Change the new bp concept of camouflage into a tank camouflage order

i still stand to my previous suggestion:

but since it’s not in the new “format” ( where you have to make suggestion about one thing opposed as one list ),

effe it. i’ll try again except one thing at a time.

so, the new skins from the bp can be considered quite the failure. ( at least, imo. but with basic logic: )

  • you can’t choose jack nothing

  • it’s no longer a vehicle

  • newer players won’t do much with these as they will most likely lack the base vehicle to begin with.

so, here is my very simple solution:

Main Suggestion

Replace the skin / gold orders skin vehicles with a camouflage ticket:

with a:


What does it do? and how would it work?

very simple. it kinda works like one of those tickets for upgrading your soldiers, instead, you can buy one camouflage for a vehicle AT PLAYER’S OWN CHOICE / DECISION.

let’s take an example,

tired of the same old green/tan/gray camouflage on your vehicle?

throguh your BP; you will be able to gain these “currency” and use it on vehicles of your own liking.
buying a new camouflage.


because as highlighted at the beginning, it becomes much better by being able to use it on whatever vehicle you want, opposed as grinding through for a skin on a vehicle that you may not even posses, or may not like the skin in question.
all being against own players will.

hence, swapping the skins with a gold camouflage order will allow players to customize however they want, their own vehicles. up to their own choices.

they will still have to buy decals, decorations and what not.
which in the grand scheme of things, those are still somewhat expensive.

but it will incentivze people to customize and spend more as they got the initiative to at least change the camouflage.

that’s all.


what about tanks with skins them selves?

sell them like the panzer IV zombie skin? or place them within the silver veteran lootboxes.

i mean, it is clear that developers did not care about gold order or skins to a point where we lost our abilities to customize them.

( what i’m referring- Bring back the ability to change camouflage on gold orders )

so to be honest, just like gold order vehicles, they are good as dead.


You put more effort into this suggestion than Darkflow into the new battle pass vehicle skins.
I think DF should still make 2 new vehicle skins (aircaft or tank or APC or bike) for each BP session but players can choose any camouflage they want and dont have to pick the newly added ones.
for example: 2026 1st session adds: Tiger I H and Panther G red primer, but Im a chad so I instead buy tri colour for Semovante and AB41.


yes, its good and makes sense.

instead of getting tank orders, DF needs to give players flexible skin orders.
thats a reasonable first step to improve the customization system in Enlisted; and it needs a ton of improvements at the current moment.

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