Make AI capable of using the mounted MGs of Vehicles!

Pretty simple concept. There are MGs built into the new Japanese APC, as well as a vast number of tanks that have a “machinegunner” slot. Make the AI capable of operating them without the player needing to target with them.

  • AI soldiers on foot are able to use the weapons they have

  • AI tailgunners in planes are able to operate their weaponry

    • Ground vehicles are strangely unable to defend themselves with weaponry that is BUILT IN to the vehicle.

It would also greatly help to encourage players to push forward with these vehicles, rather than have so many sit back due to lack of support.



just one of many needed improvements for apc.

welcome aboard i guess. or, consider your self invited.


It would help to combat the explosive pack spammers, which I suppose is why some forum members fight it so hard though.

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how do ai using mg, combat explosive pack spammers?

… or have anything to do with it.

I’d only add an option to turn it on and off via command wheel. Ambush n’ stuff.


AI operating ground heavy weaponery ?!? You mean those bots that can spot anyone closer than 100m from them without any obstacle between them ? The bots that can see through foliage, high grass and such ?!?
No thanks.

You mean the bots that will stand still in the open as you kill them one by one?

I see it all too frequently, the players using explosive packs will literally walk right in front of the Machinegunner’s sight line (while the turret is turned in another direction), and explosive pack it. Whether or not you have friendly infantry nearby, because the AI don’t register they are there until it is too late.

by allowing the Machinegunner to act independently, you can angle him toward where potential Explosive Pack throwers will come from, and he will effectively cover that side.

If players start dying to this frequently enough, they will either learn their lesson and actually approach from a different angle, use an actual AT weapon, or just avoid them as a whole.

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i see

Pay close attention to the subject.

Letting AI use the MGs that are built into tanks and other vehicles, That are operated by AI. Especially those in “Machinegunner” slots that actually can’t be accessed or utilized effectively by the player.

Tanks NEED to be balanced somehow in which they are actually a threat at close quarters, right now that is a joke in most cases.

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