Apc Tlc

The “meta” APC play style is literally just dumping them somewhere. I find this is underutilizing the true potential of APCs

There are basically 2 types of APCs, the research tree unlocked unarmed trucks and halftrack, and the premium armed halftracks.

The unarmed trucks/halftracks literally exemplify the problem I said. They practically have no use besides being dumped somewhere. This isn’t like maps are absolutely gigantic and transport vehicles are necessary or HLL where trucks/transport vehicles have a strategic use. At best all you can do is just move around to different spots but even then most people just dump them the moment they spawn anyway.

The armed APCs have a primary weapon so they can at least support the fight, but they can only act as a rally point if they are at a certain distance away from the Capture Point (just like regular rallies) and thus most people just dump them somewhere

First, they should just remove the unarmed trucks and halftracks. On most maps basic transport trucks spawn in the first place and even then no one really uses them. I even think these unarmed APCs were just added as an afterthought. Of coarse they can just be reimplemented just as the random transport vehicles that spawn around the map. Perhaps they could be reimplemented in the future if say we get larger maps or the game dynamics evolve, but I think for now they should just be removed.

Second, to make the armed APCs more useful, allow them to be used as rally points ANYWHERE even if you’re right next to or even IN the Capture Point, even UNDER COMBAT, but as a whole APCs have a LONGER rally timer than regular rallies. This would encourage APCs to actively support the fight as you can have teammates spawn on you as you defend the objective.

Now in the place of the removed unarmed APCs you could have some armed APCs instead. In general here are some APCs that can be added to the game.

Allies: (some could probably be given to Soviets because of Lend Lease)

First I would say give the US the M3 Halftrack, a Soviet Premium, as well because it was THEIR primary half-track

M2 Half-Track

M5 Half-Track (never used by US, lend leased to UK and Soviets)

M9 Half-Track (never used by US, lend leased to UK and Soviets)


Universal Carrier

Sd. Kfz. 250

Sd. Kfz. 251 with MG 34

Type 1 Ho-Ha


As if, no way,
what you been smoking?


It’s balanced because APCs are lightly armored and vulnerable to artillery, mortars, snipers, pretty much anyone with a gun, and obviously tanks

So as an APC you can directly fight to support the objective and teammates can spawn on you BUT you’re very vulnerable and has a slightly longer rally timer

And even I honestly don’t think it would be that disasterous for the game, sometimes I think people exaggerate or overreact how bad something could be

last crazy enlisted member.

they just sold those, and you expect them to take them away just because you don’t like how they work in enlisted?

granted, one might argue that i am biased.
but like… put one with one together .

how is this even balanced… or a good idea.

they would become even more meta.

half track car?

don’t you mean the m3 scout car?

or… .you actually mean the m2 halftrack ( which it’s actually what we got despite being named m3 )

they should, however, get an m3 or m5 closed:

sure :+1:

hell yeah

the one we have is technically an mg34, just reskinned to be a 42 one.

yes :+1:

but as it goes for the suggestion it self, no way.

i rather if they fix them instead and add few ones:

You clearly misunderstood. I said to change the research tree or for lack of a better word the FREE ones, obviously the armed premium half tracks are fine

And like I said it’s my idea to overhaul the feature of the armed halftracks

They could just put an armed halftrack in the research tree’s place



you made me malding for good whole minute.
( i mean, that’s more of a me thing not reading the " unarmed " )

but, at the same time, why.

i like non weaponized too.

hell, i would get as many as i can in my main line up.

we could, however, make non weaponized ones as a specialization.

so that they can carry infinite ammo / medkits and refill syringes or regain engineer points.
( obviously with cooldowns and what not )

to aid and support in the battlefield.

i’m afraid those are going to be behind event, as hinted by helpers and the community manager.

i’d be fine to get more weaponized and non for the tech tree though.

like, smaller ones such as the sdkfz 250 and m3 scout cars,

but… dunno if that’s actually gonna happen

Was this like a dream you woke up to?

Sitting in a APC, on a point spawning squads, defying the laws of spawn point, while under fire from mortars and everything?

i have those too sometimes, just wake up thinking about the game,
but never dreamed of being in a APC and being able to spawn squads, while being on a enemy point.

Until normal engineers can do same

That’s the point of them having two different distinct roles.

An Engineer can build a rally point in a secure location that will survive for a long time (generally)

While an APC can directly fight with the MG and defend or attack the point and can spawn teammates with a longer cooldown even under combat but it’s very vulnerable

It’s about trade offs

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Still the normal rally’s can not be used while there is combat in area, just seems bit unfair,
for a premium to get such a advantages.

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am I the only one who thinks what trucks and apcs as rally points is kinda stupid? apcs should be used to push with your squad through the open ground, no? simple trucks should spawn on more open maps just like kubels and jeeps?

now something like this and similar unarmed command/comms vehicles should be rally points

not like they will change it, just some thoughts after seeing so many empty apcs carefully parked just around the corner from points and endless burning truck wrecks

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Not exactly APC’s fault if its not used properly.
How ever have had more than few sweaty games where ppl keeps driving the apc to different locations making it rather difficult to destroy.
Much like defended rally point is somewhat hard to destroy, often they aint but doesnt exactly mean rallypoints are useless.

No thanks, the current paras are already rather massive pain in the ass due to theyr “unique” ability to appear out of thin air straight to cap points.

I bought the half track…and dont use it as a rally. I find it much more suited/fun for assaulting. always too close to the cap to be a rally.


I bought them…

But still wait for the promised additional slot for premium squads… :unamused:


I will say APCs only really truly shine in Conquest mode for what I want from them

Lvt 4 should be limited to pacific only. I dont wanna see lvt 4s in ardennes

LVT-4s were apparently used in europe

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HLL allpws to spawn on APCs under fire with a penalty of much longer waiting time between spawns.

But we don’t want to turn the game into a walking sim, do we.


But were they used in non coastal areas?

from what i read yes, it was used for the rhine with the brits giving some polstens for cover fire

I agree… but this game already have crusaders on guadalcanal and corsairs over hurtgen :upside_down_face: