PLEASE add British and Italian Assault Engineers

Presenting before you the Rieder Automatic Rifle and the Scotti Naval Rifle respectively.


Well we all know British has lost the American Revolutionary War and permanently becomes a part of US, and Nazi Germany has invaded Italy and make it a member of the great Reich.

Seriously no, because they’re no longer independent factions anymore.

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I beg to disagree. Britain and Italy should be independent factions in their own right. The current setup is outright disrespectful. Maybe it is not being prioritised right now but going forward they should get their separate tech trees. If Japan could have a BR V anything is possible.


As an Aussie I sure hope we have our own faction. But I think DF is just too lazy and Australia is just too unimportant for a WW2 game


Nice to hear that. I am an Indian myself and would like to see the Commonwealth get represented in some way shape or form. Let’s see what the future holds. Fingers crossed.

This is how an ANZAC tree could be introduced into the game (shamelessly promoting a great suggestion):


That was some pretty solid suggestions. And I definitely would LOVE to see ANZAC troops in enlisted. Their work was highly shadowed.


Give it the deserved bump to raise traction, that suggestion definitely should see the light of day as it seems to be the most logical and really the only solution to the introduction of both small and big nations to the game!

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If this is added, US and Germany faction will both have 2 assault engineer squad. Are you also giving Japan and USSR more assault engineer squad to balance it out?


Well there are quite a lot of ANZAC troops in the game already, but all of them being premium/event :

  • Austen squad (event Australia)
  • Charlton Automatic rifle squad (event NZ)
  • Owen squad (premium Australia)
  • AC I tank (premium squad Australia)
  • Boomerang plane (premium Australia)
  • Enfield P14 sniper squad (Premium Australia)

And I might be forgetting some

They were never independant factions. Plus you get quite a significant number of British/Italian squads in the progression tree. The main issue is that you cannot buy British and Italian soldiers from the shop anymore for some reason.

Out of the 8 event squads released for the allies, only two are US while the other six are commonwealth

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I didn’t really think it through that way. What they can do is that they can introduce these squads in the form of an event as and when they decide to separate the British and Italian tech trees. Since you will need to have an ‘actual’ AR in the tech tree to have these squads.

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