the reason why this suggestion exist in the first place, it’s because currently the rider squad is probably one of the worst squad in this game in term of usefulness ( and in my honest opinion of course ). the premium one it’s somewhat fine, but the free to play one, not so much.
such a shame since i see a lot of potential with it. which i’ll cover in this concept idea.
plus, it’s somewhat annoying to spawn and get to use the enemy faction vehicles.
( as an example, Train Mode, where russians get to use the german vehicles… or german at normandy that has to use the USA willy cars, and also the other way around where the USA get to use the german vehicles.
bad thing is, cars don’t get used very often, and if those gets used, you find them abandoned on the point with the transmission damaged and will be forgotten there because those cannot be repaired with tool boxes for some reason.
even worse, once those get destroyed, they are gone forever from the match as there is no spawn system for those vehicles.
so with this suggestion, the main intent is to make the rider squad somewhat viable for those who wants it, balance them, and allow other nations to benefict those rider squads as well.
so, with all the " recap " done, let’s get to the hearth of the matter:
the main suggestion of today it’s “”“simple”"", Asking for a Rework for the Rider Squad. change it from the rider squad, and make it a Mechanized Infantry Squad.
since the sentence above is a bit vague, here i propose on how to do it:
How Does it Work:
Once you unlocked the mechanized infantry Squad, you will get your regular bike with one Driver and one Trooper.
the more you play this squad, the more you will earn points. when you have enough points, just like any regular squad, you will be able to upgrade it. and the mechanized squad as a main feature, ( that i thought ), is that they can unlock the ability to buy for silvers or bronzes, vehicles in the Logistics.
which it will look like something like this:
( lol, i just noticed that i used an older screenshots with the academy still innit. forget about that. )
Squad Composition doesn’t have to be necessarily this one. i personally thought that it was the more fitting for it’s desired role, but it’s up to devs.
for the rest, each faction has it’s own unique vehicles. and since i don’t think it’s a wise idea to extend campaign levels more than the necessary just for those vehicles, you will have to unlock them first through the blue squad tech tree, and then buy them with either bronze or silver orders through the Logistics Equipment ( or entire new category )
R75 Sidecard, Default Vehicle
Kubelwagen, - 50 Bronze or 5 Silver Orders
Opel Blitz, - 100 Bronze or 10 Silver Orders
Halftrack 251/250 - 150 Bronze or 15 Silver Orders
Motorbike with mg Standard ( already present in the game )
Willy Jeep - 50 Bronze or 5 Silver Orders
G 7100 Truck - 100 Bronze or 10 Silver Orders
M3 / M5 Halftrack - 150 Bronze or 15 Silver Orders
Ural Sidecard With Eather DT or DP28 - Standard
Gaz 67 Car - 50 Bronze or 5 Silver Orders ( present in any Russian practice ground )
Zis 5 Truck - 100 Bronze or 10 Silver Orders
M3 / M5 Halftruck - 150 Bronze or 15 Silver Orders
*Keep in mind that those will be roofless. for cosmetic reasons that i will explain later.
for those who will comment " it’s a waste of time as those vehicles are not available " that’s wrong.
war thunder has those vehicles ( which it’s where the kubel, blitz, willy, and many others models come from. plus, you can see them around the map ) so those vehicles are present and ready to be used ( outside a few that needs rigging wheels and stuff such as the zis, the american truck, and other few )
Devs proved that they can make vehicles from scratch such as the PZ II F, Bikes, T26s flame, and battle bus.
What does it do?
this motorized infantry has the ability to use vehicles. and that’s mainly the main point of this squad. it will work as a fast response, ( kinda like the original idea of the squad it self for the riders ) with the addition of being able to drive others squads to the front if necessary, or, in the halftrack case, being able to provide cover for the infantry where tanks can’t. ( for example, hallways, small spaces, and relatively " faster " speed than tanks. not to a point where it’s too fast, but you know )
( although, the main reason of this suggestion is, it will become useful for a gamemode that i’m currently working on ).
as a draw back, this squad can only have a total of 5 soldiers ( just like the radio operator ).
and there cannot be more than 2 active mechanized squad in each matches ( similar to airplanes or tanks ) it will require the dev to make a new category for it’s own kind of type separated from planes and tanks.
another key factor of the squad, is that they can be specialized but cannot be a jack of all trade.
for example, once you unlock the ability the car / truck / halftrack, in the logistics you will have the ability to buy certain vehicles that has a specific specializations.
such as,
Weaponized Transports
main feature is, you can use a machinegun on it, and allow to transport other 5 troopers ( for the car ) and other 8/10 on the halftruck. ( trucks are an exception. will have no weapons, but usefull to transport more troops ) -
Medical, Piooner orAmonution Specialization
with this feature, if you don’t like the weaponized transport, you will be able to select the other options and apply the medical/Piooner/Amonution specialization on your car, halftrack, or truck.
the medical vehicle will allow you to refill syringes and medkits on the field for the soldiers,
Amonution Specialized vehicles will refill the amonution on the field ( if troopers interact with),
and lastly, piooner vehicles will refill the enginner resourches on the field.
As a drawback, you can only bring one vehicle on the field. and if you chose one specialization for your vehicle, this last will lose the transportation ability and the fire power making those vehicles deweaponized. ( but you can change them at any time )
one thing to specify, specialization vehicle will not have unlimited resourches:
cars will have the resourches for 3x
trucks will have resourches for 6x
and halftrcusk will have resourches for 9x.
( a bit hard for me to explain, but basically, a medical car will way less medkits available to use for troopers compared to halftracks. the capacity of each vehicle will depend based on how big is the vehicle )
this way, we can balance their effectiveness and not to have a jack of all trade.
for example, Medical halftracks does not have weapons, and cannot carry more than two troopers.
which in that way, troopers will not be able to refill enginner resourches or amonution from it.
the same it works for piooner trucks; troopers cannot heal or get amonution from it.
Aren’t Maps Too Small for these vehicles?
“jokes” aside,
as i said, this suggestion is more for those maps that are not. ( and for the future suggestions ).
vehicles can still be used no matter the size of the map to be honest. depending on the player if they think it’s fast or not. and if that is not enough, players that lose the squad or the vehicle, will have a cool-down of 2/3 minutes timer before it can be called again.
I don’t wanna see too many people spamming cars etc any solutions on that?
Hence why i suggested to limit those mechanized squad to only 2 active per time.
plus, you are not gonna see everyone spamming cars for a few reasons, this mechanized squad takes a place of the vehicles section. meaning that not everyone will be able to use it, as free to players does not have more than 4 spaces, and not everyone will decide to replace their tank with mechanized units.
and again, there’s a cool-down for it.
what would dev earn from this?
simple, money.
all from skins, decals and ( when those will be available, ) decorations.
a few examples could be the Fiat 626 as a skin for the italian squad.
or in general, customize your vehicles.
put cosmetic roofs, double tires, and etc.
by putting the cosmetic roof, will make the soldier on the back lose the ability to lean and shoot ( outside the last two closer to the " hatch " at the bottom. the roof it will give you a nicer look ( i mean, i personally like the covered opel blitz any day compared to the roofless one. ) and as a bonus, it will hide the soldiers on the back. but if the vehicle get shot, the roof will not act as a defence. therefore bullets will go through and can potentially kill or damage the soldiers on the back as again, it’s for cosmetic purpose. but it’s going to be a skin. so in default, you have the roofless truck/car, and then you decide weather you want it or not.
other cosmetic ideas would be, entire new trucks models for those other nations such as Britain and Italy with their own unique vehicles that can be purchased for those who want to make their squad out of italian and british troops without having to use the ally trucks.
and other camos and different stuff. but you get the idea.
being able to customize those vehicles as well for the player liking.
in conclusion:
that’s all. if i missed something, or want to improve, let me know.
i was thinking to also include light vehicle such as M3 scout cars, Sdkfz 222 and BA.64, but those might be a bit too much, and not the right moment for those.
so yeah, i kinda suggest them before when normandy was it’s in his infancy, but as we are at the 5th campaign that we still don’t have the ability to call car and stuff, i’m a bit disappointed. so i decided to try again.
for the rest, for the rider squad, i hope to improve them and make them viable. if not, peace.