Italian-German Faction or the Great split of Axis Faction


Well as you know from my posts I’m huge supporter of 6 factions cuz this is the most interesting and realistic approach for Enlisted future. Just like in other WW 2 Game like COH the German faction is split in 2 this allows more equipment to be put without creating a super big factions. So why have just Italian faction when you can have Italian-German faction and Wehrmacht-Axis faction (Germany,Hungary,Romania and Finland) . This 2 factions will bring a lot of equipment in the game and give you big diversity adding equipment to them will be flexible cuz there is tons of stuff that can be added. So don’t worry for BR V Otto Skorzeny and Erwin Rommel are coming to save you:


-Camionetta AS 42 (20 mm Breda Model 35 autocannon)

-Sd.Kfz. 222

-AB 41

-Carro Armato L6/40



-Fiat-Ansaldo Semovente L. 40 da 47/32

-75/32 M41


-AB 43

-Celere Sahariano

-Panzer III N

-105/25 M43

-Semovente 75/34 M43


-90/53 M41M

-Stug III G

-Panzer IV G

-Semovente 75/46 M43

-P43 Bis other options (italian Panther)(Panther A)

-Sd.Kfz. 164 Nashorn

-Tiger H1

-Panzerjäger Tiger (P) Ferdinand:



-Ba.65 (K.14) L

-G.50 AS serie 7

-Re.2000 serie 1

-Ju 87 D3

-Re.2002 Early

-F.C.20 Bis

-Ro.57 Quadriarma


-S.M.79 AS


-Re.2001 CN

–IMAM Ro.58

-C. 205N2


-Fiat G.55

-Re.2005 serie 0

-Bf 109 G-14/AS

-Fiat G.56


-Carcano M41
-Vetterli-Vitali M1870/87/16
-Carcano Mod.38
-Carcano Mod. 38 (sniper)
-Karabiner 98a

-Karabiner 98a with Schiessbecher
-Carcano M1891
-Carcano M91 with Scope
-Mannlicher M1895
-Beretta Model 1918/30 (semi-auto)
-Modello 1928 Tromboncino

-Armaguerra Mod.39
-Scotti Model X
-Pavesi M42

-Baretta Mod.37
-ZK-391 Semi Auto Rifle
-ZK-420S sniper Rifle

-Breda PG


-Breda Mod.5C
-Breda 30

-ZB vz. 26

-SIA Mod.1938


-MG 42 (belt fed)


-Beretta M38(20round)
-OVP M1918

-Beretta Model 1918
-FNAB 43

-Beretta M1
-OG -44
-Beretta M38/42

-TZ -45
-Beretta M38(40 rounds)

BR V :
-SIG MKMO (from the Vatican )
-Scotti Ultra Light Aircraft Rifle (25 rounds)
-Scotti Naval rifle (35 round magazine)

For the other German faction there is plenty of equipment that can be added like BT-42 from Finland, Romania, Hungary and other small nations . With this setup all small nations of Europe will be in the tech tree with Germany. So basically you will have two faction one Italian-German faction and one German-small European nations faction. Just like Company of Heroes there is 2 German factions here you will have one Italian faction with supporting German units and one German faction with supporting finish,hungarian,romanian and other …

Sorry guys that I can’t put for now all the equipment but its too much and i really don’t have the time. In time i will update it with all the pictures and replacements for the other German faction but its simply too much. Just like in WW 2 in higher BR’s Italy will relay more and more on German support and more German squads will appear in the tech tree at higher BR’s. But with this setup there is flexibility and the equipment that can be added to those factions is huge. If you have questions about the weapons ask i will try to add pictures for all the equipment as soon as possible but I don’t know exactly when cuz i will not have time for the forum for a while … :saluting_face: :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


I would absolutely love for Italy to get more representation in the game in the future. However, I don’t think the 6 factions system is a good idea due to the strain it would put on matchmaking. I think it would be best if Italy, and other future nations, be included in subtrees instead. Like how I outline in this post:


That I was thinking but this will crate 2 huge factions of GE and Western allies and USSR and Japan will be just empty factions the amount of equipment that you can add to GE and Western allies will be much much more then what you can add to Japan or USSR.


That is a fair assessment. I don’t know if splitting the german factions up fixes that as there would still be many more players for the european axis and allies factions. I tried to address this problem in this post:

tldr: Ussr could get poland as a subtree to give them more equipment while Japan could get Thailand. While it may be possible to give Japan their Chinese puppet governments, I don’t know if that would be possible for political reasons. In which case that equipment could just be added to the main Japanese tech tree.


As much i want to play with P40/P43 and other Semoventes (and Nashorn) i’m not paying $40 for slots again just to access a few new tanks, especially since they could create subfaction system easily using current faction. Besides we only have a very few fronts where Italians fought, where is Egypt, where is Greece, where is France and ofc their own Italy.

Well splitting is better then having one overpopulated faction this way there will be not a single overpopulated faction cuz all will be balanced in a way. I remember playing other WW 2 games with 1 over populated faction and the other factions having not enough players that was really bad experience. Like H&G the entire game was basically Germany cuz you can put USSR and US together and still they would have had less players then Germany. Not to motion this factions wont be isolated like USSR or Japan so it will be like world of warcraft picking horde or alliance and picking then a race.

I personally believe one day this game could be overhauled to be more historic. It really does have a lot of potential to evolve

Anyone ever heard of Forgotten Hope 2

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Well you don’t have to you will keep them in your other German faction having 4 slots is fine soon there will be 5 free slots :smiley:

4 slots are not fine i need 6-7 at bare minimum to have fun and to compete with people with maxed gear, plus 5th slot is only free for premium squads not for everyone.

Well then this brings more money to the company and you know you will buy them here you have STG with 35 rounds think about it :smiley: and G.56 to catch those annoying P-47

Could actually work since it’s not like they haven’t made event weapons into regular ones before cough mortar cough.

Should not be an SMG per se since it’s a PCC, they should rework it in the game right now as well.

Those aren’t SMG’s nor assault rifles, they’re chambered in 6.5 carcano, a full power rifle cartridge, they’d fit better as machine guns or automatic rifles.

Other than that, yes, all the way yes.

Well I was thinking putting them as automatic rifle but then i played the pacific for a while and imagined how OP will be to have 9 guys with this weapon … comparing to Japan right now and decided to put it as assaulter weapon since the stg is also there.

Simple solution for this. Italy should go up to Tier 3 or 4 and would be matchmade into matches where Germany already is present such as Moscow and Tunisia, but banned from Normandy and Berlin.

You maaaay get a full match of Italians, full match of germans, 50/50 or anywhere in between.

Tunisia used to have Mixed Nations anyways and it seemed fine.

Essentially Italian and Germans will appear different on a leaderboard and get a different announce voice and get their own unique gear such as APCs, AT guns, tanks, weapons etc. The kicker is they can share equipment such as engineer weapons, spawns, and enter each other tanks.

This would not strain the match maker in anyway, and keep some historical authenticity by keeping Italians off of maps they never ever appeared in historically.

The same could be said for the British, but the British would go all the way up to Tier 5 and be allowed on all maps since they were present in all.

nothing simple about it if they can get up to BR4. would work with BR3. but considering that breda pg carcano and beretta are BR4 you will probably see italians on all maps if they get implemented as subfaction.

Yeah that’s where it gets complicated. Besides that Italy has barely any equipment past Tier 3. Maybe they could slightly nerf them to adjust the BR down to 3 and it would be golden.

nah… they just need to make whole faction part equippable for any subfaction soldier. that way they can get stg44/fg42/KT if you want to play BR5, or if you want to roleplay you can just take italian BR1-3 equipment, or you could do mix of both cause italians used lots of german equipment also.

Nah because that’s absolutely dogshit right now, Italian vehicles become overshadowed and we don’t even get correct uniforms. We need a separate faction.

I don’t think I would want them to be labelled Italy-Germany or anything of the sort instead of simply Italy or the Italian Social Republic (even if this doesn’t make sense in Tunisia) because that would automatically imply that greater German integration, with Panzerfausts and other equipment to fill holes in Italian gear.

I’d also prefer that if anything Germany stays purely Germany with holdovers of kit from other factions remaining restricted to gold order/event/premium squads, and an Axis Minor faction with the Albanian Kingdom, the Hellenic State, the Slovak Republic, the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, the Independent State of Croatia, the Government of National Salvation (Serbia), the Lokot Autonomy (RONA forces), Government of National Unity (Hungary), Romania, Bulgaria, and possibly also Finland.

Love all the stuff, Will take alot more Sub faction stuff!!! lots of cool choices

…but id still prefer them in one “axis” Tech tree in sub tree. Just my opinion for the time being.

if the population was ever sufficient again, I would “LOVE” to be able to target Tunisia, Balkans, Husky and Barbarossa


Actually funny enough there was Italians in Normandy :smiley: