Extend decals and decorations slots from 4, up to 8 or even 10 each. and various tank customization improvements / needs

I agree with this idea.
War Thunder would be the best example, due to its plenty free customization choices.
They should bring in how if you ever buy a decal, you own it permanently, and can use it in more than one slot, than having to buy it all separately:

And of course, the roundels and insignias which are missing, and crucial for specific factions. It can also add variety for tanks that are donated in instance.

They should make some decals free and unlockable by completing certain amounts of
kills or winning a certain amount of matches in a certain nation to unlock them.


That looks really good, perhaps gold order tech tree APCs could be a good idea?

Battlefield 5 crossover with enlisted :thinking:


hatches are only fake, but i have found work arounds to make them functional.

aka stop bullets

err, not quite.

i do see the resemblances, but that’s not what i had in mind.

also, the logs are in the wrong position.

but only recently i found out how to change their position without needing to make 300 attempts like before.

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