after a long time, i managed to get my hands on the rider squad. so far, i’m loving it. and suit nicely in my base tunisia line up and most likely will be there in the merge as well.
but, i was disappointed to see ( or rather, not see ) any customization available.
Main Suggestion:
Make bikes ( and eventual ground vehicles ) customizable.
Implement customization for bikes by allowing camouflage/color selector
Allow placements of decals
( so that we can cover up ourselves the palm of the afrika corps. won’t really make much sense when the merge will drop. so people can cover it with something else, and make the bike unique for them. )
- Allow decorations as well
( wanted by the community in the comments so )
just like the tank customization.

Examples made with the editor:
White camo
( us_camo_inside_light* )
Dark Green
( us_camo_dark_green_dark_earth* )
Light Green
( us_camo_dark_green_light_olive* )
Tan ( orange ish )
( us_camo_desert_pink_dark_khaki* )
Tan ( Pink )
( us_camo_desert_pink_lines* )
Dark Tan
( us_camo_desert_pink_olive_drab_dark_earth* )
Dark Brown
( us_camo_desert_pink_olive_drab_dark_earth_black* )
( jp_camo_willow_green* )
( ger_camo_argentinian_bicolor* )
Oliveish Tan
( ger_camo_captured_us_olive_green_braun_blots* )
Dark Brown
( ger_camo_carc* )
Light Gray
( ger_camo_grey* )
( ger_camo_dark_grey* )
Dark Gray
( ger_camo_double_color* )
Washed Green
( ger_camo_dunkelgelb_green_braun_big_blots* )
Light Green
( ger_camo_dunkelgelb_green_braun_blots_man* )
Gray Greenish
( ger_camo_gelboliv* )
Dark Green
( ger_camo_hinterhalt_daimler* )
( ger_camo_inside_elfebein* )
Big 4
Double camo
( uk_camo_light_mud_blue_black* )
Mudc camo
( uk_camo_light_mud_slate_grey* )
Cheese camo?
( uk_camo_light_stone_dark_green* )
Bicolor brown
( uk_camo_light_stone_light_grey_slate_grey* )
Bicolor brown and gray
( uk_camo_light_stone_slate_grey* )
Bicolor Greens
( uk_camo_middle_deep_bronze_greens* )
( uk_camo_very_dark_drab* )
Winter Sprinkled
( us_camo_winter_blots* )
In Conclusion
i know some of them are not historical accurate, others weren’t used and what not. but it’s just for the sake of examples. and since the merge will be a thing, everything is allowed
but yeah, that’s all from me.
P.S. i don’t care if you find bikes useless or not
i’m just asking for customization.