Battle Pass QoL vehicle paint job vehicle decoration orders

Battle Pass QoL vehicle paint job and vehicle decoration orders

5 bucks just because I put a number and a unit decal on a tank with a camo that should be applied free of charge on Tunisia maps.

I suggest to add the following rewards in the battle pass:

  • a vehicle paint job order for purchasing camo
  • a vehicle decal order for purchasing vehicle decals
  • a vehicle decoration order for purchasing decoration
    picture loaned from Erika

Self explanatory I think.
This was a “reminder” post, that people would still like to have camo orders in the BP, which could use new interesting rewards too. Two birds and one stone.

Also, you can buy dunkelgelb camo for pre-merge panzers that had actual camo.

Marketing 100.

I just highlighted the parts that were related to BP improvements.
Erika made a better suggestion than mine, give it some love if you haven’t already.

Link to main thread:


we need also something like in war thunder, you want paints?, okay, pay for make it be faster or fight a lot for get it

you need to complete battle pass tasks and maybe buy it too to get these orders, arent that good enough?

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His idea is better since in WT you can’t chose which camo you want to unlock.

The paint job should change depending on map. You could buy more special camos like dunkelgelb green, hinterhalt man, hinterhalt tarnung, with gold or with battle pass orders