Extend decals and decorations slots from 4, up to 8 or even 10 each. and various tank customization improvements / needs

a bit of context

one thing that i hate the most about enlisted customization is,
( aside lacking general roundels and faction decals ) is how strict it is.

of which, most of the time it’s next to impossible making historical accurate tanks even when you have premium.

for example, if you were to create or, to the very least, come close to the Stalingrad panzer IV g, Panzer IV 70, Jumbo Premium or any of the few decorated tanks, you won’t be able to even come close.

which it’s a shame.


Main suggestion

today main suggestion is relatively simple.

and that is,

expand the customization slots ( both decals & decorations slots )

<from 2 slots (4 slots by default for premium) up to 8 slots (10 for premium) in each category.


i’d argue it would be beneficial for the company as well since, players would be able to spend on a single vehicle, up to 8 or 10 for each slots ( making it 16 or 20 bought items ) for one vehicle alone.

allowing more customization choices and options for players.
and the players get to properly customize their tanks without stricted, and quite frankly, " dumb " restrictions.

ideally, we would be able to recreate historical tanks:

and well, you get the point.

some examples made with the editor

keep in mind, decals are not available in the editor
( they sort of are, but it’s next to impossible to place decals by just going with coordinates )


( counter point )

you would just allow clowns to fully paint their vehicle with large scaled decals

yes, that could happen. but in all honesty, i don’t see why it would be bad for someone to spend money just to look ridiculous. it’s none of my concern to be honest. if they want to do that, sure why not.

but just because of some " bad apples " , i don’t see why should everyone suffer from making their tank look decent ( while having to pay that is ).

you can just google " vehicles tank marking ww2 " and you’ll see many images popping up of where those were applied to.

of which you can’t do with just 4 decals slots.

reintroduce the ability to change camouflage on gold order skins. without loosing decals and numbers

i don’t know why or how someone could come up with such a " fix ".
but you can read more about it here.

which, it still works in the editor, i don’t see why it shouldn’t over the base game.

as hinted at the beginning,

add factions roundels and insignias.

it’s not even funny. years have gone by, and we still do not have those.

add the missing camouflage for tanks

and last but not least, as a reminder,

do not forget apc and bike customization please.

No. i did not addressed bushes,
because i still believe bushes should be limited to 2.

and that is all. thanks for listening to me.


i want to be able to put more bushes on my T34 100
10 bushes per tank would be great
i want a moving bush with a 100mm canon and a MG

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same me,I want hide my spaa

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Bushes limited to 2?! Also this wil never happen

because Gaijin is stupid
they could earn a lot of money if they removed the bush limit

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i guess i could settle for 4 bushes.

but no more than that.

even though, then again, it’s up to devs really. not me.
i just dislike bushes.

A single, one time use only, sandbag is 3€
And a single, one time use only, decal is 1,25€
Not a single sane person should pay for customisation in this game, at least, War Thunder got the decency of allowing you to have multiples decals and share decals and decorators across vehicles
That M4A3E2 you gave in example is worth about 30€ of virtual sandbags and 9€ of Jerrycans, if anyone find that okay I’d just be lost for words

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You don’t have to use bushes if you don’t want to

Why am i not allowed to use more than 2 bushes? Because you don’t like them on your tanks?

If i don’t like rifleman squads with 9 soldiers you should not be allowed to use them anymore? That’s a stupid reason!

If i want to use bushes because i like them and pay a lot of money(4,5€ per bush) for them and other players don’t have a big disadvantage i should be allowed to use as many bushes as i want.

IMO decals and decorations should only be available for money.
But important squads (e.g. paratroopers) should be free

this tank needs more bushes!

Want that 10 bushes for my flamingo please, maybe also stackable bushes to build a tree

Are they actually? I thought about premium just to add 2 more to my existing 2

Please devs add 8 Slots i want more bushes (btw its historically correct you are limited in your own sight of view with your own bushes :stuck_out_tongue:

Why are you wasting place for skis than?

no because they give an advantage.

bushes are the only thing to have insane LOD distance.

covering it in bushes would just make it dumb.

mostly because you are just gonna blind your self through viewports.

but do what you want.

there’s a distinction between a bush rat, and someone using them for decoration.

their intended role.

gray zone campers plus bushes can have a negative effect.

can’t argue with that

That’s my problem. That’s not a reason to have a bush limit of 2

because you can’t have more than 2 bushes

IRL they are used as camouflage.

Why should we not be allowed to use them as camouflage?

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Because camping with tank is bad

Cosmetic should, remain cosmetic.

But they do give huge advantage in hiding weak spots and all that jazz.
Hence, 2 are fine

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That’s why tanks exist :joy:

Cant argue with that, i dont think tanktroopers wanted to look nice in the heat of battle while using bushes on theire tanks, sure it gives advanteage like in reallife but it is naturally limited by itselfe in aiming possibility of the crew. Cant be more logically and historic