đź’ł Rework Gold Orders ( soldier & Vehicle ) & Add Camouflage Orders [Concept Idea]


greetings players, today, with this concept idea, i would like to propose a well thought out and finally interesting suggestions gathered by yours truly, and others people ideas. essentially, merging those ideas together, i wanted to make one giant well made thread about Specifically, Gold Order Vehicles, and soldiers.

the idea, is to improve the system and make them something unique ( while adding and improving reasons to buy gold order vehicles / soldiers ) but before diving in that, we should take a step back, and recognize what we have:


To Start off,

What are gold orders?

well, gold orders ( for vehicles and Troopers ) are essentially a ticket that allows you to acquire:

  • an unique and camouflaged vehicle that comes fully upgraded.

and, if you have a gold order soldier;

  • a soldier with max stars and max stats

( and you actually directly buy them if you don’t have gold order cards for each)


and you get the gest of it

but, to be fair, and in my humble ( and everyone elses ) opinion, we feel like those are not really much.

as there are a couple of " issues " with them.

such as, for example, in the soldier case, they don’t come with selectable perks or have already experience.
despite them being called heroes:

and yet, those comes with no stars or anything of that kind. worse, players have to grind the base squad for those soldiers to use either a weapon or backpak…

and in the vehicle case, they are just a reskin.

but the highlight of the problmes, is that generally, those are not " unique " in any way as originally advertised.

hence, to balance things out, i came up with a few solutions and suggestions about the matter. so without wasting anyone else time;
let’s get to the:


first and foremost, I and the community believes that Gold order Vehicles and soldiers, especially for their price and rarity, should become unique and special.

just like how events squads plays in some occasions;

Events squad examples

where, they are unique, and in some cases, not entirely best than counter parts, or premium

and make them somewhat similar.

but first and foremost,

bring back / Add / Introduce a different currency for camouflages:


this card will allow you to get one single camouflage, decal or historical camouflage with markings on your favorite vehicles.

get historical marking for your favorite vehicles:

or, if your favorite do not have markings available yet, use the camouflage card to buy camoflages for your favorite vehicle:

or, decals for airplanes and what not.

allowing for players ( if they are lucky enough ) an obtainable way to get decals / camouflages.

which, eventually, for previous vehicle markings, they can apply new camouflages on older vehicles and give them a new fresh / customizable look: ( to also allow players to fit the enivorement avoiding ending up using desert vehicles / winter in forests. or any other questionable situations where the vehicle would just become a sor of thumb visible from miles away ):

where, there will be also an additional camouflage shops of universal camouflage for player to use.

Add a seasonal Skin Shop

( should cover all factions, but i included only a few. just to give an idea )

where players will be able to buy / get through camo order a seasonal & historical skin that can be applied on all vehicles universally ( faction only. just to be clear ).

and can be either camouflages ( forests, bicolors, winter, desert etc )

or, basic colors for those who wish. ( such as gray, white, green, tan, brown, etc )

mainly, to include camouflages that are not available for purchase normally. such as, in my example, german gray. i would love to be able to use german gray on all my vehicles, but i can’t. so with this shop, people would be able to buy a skin and apply it onto their vehicle. the difference between the normal customization, and this shop, is that it would put camouflages that aren’t normally available through the seasons. which, each seasons will have different skins.



  • would allow to change camouflages on existing gold order vehicles:
    ( so for example, keep markings but being able to change camouflages )

  • would allow to get camouflages on vehicles

  • would allow to get decals on vehicles / markings

  • buy an universal camouflage for vehicle through seaons ( ( only if devs would allow ) )


  • you no longer get a fully upgraded vehicle

  • if you are not carefull and don’t regularly watch the seasonal shop, you might miss your favorite skin etc.

and as a result, people will be able to do new type of vehicles or color their favorite ones:

then, with this new currency, time to address the elphant of the room with a rework:

Rework Gold Order Vehicle System


what i meany by a rework, i suppose it would be more appropriate to say, an overhaul.

right now, many people are unsatisfied with how gold older vehicles work right now.

the started to be better with unique decorations, but now days, just some marking and almost no camouflages ( see half of the russians gold order vehicles… ) therefore, as there isn’t really an incentive to buy gold order vehicles anymore, and as i previously suggested to change the camouflage through the previous camofulage order, change how gold order vehicles works by adding unique vehicle each season.

perhaps, you don’t have necessarely to get rid of the formula of selling tanks with camouflages and fully upgraded, but most people aren’t interested in those unless they have no choise.


Add new types of vehicles unique to gold orders to make them special.

what i’m talking about, is adding new actual vehicles that would work as sidegrades or, flat out just collectors vehicle.

similar to how the U-2 squad works:

the vehicle it self it’s not… really great for competitiveness. but great because it’s unique and more for a collector side.

although, after this squad was introduced, no collectors " funky " vehicles were added. hence, i think it would be great to continue with the idea under gold order vehicles.
which would let people get unique items each seasons and interesting / unknown vehicles to use. just to get something fresh and different.

generally, what i mean by this, is adding vehicles that are not stronger than grind counter parts vehicle, nor premium ones. vehicles that tipically are rare, and just works differently.

and here are a few suggestions that aren’t particularly powerfull, but something unique and different:

( it’s about giving " memes " vehicles, in some occasions, captured vehicles, and being somewhat unique. works great for some tiers too when the merge will drop )

For Example…


sdkfz 251/10 ( Tier I )
( which was, and already is in the game )

sdkfz 251/22 ( tier III/IV )

Panzer 35(t) ( Tier II )

sdkfz 140/1 ( Tier I/II )

sdkfz 234/1 ( Tier I )

sdkfz 234/3 ( T III / IV )

Sturmpanzer II ( T III/IV )

Pz.Sfl.Ic ( T II/III )

8,8 cm Flak 37 Sfl. ( T III/IV/V )

generally, “meme” vehicles. or, could be an opportunity to introduce captured vehicles ( as long are not powerfull with kvs or churchills… that would be bs ) TDs, stuff that can be destroyed easily.

T 34 747 (r) ( T IV )

Pz.Sp.Wg.P204(f) KwK ( T III )


Sdkfz.234/4 ( T IV )

Toldi II A: ( T I/II )

Celere Sahariano: ( T III )
celere sahariano

VK-3002M ( T V )

Tiger I P ( T V )

Brummbär ( T IV )

Lancia 3Ro (100/17) ( T II/III )

and there are many more. this is just a suggestion )

Allies ( Usa / UK )

M3 GMC: ( Tier I/II )

M15 GMC ( Tier II/III )

LVT(A)(4) ( T II/III )

M8A1 GMC ( T I/II )

T18E2 ( T III/IV )

SARC MkVI (6pdr) ( T III/IV )

Staghound AA ( I/IV )


A.C.I ( I/II )

( but, don’t only have to be only tanks, but can also be airplanes! )

Swordfish Mk II


Firefly F Mk I

PBM-3 “Mariner” ( T II/III )
800px-GarageImage_PBM-3_ Mariner

B-26B ( T V )


BT-5 ( Tier I )

ZiS-30 ( T II/III )

T-26E ( T II/III )

SU 5-1 ( T I/II )

SU-57 ( T II / III )

ZiS-43 Tier (T II/III )

YaG-10 (29-K) ( T III/IV )

KV-220 ( T IV )

T-V ( T IV / V )

KV-2 (ZiS-6) ( T IV / V )


P-47D-27 ( IV )


D.510C ( Tier I / II )

Hawk III (T I )

Ki-10-II C (T I )

Ki-84 ko (T III )

H8K3 (T III )
H8K3 - War Thunder Wiki

Type 94 ( T I )

Ho ro ( T II/III )

and many more, but just for sake of examples.

so, naturally:


  • Unique & new / Different vehicles either for collection, or something different from base line up tanks

  • justify their prices & therefore, people will be somewhat more incentivized to buy them


  • ( depend from devs ) no longer obtainable Vehicle fully upgraded of the base main line up with a skin

  • Because gold order vehicles would become completely new ( and more interesting imo ) there will be lower chances of getting gold order vehicle cards from boxes and reduced to 1 in each BP
    as a sort of balance. and make them more valuable.

and for today’s last rework

Rework Gold Order Soldiers


now, i made a thread before:

which i still stand by, but nothing has really been accomplished, although, much has changed since then so,

here are my proposal changes to make them more interesting, and unique;

first of all,

make them wear and actually have a visual medal that they “Earned”:

jap_hero_medal_2_icon jap_hero_medal_1_icon
italy_hero_medal_1_icon ger_hero_medal_1_icon
uk_hero_medal_1_icon usa_hero_medal_1_icon

for example,

etc. you get the idea.

Next, Either:

1. Make them come with Full Experience :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: & Fully Upgraded ( simple )

( so that players will be able to give them the perks that they want, and above all, be able to use backpacks & Double Weapons. to make them somewhat unique, but not too op )


2. create a new entire menu where players can fully create and customize the gold order soldier

so, the base idea would be, players will be able to create their unique soldier within their squads.
to be more impactfull and give more choices.

essentially, there will be a new menu ( … that devs will have to create ) where there will be some sort of character customization like any RPG game and players will be able to fully create their own and “unique” ( as much is allowed within enlisted boundaries ) their own custom soldiers.

where players will be able to select the class role based on their need, the PG face ( with no faction restriction or maybe some, up to devs tbh ) Height, have an unique cosmetic ( perhaps glasses, hairstyles or generally very rare cosmetics such as hat with googles and what not ) and, gender ( don’t frick out yet )

i’m still not sure wheather gold order would get access to most of the customization, or comes with unique cosmetics only available for gold order soldiers. there’s alot debate around that.

but i thought, for this presentation, gold order soldiers will only one " unique " piece that wouldn’t be able to be replaced ( such as armbands, chest rigs, medals, and what not ) although, of unique, is that the gold order should be the only troopers available without helmets or different type of helmets. which, players if desire, can change to suit their squad. it’s all about more customization while having something unique and original.

Some of the results;
( i’m sorry. i really tried my best, but they do look ugly unfortunately. i hope the official if were to come, will look something better )

and without getting too controversial yet realistic,
( although, gonna be honest, i don’t repute this section really necessary. as, at the end of the day, it doesn’t really affect me nor i’m really that interested. but, from time to time saw many threads about it, so i decided to included it for those who wants them. at the same time, make them realistic and not reach Trashfield V levels. )



as previously mentioned, if players wants female soldiers, they will be able to do it in a historical manner.
and above all, have limit on how many can be “owned” by players to 2 per faction.
And, female soldiers will only be able available in certain classes and at certain tiers but not all of them.
so, in germany cases for example, players would only be able able to have female soldiers in the later class type of soldiers ( in order to make them appear only at the end tier around 1944/1945 instead of prewar / mid wars. )

this, does not apply on the soviets, but class limitations will be different taking into account historical stories and employement.

therefore we will avoid having entire armies of female squads/soldiers, or, female soldiers running around with flamethrowers and what not in the battlefield.


aka Q&A:

Isn’t this too much?

well, it might be. and therefore, i wouldn’t mind if seasons will become longer because of it. but i truly believe gold order items should be unique and have more value than they are currently.
but, it would generally have more control over what people would like to get.

Wouldn’t Make Events or premium Useless?

not at all.
gold orders might look and in some cases, works like an event, but it’s meant to provide smaller " shiny toys / camouflages / decals " and what not.

but in reality, it’s meant to be something unique that soldiers can spend their cards on.

beside, those vehicles and camouflages unlike premium or squad events, do not come with XP bonus nor fully upgraded squads. just the vehicle fully upgraded.

and, gold orders would be supposed to add those vehicles that wouldn’t fit the premium standards nor replace free to play varients. just something to try that could be fun for some people and offer something new for those collectors that are interested in other type of vehicles.

beside, there are planty more of vehicles that i didn’t included. so, it’s not like devs will run out of vehicles to sell otherwise.

and speaking of rarity;

Gold Items Rarity Change

due to gold order vehicles changing completely, i feel like those should become rarer from chests.
in order to increase the value and incentivize more purchases for those said unique vehicles and increase value of events.

( it might sounds like i’m playing advocate… and … i’m somewhat are, but i personally would love me some unique vehicles for each season or a decal ) and even if that means can’t get them all or have to wait for it.
or getting more silvers than gold.

but, you do get something unique and nice in return. at least, that’s how i see it.


in conclusion, those were main thoughts, messages that i saw from other people and general idea on how we can improve them.

( and i’m sorry i couldn’t include everyone, but the tagging persons would become spam and quite long so… which, i’m not really here to take credits. i couldn’t care less. just to improve things the best way i can )

of course, i would like to remind that it’s not a priority ( at least, not a general one ) but an improvement that some people would love to see.



Still stand with my points about exclusive vehicles.
Other than that, instead of gender, how about something like “uniqeuness”/ races and genders which fought for the said army but were either not common, served in a specific phase or because it is hard to introduce them otherwise.

  • Soviet: Female
  • US: African-American and Latino
  • UK: Indian, African and Asian
  • Germany: Very old grunts and women (Berlin), Arabs, Russians and Balkans (e.g. Croatians) (Moscow, SG and Tunisia)
  • Italy: Arabs and Balkans (e.g. Albanians)
  • Japan: Chinese and Indians

Other than that, cool idea.


what do you mean

honestly, it would sound a good idea,


this suggestion was made in mind with the merge.

hence… unfortunately mostly of what you mention would be either outdated or, wouldn’t really apply as you can’t choose the campaign.

therefore, i think it would be cool as mentioned to create your own soldiers based on your need and what not.

unfortunately, as much i would have loved make it historical accurate, i tried to make it realistic as possible.

and i don’t see any other solution for it.

beside locking the gender through soldiers Tiers ( at least for germany ) so that you would only encounter them at the end of the campaign.

in the Western allied, i think women only flied with bombers and what not.
so won’t be really an issue.

but there were african squads in the pacific so…


but… perhaps we are overthinking for a game that isn’t… really keen on being historical authentic and what not.

at the end of the day,

all i care and want;

the rest, was made by other people in contrast with my ideas, views and what not.

so i just unified various ideas and tried to make them both worthed for the company, and customers.

You will evenutally run of unique vehicles and usually the devs prfer to put a 50 Euro price tag on them or use them as event bait.
(Or maybe I misunderstood you there)

I think that only applies to the Germans because otherwise you can do it after the merge (though I prefer to talk about now since I have no real idea of the merge beyond what is currently “known”)
It is not really something I would defend. If people are getting mad of Bavarian chicks slaughtering Latino Assaulters on D-Day, well that must be a bad day because I doubt the changes are high that it will occur that often.

that’s not really gonna happen.

as, you saw for your self, that they even put vehicles with just a different shell as premium.

hence, i doubt we’ll run out of vehicles any time soon.

and, they could continue with the skip grind tanks versions.

heck, id arggue, take the current gold orders, and put them as premium.

voilĂ .

regarding events, as mentioned above:

heck, think about upcoming ground vehicles and what not.

unironically, if you consider prototypse in a ww2 game like devs do, i doubt you’ll be runnin out of vehicles / stuff before you’ll add them all.

or… they could go the round of creating new vehicles that never existed or only in paper.

they started doing that with some weapons… and camouflages so… you know…

but… what’s the point of working on the current build, if it’s gonna change anyway.

that would be wasted resources and time.

hence, once again, this thread was made with the merge in mind.

as… you currently will end up with desert / winter tank camo on other enivorement and even the other way around so…

sure, not much is know, but it’s not that deep.

that actually sounds funny.

but i understand where it’s coming from.

although… not much different from proto tanks or tanks that were never there on d-day to begin with.
( or using proto weapons in places that never have been either )
looking at you time traveller M24…

or… as45…
or… gewehr stg…
or… "insert name of gold order weapon.

so, i think it really matters anymore at this point.

but. type IV / V soldiers will only end up in berlin so.

shouldn’t be really an issue.

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what i didn’t considered though…

you unlock medics realtively quickly.

hence, you could theoricatelly see some combat nurse over moscow…

and the thoughts fill me with unease… not gonna lie.

therefore, there should be some way that devs have to deal with that.

which, i would say, stick them inside volkssturms and what not.

but the problem is, after the merge, not really is known abotu volkssturm stuff.

they are in tier III. the heck does that mean? :joy:

( we’ll… get to play berlin earlier? cool. but… dunno, something ain’t right. )

Well. Thats true though I guess I understand something different under new/ different vehicle beyond “adding a bunch of tracks and give it a better unique shelll and maybe a different camo”.

Because I can. Simple.
And maybe because I kinda forgot the whole merge thing for a second or two when I came up with the idea.

but that’s what they did.

sometimes actions goes beyond our understanding.

whether you would work to do something about it,

it’s not really granted that devs would too… or should.

because i think it’s about time that we think about the future, rather than the present.

present is… stale.
and currently not much to do.

these gold order reworks partially would address or tickle that issue.

as it would provide them something unique to try and have fun around, or work to make their own custom squads.

perhaps that’s just me, an some other folks around this forum.

Well. And so far they did only special painted tanks as gold orders excluding maybe for one Ital M13/14. Edit: M13/40.

Simpsons - Thats the joke


is it really ?

@CRO_SkyGuard the m14/3 /m 13 it’s a premium vehicle.

( which shouldn’t… but oh well )

gonna be fun after the merge to invade moscow with pastaroonies though.

This is a 1947 prototype, as of now it does not belong in the game.

Replace it with the TIS MA, a similar aircraft from 1941-44:


This is the tank I meant though I am not sure if it was gold order or event.

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cheers for the correction

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MEN, that,s incredible

Medal is a uniform ornament intended for ceremonial use only. Soldiers don’t wear service medals with their combat uniform.

i mean,

a medal wouldn’t hurt.

but having it in the first place would make them unique… rather than generic.

you know. what they were advertised for.

i don’t care if it’s not historical?

half of the game ain’t historical.

Excellent suggestion but this is a vehicle from 1951 at tier II/III. If the time line is ever extended to a Cold War scenario that solely limited the matchmaking between the US/USSR (No Maus inflating tiers so Germany/any WW2 factions should never see these), it would be neat to see it at the highest possible tier but with the benefit of being airdropped as it was intended. But as it currently stands, Enlisted should not get Cold War vehicles fighting in battle supposedly set in WW2.

The Tu-1 was corrected, but the Firecrest is another Cold War vehicle from 1947. The Fairey Firefly F Mk. I from 1943/44 would be a better choice for the Pacific at tiers III/IV.

The Fairey Fulmar would be more appropriate for tier I/II.


thanks for the heads up.

i must admit, i don’t really know many vehicles :skull:

but, fixed it now :slight_smile:

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forgot to say, if people have their own vehicles that would like to see as gold orders ( that are balanced and not premium material, just like the examples provided )

or how they want to improve gold order soldiers better, let me, and everyone else know.

after all, we make this game ““together””.

not me, or some one else alone in his mind.

Your idea is very good and you have my support.
Camouflage in vehicles is something that is missing. I liked the idea of ​​customizing the soldiers
Good job

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