Lack of anything new for Italy suggests that

Well, the premium Firefly is IC. But there’s already non premium VC version in editor.


Yes I love this one ! But imo, Challenger would be better, with a true 17 pdr and higher fire rate (thanks to the two loaders). Armor would be worse but Comet’s armor is no that relevant either.



you would think that, I dont know if its just warthunders crew HP ACE crew system, But my comets eats and bounces 88 rounds all the time, with the loss of only 1 crew (I have ACE crew…used it alot). Its like its got bulkheads for each crew member that contains the damage lolol

has been a frequent experience for me. But sure, add the challeneger aswell.


I prefere the valentine XI just for the design


Dont forget cr 32 quater


I have seen comet and charioteer in person and i must say that i was impressed how nice they look. I also hope that we get cromwell at some point

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oh for sure!!!. cromwells are much needed. i was just comenting on UK hasnt got one of its best Medium tanks yet (comet)

We still need Cromwell’s (theres one with 4 rockets strapped to turret) and valentines, Some Churchills etc etc


The editor has cromwell 5 (i was unable to spawn it) and churchill 7. There is also 17 pounder at cannon but it crashed the game

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I never understood why War Thunder did not add the:

A close air-support version. The two standard 12.7 mm machine guns could be supplemented with two more. There were underwing racks for two 220 pounds (100 kg) bombs. AS stands for ‘Africa Settentrionale.’ There was an additional engine filter to prevent damage from sand which caused a loss in power, a common occurrence in North Africa, since filter-less engines could be damaged after only a few hours use

They were common, and how Many CR 42’s would be used operationally, and they would make a great Tier 1 addition to Italy.


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