More decorations


today i come with a simple suggestion.

and that is, adding more decorations.

P.S. the prices and the lack of decorations have been talked about to death.
so i won’t cover them here in this suggestion.

this suggestion ( which i would like to remind, not a priority ) i’d like to ask to get more type of customization items for the tank customization based on present clothing items.

because if i was able to make them in the editor, i don’t see why devs shouldn’t for the base game.

even though, it’s important that first the slots gets increased:

as it would allow more items to be bought = more income for devs:


add tires, wrenches, tools, axes etc as placable items:

add more type of helmets, gascans, bread bags, pots,

and well, the list can go on and on.

you get the jest of it.
but primarily to make vehicles more unique and less blind.

but of course, not just limited to germany. but allied vehicles too:

and well… that’s all i have for the moment.

so yeah, not a priority as usual, but something cool to have for the future.

as the customization is a bit dull.

P.S. do not forget APC and bike customization plz.


IMO the main problem with decoration is that it’s over priced thus very few people put decorations on their vehicles and because the feature is rarely used, DF doesn’t update it.

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but that’s not the concern of this suggestion.

Iam well aware, I just shared my opinion.

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i mean, not to brush it off.
however, lack of items could also tie into that.

at least, that’s how i see it.

i’m somewhat tired of being able to use russians backpacks on my german tanks ( and vice versa ).

and the other options being just… a garry can, some grenade, some low poly and quality helmets, a horse shoe, and that’s about it.

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Idk about flasks and bags magically hanging on armor plates but I’m all for customisation iptions unlockable through gameplay instead of paying and above everything - a toggle in settings disabling all customisation client side if the user wants to.

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More customization fixes would be fantastic! I really hope they un-massacre my gold order vehicles that I customized first, they lost all their decals unless I take the new paintjob off.


I would like to get dolls and teddy bears without paying gold. :smiling_face_with_tear:

They should create “vehicle customization orders” and add it to the battle pass.