Faction Subtree Mechanic Proposal Part 2

This is a follow-up post to my previous post Faction Subtree Mechanic Proposal to expand on it and clarify potential functions.

In my previous post, I outlined the benefit that subtrees would provide to the game, in this post I want to more thoroughly investigate what subtrees might be possible. Below I also incorporated the matchmaking “soft rule” commented by @VoyoMayPL.

Note: Each “main tree” shows an example of what the overall subtree system would look like for that faction, the visuals in the other subtrees are not updated to show the subtree system. Many of the subtrees have equipment that is currently present in the main tree, please disregard that equipment as duplicates would be removed.
Example: MP-28 in Finnish tree, which is already in the German tree and is a German gun.

Western Allies

USA (main tree)

This an example of what the subtree system would look like while having the USA selected in the “Western Allies” faction. The subtrees show on the subtree bar are from left to right are USA, British Commonwealth, France, Australia, Benelux, and Greece.

British Commonwealth

The British Commonwealth, able to draw on the innovations of Britain itself and of its colonies, has a large pool of potential equipment to create a very interesting subtree. The subtree itself would represent the forces of Britain, Canada, India, and South Africa. The British took part in every allied campaign, so their inclusion is a given.



For this suggestion I have separated Australia from the British Commonwealth subtree, but it is also an option for them to be included with the British. They participated in engagements in North Africa and in the Pacific.


France/Free France

Though France fell to Germany very early in the war, French forces participated still contributed to the recapture of France and the advance into Italy and Germany. The french also had limited participation in the battle against Japan in the pacific. France had an expansive list of weapons it was developing to modernize its army.


The Netherlands and Belgium capitulated quickly after the German invasion, but the forces from the Netherlands and Belgium continued fighting in Allied armies throughout the war. Notably the Dutch colonies in the pacific fought Japan.



Greece was supported by the British following an Italian/Germany invasion in 1940. Greece doesn’t have much in terms of unique equipment it could provide, but it would be an interesting subtree in conjunction with a “Battle of Greece” update, focusing on Italy and Greece. Greek forces helped allied forces in North Africa, after the fall of Greece.

Rifles -


  • Makrykano M1943


  • EPK Pyrkal M1939
  • EYP Hotchkiss greek modified machine gun

Planes -

  • PAZL P.24F/G
  • Dornier DO 22
  • Raab-AEKKEA R-29


Eastern Allies

USSR (main tree)

This an example of what the subtree system would look like while having the USSR selected in the “Eastern Allies” faction. The subtrees show on the subtree bar are from left to right are USSR, Poland, and Republican Spain.


It is controversial to include Poland as a subtree for the Soviet Union, as they were initially invaded by Soviet Union and Germany. However, Polish volunteers joined the red army by the tens of thousands to help the defeat the Germans in the eastern front, fighting all the way to Berlin. It may make more sense to have Poland as a subtree for the Western allies, but from a gameplay perspective the allies already have a lot of subtree options and from what I can tell the Soviet Union doesn’t. It could be argued that both the Western Allies and Eastern Allies could have Polish subtrees, but I think that would rob both factions of having a unique subtree.

Spanish Volunteers / Republican Spain

In the event that a “Spanish Civil War” update is considered, a Spanish subtree could be available for the Soviet Union. The example tech tree below was originally intended for the Spanish axis volunteers forces, but a large portion of it was originally created by Republican Spanish Forces during the civil war. There were also a relatively small number of volunteers that joined the red army to fight Germany on the eastern front.


European Axis

Germany (main tree)

This an example of what the subtree system would look like while having Germany selected in the “European Axis” faction. The subtrees show on the subtree bar are from left to right are Germany, Italy, Hungary, Finland, Slovakia, and Nationalist Spain.


Already introduced in the battle of Tunisia campaign, Italy is nation that deserves to be expanded on. Italian forces also participated in the battle of Stalingrad and Moscow. Italy could be introduced in a “battle of Italy” campaign, centered on the Italian peninsula.
Separate Italian tech tree


This is primarily a Hungarian subtree supplemented by Romania and Bulgaria due to the small amount of unique weaponry developed by each. Both Hungary and Romania saw extensive fighting on the eastern front, while Bulgaria only contributed a small volunteer force.

Interesting Bulgarian Weapons
New Weapon Suggestions - Hungary


Finland battled the Soviet Union extensively during the winter war (1939-1940) and with the support of Germany in the continuation war (1941-1944). Finland could be introduced with a “Continuation War” or “Battle of Leningrad” update.

I think it would be possible to supplement the Finnish tree with the Norway/Danish tree as Finland recieved guns and volunteers from its nordic neighbors during the winter war.



Slovakia sent an expeditionary force to the eastern front from 1941-1944. The Slovakian forces were armed with some of the Czechoslovak equipment in Slovakia after the capitulation of Czechoslovakia. Slovakia represents a good option for including more Czechoslovak equipment in the game.


Spanish Volunteers / Nationalist Spain

Nationalist Spain sent approximately 40,000 volunteers to aid Germany on the eastern front. The Nationalist troops captured many interesting and unique weapons from the Republican forces following the conclusion of the Spanish Civil War. The inclusion of a Spanish volunteer subtree could be a good way to include some of these unique weapons, in the event that a “Spanish Civil War” update is not considered. If a Republican Spain tree was included with the Soviet Union, a large chunk of the content in this subtree would have to be removed.


Asian Axis

Japan (main tree)

This an example of what the subtree system would look like while having Japan selected in the “Asian Axis” faction. The subtrees show on the subtree bar are from left to right are Japan and Thailand.


Military Weapons
Though Japan had a number of puppet governments in China, I doubt we will ever see them for the same reason we won’t see a Chinese faction (already heavily discussed). Thailand has a small number of unique equipment that could complement low-mid BR Japan in the pacific.

Rifles -

  • Type 46 Mauser
  • Type 46/66 Mauser
  • Type 47 Mauser
  • Type 47/66 Mauser
  • Type 66 rifle


  • Madsen


Planes -

  • Avro 504
  • Martin 10B (exported by USA)
  • Vought 02U Corsair (Type A-1)
  • Curtiss BF2C Goshawk


Tanks -

  • Type 76 SPAAG
  • Vickers 6ton

Shared Progression:
Progression is shared across the main tree and subtrees, so if you play USA you can still research Australian equipment, and vice versa.

Application of a matchmaking “Soft Rule”
If possible, if you have one or more subtree equipped it would be nice to be more likely to be put in maps where those subtree were present historically.

Example: If I have German, Italian, and Hungarian squads equipped I would be more likely to find matches in the battle of Stalingrad.

Necessary Decisions:

There is some debate on which subtrees belong in which faction. This is a compiled list I made when I was trying to decide what should go where:

Who gets the Spanish subtree?

The Republican Spanish subtree for the Eastern Allies is there out a necessity to give that faction more variety when compared to the other factions. I think it would be possible to give both the European Axis and Eastern Allies a Spanish subtree. However, I find it somewhat hard to justify a Republican Spain subtree without a “Spanish Civil War” update, as they were much fewer in number in comparison to Axis Spanish volunteers and I am unsure if they would have any unique cosmetics. In the case of two Spanish subtrees, the spanish equipment would need to be divided between the two so that minimal overlap exists.

Czechoslovakia or Slovakia?

The Slovakia subtree could be moved to the Soviet Union and renamed to “Czechoslovakia”. The main argument would be the lack of subtrees for the Soviet Union in comparison to other nations, and this tree could be justified by the Czechoslovakian volunteers who fought for the Soviets. However, I don’t think this justification is sufficient, as all Czech equipment was captured and integrated into the German or Slovakian armies after the fall of Czechoslovakia. Germany already has a lot of Czechoslovak equipment for this reason, so it would make sense that all Czechoslovak stays within the “European Axis” faction within the German and Slovak tech trees.


Like mentioned earlier, it is somewhat strange to include Poland in the “Eastern Allies” faction as it was invaded by the Soviet Union. It may make sense to have Poland as a subtree for the Western allies, but from a gameplay perspective the allies already have a lot of subtree options in comparison to the Soviet Union. It could be argued that both the Western Allies and Eastern Allies could have Polish subtrees, but I think that would rob both factions of having a unique subtree.

Vichy France?

I did not include Vichy France as a subtree for the European Axis faction as they would share a lot of equipment with the France subtree in the Western Allies faction. That is not to say that there isn’t a historical justification for a Vichy France subtree, as they battled the allies in some areas of North Africa and sent volunteers to the eastern front. In the interest of maintaining unique factions and unlocks for each faction, I think Vichy France should be restricted to event and premium squads.

Brazil/South America/Mexico?

Latin American nations did contribute to the allied war effort in ww2, but only Brazil and Mexico sent any troops for combat roles. These troops had very little in the way of unique equipment, so I think it would be best to reserve them for event/premium squads.

Are there any other potential factions/subtrees I missed (other than China)? There were a few that were considered but not included due to lack of equipment, such as the Philippines, which would best be included in event/premium squads.


Love your work


looking good.

my thirst to finally play some good quality mp game with less popular WW2 factions/battlefields is truly unmeasurable.


Canadians please, I want to war crimes with accuracy.

Really great but I feel like some trees are too small for their own so maybe mix them in with others so like France + Benelux or Yugoslavia + Greece.

One of the major benefits of the subtree system is that you can have small trees and we don’t end up in a situation like Japan where they have to go to BR 5. However might be possible to combine some of them. I don’t think it would be necessary though. I agree that if any had to be integrated into other trees, Greece and the Benelux would be among them.


This is definitely an improvement of an already great suggestion. I’d say about the issue of the very small or repetitive nations, like Vichy France or Republican Spain, aswell as Poland, would better fit as premium squads rather than a fully fledge nations with repetitive gear. Again, and as I mentioned on your previous post, the only change that I’d make would be to the remove the denominations of main and subtrees as that might confuse some people in terms of the researching and simplify it by calling it factions (W/E allies, european and asian axis) and nations (US, Italy, Free France…). Aswell as the hard rule on uniforms so that uniforms remain consistent with the time period and location. This would obviously need an improvement of the horrible customization system as we’d be talking in the range of tens or hundreds of thousand orders to customize different squads of different nations on different BRs.

Once again, top notch suggestion, hope that it gets added as it’s clearly the better system. Should also get some traction if you link this on reddit, it’s a recurrent theme.


I totally agree the repetitive/duplicate gear should be avoided in order to give each faction more uniqueness. It would probably be best to make France/Vichy France and Nationalist/Republican Spain mutually exclusive, with one being added while the other is reduced to event/premium squads.

I think Poland should be included in the “Eastern Allies” faction for a few reasons, one of which is that it is the one of the few that the Eastern Allies can justify having. The Polish don’t have enough equipment to make a complete tech tree, but one of the major benefits of this whole system is that all the shortcomings of the tech tree of one nation are filled by other nations in the same faction. Poland would be somewhat easy to add as well, as some of their equipment is already used by German premium squads. The real issues with Poland are from its lack of submachine guns and light machine guns (only 2 or 3 of each), but I don’t think they should be excluded for this alone as they have enough tanks/planes/rifles to reach BR 3.

There are also several unique partisan guns/vehicles improvised by the Polish resistance that would be good candidates for premium squads.

The wikipedia has a good list if you want to take a look:

Some standardization of terms is definitely important, the game is confusing enough as it is for new players. I kept the subtree - maintree naming system to attempt to be consistent with the previous post. Sticking to a naming scheme of simply factions and nations would probably be for the best.

I forgot to mention that, this “hard rule” should definitely be part of the suggestion. Soldiers should definitely be forced into map appropriate gear.

Totally agree, I hope customization becomes more of priority when the game is in a more stable place. I think we should also keep in mind that implementing this system would take a long time, and adding each nation would take several months at a time. So maybe that would give them enough time to also overhaul customization.

Idk about that. Even if there wasn’t as much fighting it was definitely an invasion, but I’m not going to start a thread arguing about that.


Poland should definitely be allies, no reason to be anything else. It can have the partisans as premiums which would honestly be dope, same for french partisans. Everything else I agree. Again, this seems like a very well-rounded suggestion, that I hadn’t heard anyone suggest something similar before and seems like the most logical solution. Ideally, we’d be getting the introduction of new nations with new maps. Italy - Anzio or Monte Cassino; the UK with Market Garden; France with… the battle of France, Hungary with the siege of Budapest and so on. It’s a neat way to keep us excited with new updates as we’re eventually getting to a plateau where there are no more weapons to be introduced and more tanks/planes will just bloat the tech tree.

To get there we first need the game on Steam, followed by, or at the same time, as Japs vs USSR (Khalkhin Gol and the soviet invasions of 1945) and then this. But before we get here, somewhere along the lines we would be getting a complete overhaul of the customization.

a very complete post

The only thing I think is that if there are subfactions, you should not be able to use premiums if it does not correspond to the subfaction, so the subfactions will have much more interesting premium squads.

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Many premium squads would be shifted to the corresponding nation tree (italian premium squads would be put on the italian nation tree, the french moroccans omn the free french tree, etc), which wouldn’t be an issue as the researching is shared among nations of the same faction. Also bump to raise awareness to this suggestion


I very much don’t agree with the separation of the commonwealth and Australia, especially since you seem to be merging the Roo’s with the Kiwi’s. ANZAC is part of the commonwealth, at that point you may as well skip the commonwealth part and just go with UK, Canada, ANZAC and British Raj.

Other than than, love it.

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I separated out the ANZAC forces because I think they have enough unique equipment to make a separate tech tree, but it really wouldn’t be any issue if they were just incorporated with the other commonwealth tree.


The argument in favour of joining both nations trees could be made due to some repetitive gear that is shared between the CW (Commonwealth) and the ANZAC nation trees, but what I believe to be more logical would be to seperate, instead, the UK from the CW nation tree and having the entire CW nations, including Australia and New Zealand as part of a greater CW nation tree while having the UK seperated. Just food for thought but what’s most important is that this is the system that is chosen for the future introduction of minor nations.

this will probably never be implemented or e.g. we will get stalingrad almost every map cause someone has hungarian squad.

That’s why it’s a soft rule. If after 30 sec MM can’t find a sufficient number of players for a more historical nation teams selection it defaults to the random, more populated, team selection without map preference. Ideally, with a more populated server, you could have the Battle of France for low BR Germany/Italian squads vs France/Benelux/UK + Commonwealth nations.

it could always be expanded by new “campaigns”, something like a Bagration set of maps could be a good excuse for more maps for minor axis, non city maps for high BR and the removal of Stalingrad from high tier. What i don’t know if it is possible to add a campaign about certain territory that is currently in war, as part of a low BR campaign since most non-german axis unit were part of the army group south during the beginning of Barbarossa.

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any soft rule that forces any player that didnt choose that map to that map is bad rule. you may think that it is ok to have soft rule with e.g. hungarian squads that are forced to stalingrad, but who gave that choice to soviet players? also do you think that you will have enough players to match those specific conditions in that low amount of time?

any “soft” rule is actually bad rule if it doesnt satisfy all 20 players. and we dont have nowhere near enough players to have 6 campaigns further divided by 2 BR queues.

personally i am for map veto function where maps that have least preselected vetoes out of 20 players get picked.

so the biggest issue i can see is that you are adding a 1950s rifle into the TT firing a round that would not exist until at least 4 years after the war (.308 was put on the civ market in '52 so i assume the parent cartridge “t65e5” would be ready in 1949)

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