What is this cash grab with the new APC premiums?

I´m reading that they again released a premium squad, which is only half functional. The new japanese APC should have 3 functional machine guns and only one is working right now. What is going on in the Gaijin Headquarters right now? How can you release real game money content in such bad states?

I pre-ordered the german APC and russian APC bundle and the german vehicle is also only havlf functional, because it can´t fight of anything!

The MG on the halftrack overheats like crazy!!! You only can kill 1 guy, maybe 2 when they are right next to each other! For a premium squad this was really disappointing. This was my first pre-order for Enlisted and i already have no interest in pre-ordering anything again, because the german APC was a huge waste of money!

I don´t understand how someone can release premium content in such sorry states and also still promoting it, so people get really dissapointed, especially when you look at the money you have to pay for these squads.


A: Darkflow, not Gaijin, is releasing these in such a sorry state

And B: that’s just how it is. Scummy cash grabs are Gaijin’s bread and butter and it seems DF is following that tradition


also no steering wheel animation, no reload animation it is utterly disgusting!


Yeah, I wouldn’t spend on this game anymore if I were you

( i know there will be helpers or devs watching this thread. so… aside from the rant, here would be a great thread to see how those can and should be fixed )

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They only have 4 guys, just small indie dev please be patience


they don’t.
that’s the funny part.

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I don’t think DF consider indie when they have Gaijin wallet, CRSED and WT assets and 3rd party employees working for them

Is like calling Bioware Indie when EA fired most of their team and left with a skeleton crew lmao

Yeah for a developer with a decent staff and good amounts of cash flow, i don´t understand why they release real money products which aren´t cheap at all, so they will bring you a good amount of new money, in such sorry states, that no one really wants to buy them on release :frowning:

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