Fixes, Features and improvements that Riders and APC Generally Needs ( At least, IMO )


now that some time has passed, and i collectively had a better feeling with all APC of all factions, i would like to give my 2 cents and ask for certain improvements, and fixes that both classes needs.

especially since those are my favorite, and i see alot of potential with those.

with that being said, here are some changes that i picked from various threads, had on my own a while back, and so on ( forgive me if i couldn’t find the correct names )

anyway, i’ll start with the ““easier”” ones:


- Add missing bikes to the USSR and JP factions

bikes are great, and above all, fun to use. generally a solid pick depending on few factors.
it’s a bit of a shame that japan and the USSR do not have any for those who would like one ( or more ).

therefore, would be great if the soviets get the: Dnepr M-72 - Wikipedia
and japan the Rikuo Type 97 - Мотомир Вячеслава Шеянова | Motorworld by V. Sheyanov

- let the driver be able to use sidearms when stationary

perhaps at the cost of needing an animation to get in, and out / drawn out the weapon. so, when the driver is in that state, he cannot drive but he can defend him self. opposed as having to switch to the gunner seat

- add 3 seat bikes for free to players too

( perhaps, deweaponized variants as a trade off ? )

- if the driver is absent ( be it because it’s dead or simply he isn’t on the bike ) the engine shouldn’t be running even if the gunner is on the bike

okey, this one is a bit… hard for me to explain, but what i currently don’t like is that, if i tell my ai to wait on the bike, even if he is the driver or gunner, the engine will shut off ( which it’s correct. it conceil your location ) but as soon players hops in alone in the driver or the gunner, the bike will start emitting noises. despite being driverless. ( i hope it makes sense )

- make Bikes more stable

what i’m talking about, it’s that when you use the bike, they tend to be twitchy and not very stable. i’m not talking about the bikes steering more toward the right or left, but the actual stability of the vehicle when being stationary. they bounce all over the place despite not moving at all.

- let players be able to customiza bikes with camouflage coloration and decals

( for more info and details, check this post: Make Bikes Customizable )

- let the radio operator be able to call in smoke and perhaps bombers

due to being somewhat of a fragile class, would be great if the radioman could ask for smoke or bombers to aid as a support role the team rather than being just a funny bike or vehicle with an mg.

- let players be able to roll / push bikes if they are flipped

countless time i find my self in tunisia or the pacific flipping my bike because of some rock ( yes, i am a bad driver, i’ll be the first one to admit it ) but then i lose my bike for the rest of the game because i can’t move it or flip it.
which the boats do have this feature:
would be great to have it for bikes too

- add the ability to buy more bikes

i know i might be perhaps the only one, but i hate the fact that, despite me owning both premium and default bikes, i never have enough combination for the situation i find my self into.

and additionally, for the same reason

- add medics in the squad tree


- improve rider class and add the ability to add more soldiers, while giving them new vehicles

what i mean by this, is that i think riders can be useful and different from APCs.
by making them able to have armored scout cars and what not.
to be some sort of fast response team while not " stealing " APC job ( or the other way around )

and i truly believe this class could shine with the introduction of new vehicles for this class such as:

russian m3 scoutcar

  • german 8 rad

or why not, become the class for anti Air / anti infantry.
and give options such as the:

etc. many more could be added. just to give an idea and make this class slighlty more interesting.

next, we’ll get to the a bit in lenghty part of this suggestion…


so, there’s quite a lot to unpack here, therefore, i’ll start with bugs and errors that needs to be fixed
( yes, those have been already covered over the CBR. but it’s good to keep it as a reminder )


- M3 Wheels Clipping through the road when going straight in a road:

loosing speed and power in the process

- fix the japanese truck dirty windshield

( from Japan APC )

- Fix Ais shoot from the hard surfaces of the halftrack

now, i do love the fact that they can shoot, but they should elevate them selves from an upstanding position rather than… defie hard physic and clip right through the sides of the wall.

- fix halftrack first person shoot cameras

so… i was really disappointed by the way halftracks were currently implemented in first person.

like, the idea was so cool, but the implement has been… debatable at best.
which, it would be great being able to fire correctly like AI do but not having to clip or… aiming at hard surfices that makes it hard to see where you are aiming at.

overhal, the whole areas of being able to shoot and not, should be reworked.

- Fix Sdkfz 251 Gun

what i mean by this, is, the gun is visually an mg42, but acts, works and Sounds like an mg34.
which i’m not sure why that’s the case.

so… either visually change the machinegun to be an mg34 or change how it function to correlate to it’s visual depiction.

and, enough with the bugs, let’s cover the rework.


so, there are a couple of reworks that i think are needed.

first and fore most:

- give premium APC custom uniforms and a camouflage for the vehicle

but i cannot describe the dissapointment of seeing the promotional material just to not see any camofualge or whatever. majority if not all premium vehicle squads comes with at least pre bought cosmetics from the selection, or unique uniforms. yet the APC squad has none.
not even as the first pre merge premium squad where they will land in most campaigns.
they have nothing going for it. and it was 40€ :skull:

so please, give them unique uniforms.

you can pick presets from here:

more can be found here Submission thread for a cosmetics uniform's change of the premium APC units ( and possibly, options for future APC squads ) - #12 by ErikaKalkbrenner

- increase the damage resistance of the m3 from tanks coax damage

so… they are halftracks, supposed to " survive " from small arm fires, yet the M3 can die from Mg42s and 34s in the engine deck:

- make the m3 close it’s hatches

not only it’s unrealistic, but less than optimal. i’m sorry, but no right minded would expose and risk to get get shot by going in active war zone with hatches down. so i made a working version which it’s closed over my " battle of foy " ( i still have to release it… sorry for the waiting but it shouldn’t take long after this thread 1 week or two at max ):

( don’t forget the view ports )

- change the turret rotation and gun elevation / depression to be accurate as their real life counterpart: ( both the m3 and 251 )

here is how it behaves in default ( which it’s terrible )

and here is a modded and realistic version that i made in the editor:

this one is the 251 vanilla ( which lacks gun elevation despite having planty of room ):

this one, is my modded version

- rework overheat of halftracks and base ammo

  • for the 251:

i find inconsistent the fact that the bike does not have ( rightfully so ) overheat mechanic. yet for some reason the halftrack does.

therefore, my suggestion is, remove the overheat from the 251. completely.
and reduce the ammo to be realistic ( from 250 down to 75 rounds ) as it has the drum magazine.

therefore, work similarly to the K750 rider bike.

  • for the M3
    reduce slighlty the overheat.

either remove it, or slighlty reduce it.

as much i understand the overheat was more designed for the m2 high caliber machinegun to balance it out, right now it’s just excessive.

the ammo can stay the same, and the reload can stay the same. but the overheat should be changed. as after all, halftracks were used for supressive / covering fire.

none of the halftracks we have can do that.

and, we get to the last part.

Features / addition Needed

- let the radio operator be able to call in smoke

as a support vehicle, i believe the ability to call smoke could really benefit the class and somewhat increase the sales for it as it would be an additional perk.

- allow halftracks to tow anti tank weapons or AA with wheels

- let ais fire the top machinegun when in the gunner seat

not gonna lie, i was Extremely disappointed. the update merge allowed AI to use default machineguns placed around the map, yet for some reason they cannot operate the base machinegun.
which i would have greatly used halftracks with AI machiguns in my mods.

- add specialization halftracks to it. ( ammo boxes / medkits / engineers resourches )

now, i’ll admit, this is more of a niche feature that i would mostly use for my upcoming PVES and what not. but i do think halftracks could and should play an important support role. and that would be, the ability to allow and select specific " specialization " to assign to halftracks. perhaps the not weaponized ones. and that would be, being able to choose between Engineer halftracks / truck that will aid at the front by providing engineer points, or, ammunitions specialization, that will allow to refill ammunition for small and heavy caliber weapons ( as long there’s a cooldown ), another for medkits and the ability to refill syringes for medics, and so on. perhaps, to make it balance, sacrifice the rally point perhaps? or add it as a side " box " for people to interact with ( similar to what i did in my mods )

or, using the previous point of being able to tow something, the ability to spawn with a towed weapon for one spawn. or… lose the ability to respawn with a rally.
anything really. up to devs.

but you get the idea.
kinda option really.

- let players duck when reloading in the gunner seat.

similar to the m18.
as… they kinda stick out. and… it wasn’t unreleastic for soldiers to duck when reloading.
( granted, this would more benefit the 251 for the gun shield. but considering the gun isn’t equal, nor the angle compared to the m3 ( that should have in theory a 360° angle / view ) i think it could benefit from the gunner being able to duck and reload )

- more APCs

the additions for this class can be countless, and i truly believe in their support role.

as such, i think it would also be great to get more models of trucks, halftracks, and what have you.


and, perhaps, few sperimentations ( perhaps as premium )

  • US amphibious Lvt 4

  • japanese ka-chi without sponsons as APC

    ( it … could be considered powered, but it cannot go in the water. and still is… weak against anti tank rifles but… up to devs really )

and last but not least,

- make apc customizable with decorations and decals

and that’s about it.

if i find anything else, or people have some other suggestions let me know and i’ll might add them.

cheers for listening to me. hope the effort was worthed as it took me quite some time to compile this pile of suggestions and improvements.



before someone will have doubts about my claims:

except… japan. but it’s on my todo list.

and… i missed the british bike cuz i was kinda on the green when i bought the first bike )

but still.


or… something like that


The current Sdkfz 7 halftrack either needs a drastic overhaul, or to just be replaced with the Opel Blitz. Because while it was literally used as a tow vehicle for AA/Artillery, in the game with the weight of just a few men in it, it’s incapable of climbing a molehill.

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good point.

as much they confirmed that they will improve some of the performance, towing would be greately apreciated.

Yeah they have a constant pull to the left, but on the first cruise control they go straight. Bike could benefit from having more information given to the player like a gear, engine RPM, speed, and cruise control level displayed in the HUD like what tanks have.

It’s not about the player’s skill but more about how the bike is implemented. Vehicle throttle control in the game is digital where as in real life it is analogue. Manual throttle control for the bike have an increment of 100% with 0% throttle when the “W” is released and jump to 100% throttle when the key is pressed. If you try to pull maximum throttle on the 1st gear from a complete stop on a bike irl you would find yourself having a similar fate.

The plane throttle control is also digital but is sectioned into smaller increment of 10% thus giving the player more control of the power output of the engine. If the devs somehow give the player more control over the bike RPM, the user experience for the bike handling would improve greatly



i was more talking about the fact that when i stand still trying to shoot at the enemies, the bike will literally start jumping on it’s own messing up my aim.

i don’t mind the actual bike steering towards the left / right. that’s realistic ( i’d think )

err… not really.

the point was more about that once the bike is flipped, you cannot unflip it.

like, when it’s upside down.

you have no way to " set it streight ".

but as it goes for the information about speed and RPM,

almost all ground vehilces ( civis cars and trucks too ) do not have RPM.

not sure if should suggest it here too, or make it general.

well, since we are at it here, guess i’ll include it though.

I have a bike irl, it doesn’t pull to one side when you drive them.

is it a side car one?

or just “single” wheel

because if it’s just a regular bike with no passenger on the side, yeah no. they don’t.

but as far as i could gather when making an argument about side cards, they do steer towards the " weight ". at least, old ones.

It doesn’t have a sidecar.

Come to think of it a bike with a sidecar would probably pull to one side on extreme speed to the is asymmetric design and aerodynamic drag, but I don’t know I don’t have one.


that’s precisely how it works in the game.

which i think it is realistic.

but of course, i could be wrong.

I really don’t like the of a semi-trailer clinging to something invisible while driving. It has some problems with phys.blk, if you replace it with its oceanic brother phys.blk, the problem will disappear.

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i’m not sure i quite follow what you mean

like, you mean this?:

I really need me “clown shoe” (Soviet m3 scout car).

Also, making bikes a bit faster… all vehicles in Enlisted suffer from artificial speed nerfs…

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i used to play alot coh2, kinda why i wanted an m3 in enlisted too haha

but yeah, both for allies of the western and eastern front.

could be quite a fun vehicle and " gun 'n run " type of vehicle.

it even has the m2 50 cal.

can’t wait.
lots of possibilities and lots of new toys for making riders more appealing and still viable at higher brs.

at least, that’s what i think.


russia could also get their own native halftrack called the ZIS-42 based on the zis-5 truck


as if the car is clinging to some small object, it sometimes turns to the right after this, but I have never seen anything like the one in the screenshot

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What would the step by step process be like to attach the tow to the vehicle?

either the arcady way;

aka, park the halftrack in proximity, jump down, and hit a button on the actual gun so that the… game will attach the gun to the halftrack / truck.

or… the realistic way. ( similar to bfv. one of the very few feature that was actually cool )
drive slowly with the back of the halftruck to the back of the gun, and the game will automatically lach it to the back of the vehicle.

or even automatically from the driver.
just press space bar or left mouse, / trigger button and it will attach the gun. ( opposed as doing it automatically by just reversing into it )

up to them really.

but it would be great to make use of already placed guns that were left previously or just early.

but i suspect your hidden message is right.
perhaps i am way too optimistic about it.

Attaching cannons to halftracks deserves its own thread, considering they don’t have the “will automatically replace the last structure of this type” mechanic for them and, thanks to the same terrible driving physics that shake your motorcycle, you basically cannot push or steer a Pak 40 to the next point.

This would give an immersive, and hopefully viable way, of moving them around.

Given their utility in making end/flank runs far from the bulk of the team, but the inability (for obvious reasons) to take an Engineer in the squad, my single largest suggestion for “APCs” is that they should incorporate/function as ammo boxes.