These are some additional subtrees I have made as part of my subtree mechanic proposal:
The Empire of Japan set up many puppet governments in their conquered territories in Asia. Some of these puppet governments fielded armed forces of their own. These armies mainly used donated equipment, but also supplied themselves with limited domestically produced weaponry and foreign imports. Much of the donated equipment from Japan was heavily outdated, hence guns such as the Murata 1880 and 1877 Snider Musket were actually issued to troops in Manchukuo.
With the addition of the SIG Ke7 to the Japanese tech tree, the chances that China will be included in any capacity is slim. This content restriction would also apply to the chinese puppet governments Japan created which are included in the this tech tree. If this is the case, all of this equipment would simply be added into the Japanese main tech tree.
The great variety of puppet states brings with it a great variety of potential cosmetic options:
Despite being an axis nation, Bulgaria never declared war on the Soviet Union nor did it send a force to aid Germany on the Eastern Front during ww2. Bulgaria also did not participate in the invasion of Yugoslavia or Greece, only occupying areas of both countries after they had been defeated.
In 1944 the Bulgarian government was overthrown and war was declared on Germany. Three Bulgarian armies of about 455,000 total soldiers under the command of the Soviet Union then invaded Hungary and into Austria. For this reason, I have included Bulgaria as a subtree of the Soviet Union.
This is the most unlikely tree of any I have made so far, as it draws a lot of its content from nations with minimal impact on the war and contains equipment that was never used. However, I still think these nations have a lot of interesting content worth at least looking at.
This tree primarily utilizes equipment from Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina. Brazil sent the Brazilian Expeditionary Force of about 25,000 men to aid the allies in the invasion of Italy and Spring 1945 Offensive. Mexico sent the Mexican Expeditionary Air Force, which aided in the liberation of the Philippines. Despite internal division on Axis sympathies, Argentina sent 4,000 volunteers to join the British and Canadian air forces.