Faction Subtree Mechanic Proposal

I fully support faction subtrees. How would buying soldiers work? I presume you would be able to choose their nationality to any of the added nations.

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Yes, being able to choose soldier nationality when buy soldiers would be important.


So are these sub factions kept separate or does this only apply when playing exclusively a sub faction?

The nation trees would need to remain simplified - Germany & Axis troops, US & potentially all US equipped minor nation factions like the French in late '44 and then Britain & Commonwealth troops.
Soviets and Japanese remain unchanged, unless you wanted to split these into politically aligned national factions that fought on the side main countries as well, but those would be better off as just premium squads, like the Bedouins ??? Why do these even exist ?

EDIT: They should have added a French Foreign Legion or Vichy French squad, as well to fight them…

The best thing I can suggest is playing: US during the night, EU/RU during the day (If you’re in Europe.) Switch it around if your in the US.

It may be possible to do a Thailand/Siam subtree for Japan, they had a little bit of unique equipment. I don’t think Japan would get a subtree for their puppet governments in China for the same reason that it is unlikely to get a Chinese faction.

I don’t think anything would need to change for the soviets, it is possible that they would get polish and czechslovakian subtrees. As there were considerable polish and czechslovak forces fighting for the soviet army after the falls of each country, but this is also true for the western allies.

In terms of dividing the Soviet tech tree into different internal factions within the soviet armed forces, I am not suggesting that.

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I agree, I think you can just add Polish, Czech and arguably Yugoslavian premium squads of both infantry and armour to the Soviet tree.

Well i am in Australia
been told EU is full (cough cough)
That game was like 23h ago, so in a hour, it will be the same time,
should i be on EU or NA at this time of day, ie, Now ish

I watched a doco yesterday, Merrill’s marauders,
China thread was closed so i couldn’t add, that i would like to see a Burma map, then we could of had China, and US V’s Japan in Burma, in the CBI theater.

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So I don’t know where you live but to give you an idea CST here in the US is 4:58 pm, players should be getting on and games are full about right now. (at least the 9-5 workers.)

Nearly 9 am in Sydney I do believe.

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Spot on
Is where i am,
so now would be a NA time, thank you


I highly suggest just checking online the times in the US/EU

If it’s night in one, Probably switch to the other.

P.S: Love you Aussies, Keep being chads.

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Question: How would this be researched? like would it be 1 weapon per faction or would it be all factions researching their respective weapons all at once?

What would make more sense is keeping the same system that you can only research one thing at a time but you can now choose between faction/subfactions. Example: You can be fighting with one preset with italian, hungarian and german squads while researching the KP-31 on the finnish tree.

What would be shared among the factions on a main tree would be the accumulated research points, meaning that the excess of points that you accumulate after completing the research of an item, as it happens already, would be at your disposal to use on whichever item of whichever faction (within the same main tree) that you wish. Example: If you only had 4 RP left on the research of the Pz III J and you made 2000 RP at the end of the match, you could use the remaining 1996 RP on the Kiraly of the hungarian faction.

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I think it would work best if experience is shared across the main tree and sub factions. So playing germany would still allow you to research hungary and vice versa. With you still only being to research one thing at a time, but you can choose if you want to research something in the main tree or one of the subtrees no matter if you are using the main faction or subfaction.


Exactly my point :+1:
I think the reason people might get confused is because of the categorization of factions and subfactions. It’d be easier to simple name them main trees (axis, western allies, ussr and japan* and its minions inc.) and factions (germany, italy, etc…) because some of these so-called “subfactions” like Italy and the UK have just as much gear as their supposed “main” faction counterparts.


Good point

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If I understand the suggestion correctly, and there is no effect on current matchmaking, I love it!

If the player base grows then it would be pretty simple to implement matchmaking for these factions too!


Yep, no strain on matchmaking. Some people have suggested implementing a soft rule where if you bring squads from subfactions you are more likely to find matches on maps where they were present. Example: If you bring italian squads you are more likely to get tunisia maps. If such a system would be possible I totally support it.


I would absolutely love to see this be implemented one day. As long the sub-factions have their nation’s voice lines/accents and the the ability to choose the soldier’s ethnicity included.

In this way, we can finally have other nations represented instead of just Germans and Americans fighting each other all the time.

This would be even better if they added new maps along with it.


I’d say the best way they could fix this whole faction and subfaction ordeal is like Banfly said.

Name the main factions;

Asian axis.
European axis.
East allies. (I.e let’s say china and USSR)
west allies.