Improving the new APC spawn mechanic

Overall I quite like the addition of APCs and the new tools it brings to the battlefield but there are still some pet peeves I have with how the spawn mechanic itself works.
My reasoning is mostly that it should work under similar rules as rallies already do and they should be better integrated into the other gameplay aspects.

I initially wanted to post this as a reply to ErikaKalkbrenners APC post (Fixes, Features and improvements that Riders and APC Generally Needs ( At least, IMO )) but that one was more about the APC models themselves and features related to those and I didnā€™t want to derail the post.

So anyway, here are my ideas for improving APC spawns:

  • They should stop being a spawnpoint once the motor (or anything else that makes it unable to move) is destroyed.
    The way I understand it, APC spawns as a game mechanic represent continuous reinforcements that get shipped in with the APC. So once the car is not able to drive anymore, why should it still act as a spawn?
    In return they can start being active again once they are repaired. Give a huge point bonus for repairing back an allied APC.

  • APCs should make some sound to indicate that they are not just a static prop on the map. Nothing too loud or obnoxious, just a running motor and maybe a subtle honk every few seconds.
    Iā€™ve found that a lot of players never interact with enemy APCs at all, whereas rallies are often quickly destroyed. I guess that a lot of players arenā€™t even realizing that there is a spawn there.
    And honestly why is it the new players fault for not knowing which of these trucks is secretely a portal to hell?
    I get that some players like the ā€˜stealthā€™ aspect this brings but I donā€™t see why the cars should be the stealthy ones, when rallies are easily locatable.

  • Enemy soldiers should be able to ā€œturn offā€ the car similar to how they can deconstruct enemy constructions. Make it take 5 seconds or whatever. Itā€™s stupid that a soldier without any explosives is not able to deal with an open empty vehicle.
    In return allies can freely turn the APC on again for a 2 second timer.

  • APC spawns should be inactive when enemies are very close nearby, make the radius less restrictive than rallies but once I am within a few meters I donā€™t want to see a squad pop in right before my eyes.


feel like that would have belonged there too.

as, after all, still part of the apcs.

but, everyone does what they want. No drama there.

as far as it goes, putting my two cents about:

more or less, agree.

it kinda works like that already when the engine is on fire.

a bit strange that when the engine is destroyed but not on flames, still works as a rally.

like, fine by me. if not, ( even better )

sure, they could make rally point noises just like the basic rally point.

personally, iā€™m a bit agaisnt it.

becauseā€¦ the only thing one might be able to do ( realistically speaking ) is destroy the wheels by sticking a bayonet.

but he shouldnā€™t be able to straight up remove the vehicle or itā€™s a bility.

i find itā€¦ a bit " easier ".

mixed on this one too.

it would be a problem, but itā€™sā€¦ usually rare given the 15 seconds delay.

as few detpacks would take them out quickly too.

on the other hand, just as iā€™m starting to see, it can be exploited as one would camp the halftrack and pick one by one.

up to the devs really.

but, iā€™m glad you made a post and forwarded your concerns :slight_smile:
more awareness can be bringed to halftracks other than one single post alone

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I always hate it when other people bend the thread topic to talk about their semi-related agenda instead. I didnā€™t want to be that guy bitching about APC nerfs under a reasonable post about new features.

I get that this might make APCs a bit too easy to be dealt with but realistically shouldnā€™t a truck that is ā€˜claimedā€™ by the enemy stop being a spawnpoint at some point, even if it is still undamaged?

In practice itā€™s less of a problem since everyone runs explosion packs and/or TNT anyway. At least this way even players who donā€™t run explosives have a way to deal with them. And it also leaves the APC open to be activated again.

fair enough, I guess I am just salty that I died to that once lol.

i mean, the topic was about halftracks :slight_smile:

so i doubt it was out of topic especially when addressing itā€™s issues and various bugs


fair point.

canā€™t disagree there other than " i donā€™t like it ".

which itā€™s not really a measure of introduction.

guess it will be up to devs.



yes, running motor would be just fine.

idk, it kinda incentives bringing AT stuff.

yes, dunno why APC didnā€™t have this from the beginning.

my personal suggestion is to stop AI from shooting too much, itā€™s ridiculous.