💳 Rework Gold Orders ( soldier & Vehicle ) & Add Camouflage Orders [Concept Idea]

I have to say that I indeed support these changes.

While I do not care much about soldier changes (just because I prefer vehicle gameplay), I must admit that the Vehicle idea is quite welcome and somewhat useful.

Right now I have 2 golden vehicle orders… and I don’t really want to spend it on anything that the current store offers me. Having a base vehicle with just some different camo doesn’t feel unique. All I can see for now is that I can use them to get a vehicle earlier that I would other wise have to grind out anyway.

Idea is good as it would help somewhat diversify the battlefield.

Same goes for camo proposals.

Now we just have to hope that this proposition won’t sink into the depths of “good but won’t be made”

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The Gold Orders we are looking for

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I love that thing!!..but it is frikken rediculous…


Yeah I love that thing too, I hope to see it one day in Enlisted, it has a very nice cockpit with a glass floor!

Truly a luxurious aircraft for the finest of gentlemen.

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Different camouflage for premium vehicles - WHEN ??? :baby:

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So much work for one more good thread that will soon get drowned in other “suggestion” options.

But oh well, I respect everything written by the op, but in my personal opinion, making separate gold orders just for camouflage is unnecessary, when you just need to fix (or “unlock”) the fully existing customization system. This is just “laziness” on the part of the developers. (or a direct unwillingness to change something, as they want us to pay for such “sweets” as “customization”, or simply it is the lowest priority for them in general).

Because when taking percentages, there are only a complete minority of players in this game who pay attention to details such as uniform elements or specific tank markings. Devs just do not care, since income still goes from existing “their” customizations. I think they treat this game as simply not from that deep detail category.

Personally, I already talked about it, but I would be completely satisfied if the devs “unlocked” all existing equipment, uniforms, etc. elements as separate items that we now have in game, (not as premade placeholders), and that would be enough to “build” your own soldiers that somehow will look like not from the realm of fantasy. That would be more than enough for a game like Enlisted.



Devs should def read OP’s post and implement at bare minimum new gold vehicle order and new gold camo. Right now gold order vehicles are mostly used to skip the grind and are completely useless if you are at high lvls with Tigers and Is-2, they are especially useless for Pacific campaign where all tanks are useless and you will be only using event/premium or powerful (for that campaign) tanks like ho-i/m8 scott.

T-V was one of my fav tanks as Soviets, it was especially fun in Simulator mode where enemies wouldn’t recognize you and friendlies try to shoot at you because they thought you were the German.

In Enlisted camos for f2p and premium players are not unlockable for current vehicles no matter how many hours you play, in WT you can unlock basic camos just for playing matches and getting kills, being forced to buy 2nd vehicle to get camo of low to mid tier vehicles is pretty underwhelming, there are not a single camo for high tier vehicles and especially premium.

Gold soldiers should also come with fully upgraded weapon that they are carrying, not much more to add than your suggestion.


Monetisation wise it has always seemed weird to me to sell “squads” instead of skins, camouflage and other types of visuals, or even instead of buying squads for their weapons it would have made so much more sense to pay to unlock firearms - which then can be bought like regular weapons.

This is the classic “free to pay” system, if there is something unique cool looking you pay for it and then customise your troops to your own liking.

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well, kinda.

but worse.

because the stuff that you buy, you can’t reuse them on other squads.

such as cosmetics and what not.
but not let’s dive in another tangent.

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Medals sure but ribbons could work and combat badges could work. But I think they would have to be limited in soldiers because everyone and their mother running around with Iron Crosses would ruin it.



Anything is better than what Gold Orders offer currently, except for weapons ofcourse, those are unique and interesting.

More Gold and customization order rewards would make sense because the Battlepass rewards would be very boring after the merge update since silver and bronz orders will be replaced with silver and soldier level orders might get removed.

Camouflage order is a great idea, customizing now feel like a rip off, 5 euro just to get a few numbers and markings on a tank.
Don’t get me wrong, its not that much, for once or twice but if you play more than one faction or God forbid multiple campaigns than it can be rather punishing.

While that maybe true, they shouldn’t over do it. Otherwise might as well make the game like Fortnite while we’re at it…