Lack of anything new for Italy suggests that


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I doubt Italy is gonna be separate by Germany (same for UK with US) Japan showed dev intention to bring all factions to BR5, and withaut German equipment Italy (as UK with US) cant field full 5 BR

Imo the best solution (as for UK) is not split them but make Italy as subfaction of Germany with her tech tree and squad


Yes, but the game is so full of fantasy kit, I cant see it stretching things to much to assume Italy would have German Kit, at lest Tanks, They did use some in real life, so they could flesh out the late war options for them with the odd Panther. Aircraft wise there fine, as they would be with small arms, it’s just they need hand with a couple tier 5 tanks.

The Uk, really does not need US help for tier 5 though, granted the Firefly is based on a Sherman, and the Achillies on the M10, but they have other indigenous late war tanks they can draw from.

As noted above this is a potential money maker for them it seem odd that they don’t pursue it.

Also, it gives players something else to grind on…

To keep them interested

This all assumes as well that even if you select British or Italian factions, that your going to be playing on a map, or a side along side US or German troops…


Best chance of it being added is something akin to what @coldestwinter suggested:

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I dont think we will see any major Italy love for a while :frowning:

Pitty as it has some of my most wanted stuff

Not that I want Italy to be seperated into their own factions (Im happy with subfaction setups)

But I think Italy can make a decent showing even into BR 4 and 5. Their tanks would be lacking, but their Planes would be top knotch, and so would alot of their infantry weapons.

They have enough decent stuff to make some really good decks that can punch into most BRS, or could if they were added tech tree (buuuut alot are already gold order or event)

Annnnd yes. Italy has been my favourite/most fun Nation in Warthunder for a good while now)

These Infantry weapons are honestly Top knotch IMO)

  • Beretta M38A
  • Breda PG CR
  • Breda PG Caracano
  • Pavesi M42
  • Modello 1928 Tromboncino grenade launcher
  • Solothurn AT rifle

Tanks ( A bit lacking here for High BRs but some decent guns and really fun platforms that can punch up)

AS 42

AB 43

Semovente 75/46 M43


Breda 501 (Ive killed Abhrams and Leopard 2s in this thing lol)


M 422

Planes (Thier fighters specifically would be best in slot for Axis IMO)

Fiat G.55

F.C.20 Bis

Ro 57


SM 91

SM 92





I hope they will never mess up with adding subfactions :-1:

we cant even get them to increase MM queues for BR ratings. New factions would increase queues again…

Is the only reason Im happy with them as a subfaction

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Either way I agree, sub faction if that’s the best we can hope for, I would of course prefer their own faction, and I agree their planes are top notch, and yes In war thunder I also really like Italy, they have some very cool kit.

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If it is about weapon Italy and defiantly UK can have BR5 stuff it comes to tanks UKs best medium Tank has already been added (Unless they add Centurion P1 to P20
(Same gun as firefly and were made before the war actually P1 was made in 1944) other than that there is tank destroyer for UK (Weird name like start with T)
weapon wise actually UK both had Battle rifle / AR / and high cap smg

For italy their best tank is P-40 which can be added (technically their best tank is PZ IV J which could be added as exclusive to Italian tech tree since German PZ IV G is no longer obtainable) their in general best tank is 43 bis which is a paper tank but it’s nor available in WT
And Italy has quite a lot of stuff technically speaking they don’t have AR but Scott naval rifle could feel that role though its still fires rifle sized ammo and the Italians have tons of SMG and battle rifle and very cool looking grenade launcher rifles.
But since we have already premium squads for both nation it would really limit their capabilities like for instance flamethrowers which Italian can’t get because we have both the Tunisia premium and event squad so I do agree that they should not be a separate tech tree at least not yet however they still have a lot of stuff and can be a very fun sub-tech tree

Dont forget the beloved Comet



Well, the premium Firefly is IC. But there’s already non premium VC version in editor.


Yes I love this one ! But imo, Challenger would be better, with a true 17 pdr and higher fire rate (thanks to the two loaders). Armor would be worse but Comet’s armor is no that relevant either.



you would think that, I dont know if its just warthunders crew HP ACE crew system, But my comets eats and bounces 88 rounds all the time, with the loss of only 1 crew (I have ACE crew…used it alot). Its like its got bulkheads for each crew member that contains the damage lolol

has been a frequent experience for me. But sure, add the challeneger aswell.


I prefere the valentine XI just for the design


Dont forget cr 32 quater


I have seen comet and charioteer in person and i must say that i was impressed how nice they look. I also hope that we get cromwell at some point

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oh for sure!!!. cromwells are much needed. i was just comenting on UK hasnt got one of its best Medium tanks yet (comet)

We still need Cromwell’s (theres one with 4 rockets strapped to turret) and valentines, Some Churchills etc etc


The editor has cromwell 5 (i was unable to spawn it) and churchill 7. There is also 17 pounder at cannon but it crashed the game

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