Wow, this is completely meaningless to me. A weak self loading rifle that should be BR3 and two GO soldiers that I will never need.
Any news about further BP weapons after this one?
How is this BR4?
Chinese gun is BR2 with 15.3 damage and this trash only has 13.9 damage.
French 15 round Meunier carbine is just BR3 with 14.4 damage.
Hell even US Winchester M1907 with 20 rounds is just BR3.
Guys, there will probably be huge BR changes in which the Hino will be reasonable for BR4 probably because the weapons I mentioned will be moved up with a BR.
Is James ok? Is he ill?
I think this topic is relevant.
Next faction will be European Axis so I will bet on MG08/15.
well, at least those are not skins, but actual vehicles.
although still:
and speaking of gold orders vehicles. fix them already:
with that being said,
BR4? Don’t make me laugh!
Any changes on repeatable rewards to flavoring it up?
It is better than the Type 4 rifle, which is the BR4.
Wait what
Indeed they are vehicles!
Damn now I can have 2 109 K-4s.
Is the Hino at BR4 a mistake??
You really thought they gonna release camo options for planes?
Why is the BP Winchester, with its funni 20rd magazine, BR 3, and this thing, a 15rd mag rifle, BR 4?
The devs truly are depriving the Japanese of even basic BR 3 10-shot SA rifles.
impossible forum challenge:
read the full thread
( but i too included make the same error. way often. so i’m just joking about it )
honestly, i didn’t know what to expect anymore.
but, yes. that could have been a possibility.
beside i have to reach my " positive " quota for the month.
but bad jokes aside, seeing how they threated vehicles ( tanks ), yes. i thought they wouldn’t have got any new vehicles.
If they don’t stop urgently and try again, there is no reason to delay for a week.
A week ago, weapons (br3)/soldiers/2 planes already existed. Some of them were born earlier.
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The BR of the two weapons should be swapped. The unfairness is obvious.
Why start making reasons for them now and break glorious tradition?
There will be in due time! Germany won’t suffer for long…
It was moved to BR 4 partly due to its magazine size and cartridge. BR 3 tends to be for semi-autos with either a rifle cartridge and low 5-round (or close) capacities, or a semi-auto with a weaker cartridge.
This doesn’t mean BR 3 is or will be forgotten though - we have been collecting feedback from players across many platforms about possible BR adjustments recently.
EDIT: It’s finally moved back to BR 3, where it belongs.
I raised the question, but the response was silence. Yes, we still don’t know what developers really think.