigger for semiautomatic firing and the rear trigger for firing full automatic.
Internally, a lever connected the lightweight bolt head and the heavy body. When the gun fired, the resistance of the lever had to be overcome before the bolt body began to move backward, delaying the opening of the breech until the chamber pressure had dropped to a safe level, much the same system had been used in Király’s Hungarian Danuvia Machine Pistols a decade earlier.

Submachine Gun Cristobal Carbine Model 2

Pistola Ametralladora Cristóbal Modelo 2

Manufactured by Armeria San Cristóbal, Dominican Republic, 1950-61
Quantity: 200,000 combined with the Modelo 1
Caliber: .30 M1 Carbine, rimless
Auto-loading action, delayed blowback
945mm [37.2"] overall, 3.55kg [7.8 lbs] without magazine
412mm [16.2"] barrel, 4-groove rifling; RH, concentric
Detachable box magazine, 25 or 30 rds
Spring-leaf and elevator sight graduated 100-600 meters
572 m/sec [1876 fps] with standard ball cartridges; Rate Of Fire: 550 rds/min theoretical, 250 rpm actual
No bayonet

The Modelo 1 had a safety problem. A sharp blow to the gun may set it off firing and injuring the soldier if there is a round in the chamber. Several leg injuries were reported using this weapon in 1950. The trigger system was quickly redesigned and this problem was eliminated on the Modelo 2. Due to the influence of former Beretta engineers at the factory, the the modern folding metal stock was replaced with an outdated style wooden stock and handguard, similar to the Beretta M38, effectively changing the design from a machine pistol to a machine carbine. The wooden stock caused barrel overheating, but the stubborn Beretta engineers did not allow it to be changed until 1961 with the Modelo 3. The gun has a battle range up to 300 meters and a maximum range of 1500 meters. The practical rate of fire by bursts is of 110 firings per minute.

The Modelo 2 was adopted by the Dominican Army and the National Police in 1950. For marketing purposes the Trujillo government organized the Fair of La PAz in 1954. These arms were offered for export to the military delegations attending the exhibitions of Dominican Arms. The first export order of 1500 guns came from the government of dictator Red Gustavo Pinilla of Colombia. These carbines were popular in Central America, the pre-Castro Cuban government was the largest purchaser of Cristóbal Arms. A semiautomatic only version with a single trigger called Modelo 2M was also offered.

A special nose cap with a bayonet lug for a Mauser-type bayonet was used by special services, such as Police and Prison Guards.

Parts description from a Dominican Army Spanish manual:
The Carbine Cristóbal M2 consists of 9 parts groups:
Barrel Group: Includes the chamber, the barrel, barrel shroud
Operating Group: Includes the bolt handling, cartridge ejection, magazine latch, bolt manipulator and other operating parts, 12 parts total
Trigger Group: Trigger guard with the firing gear and firing mode selector, burst firing disconnector, 8 parts total
Bolt Group: 17 parts total to make the operation of the bolt
Front Sight Group: the front sight, its base, pin and sight protector, 4 parts total
Rear Sight Group: the base, the ladder, the slide, 3 parts
Wood Group: buttstock and handguard
Sling Group: Strap, 2 clasps, strap clip, support
Magazine Group: parts of the detachable magazine

Operating instructions from a Dominican Army Spanish manual:
In order to load and to unload the Carbine support it with your left leg with the trigger guard towards the right and hold it with your left hand by the handguard. With your right hand insert the magazine into its place in the receiver, until it fits with a clicking sound. Familiarise yourself with the correct sound of a correctly attached magazine. To unload the carbine: hold it the same way described above. With your right hand hold the magazine and with your thumb press the magazine latch inwards until it releases the magazine. Operate the bolt to make sure no round is left in the chamber.

Submachine Gun Cristobal Carbine Model 3

Pistola Ametralladora Cristóbal Modelo 3

Manufactured by Armeria San Cristóbal, Dominican Republic, 1961-62
Quantity: less than 1000 for trials
Caliber: 7.62x51 Nato
Auto-loading action, delayed blowback
Detachable box magazine, 20 rds
FN export-pattern knife bayonet, Mauser rifle type

Király developed the Model 3 in 1961 as a competitor with the Belgian FN-FAL, an assault rifle using the more powerful 7.62X51mm NATO ammo. By 1961 service showed that the Modelo 2 overheated in automatic fire. The improved Modelo 3 (or ‘Mk 3’) discarded the original wooden hand guard for a perforated sheetmetal fore-end and the gun could accept an FN export-pattern knife bayonet. A number of guns were also made with a tubular folding butt. This rifle had the gas tube and regulator was underneath the barrel. The ammunition box was vertical, not inclined like the carbine. After Trujillo’s death (assassination), the new Dominican government was not interested in Dominican weapon manufacturing and the M3 was not adopted by the Dominican Armed Forces.

Submachine Gun Cristobal Carbine Model 1962

Pistola Ametralladora Cristóbal Modelo 1962

Manufactured by Armeria San Cristóbal, Dominican Republic, 1962-65
Quantity: 10,000?
Caliber: .30 M1 Carbine, rimless
Auto-loading action, delayed blowback
945mm [37.2"] overall, 3.55kg [7.8 lbs] without magazine
412mm [16.2"] barrel, 4-groove rifling; RH, concentric
Detachable box magazine, 30 rds
Spring-leaf and elevator sight
570 m/sec with standard ball cartridges; 250 rpm
FN export-pattern knife bayonet?

The Model 1962 had a retractable butt similar to the US. M1 Carbine. This was a single trigger semiautomatic only weapon. The original Modelo 1 perforated handguard design was re-introduced. The quality and workmanship of these guns was lower than the previous models’, but they remained popular.

The Model 62, was produced from 1962 until 1965. After Trujillo’s death in 1961, the new Dominican government was not interested in Dominican weapon development and manufacturing. These carbines remained in Dominican military service until 1990, although they were gradually replaced by more modern weapons. They remained in use as training weapons.

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Thank you for your contributions, its a shame that most of them were produced after the war and really shouldn’t be included in the game.

There are enough Király Pál designed weapons for an entire faction.

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--------------my bad will be more careful------

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