Battle Pass quality of life improvements main thread

Battle Pass quality of life improvements main thread

More than two months ago, I pointed out the problems of the battle pass and made few suggestions on possible improvements.

Darkflow must have realized that the BP was trash since they themselves promised improvements.

Let’s see how they lived up to their word.



Devs only superficially touched the rewards, but enough rant.
Now that I have expressed my disappointment, let’s look at the positives.
The new BP is heavily SMG and winter themed with everything being blue or having a submachine gun on it which is cool.
Képernyőfelvétel (207)

The new German hat is a nice treat though it’s a last minute addition, let’s just say that it’s the doing of the other side.
Képernyőfelvétel (273)

Anyway, I gladly take them even if 6 isn’t the most convenient number since premium squads have 5 personnel while most used progression squads have 7 men, but beggars can’t be choosers.

Now, actual suggestions

Battle Pass QoL silver gain increase

Please fix silver rewards, half of BP looks like a placeholder.

Battle Pass used to be the main source of card orders, no wonder people always complain about abysmal silver gain.

increase the amount of silver rewarded by one stage and decrease the overall number of stages rewarding silver.

From my last suggestion, this is still very much relevant.

More detailed suggestions about some of the proposed rewards here:

Please leave as many rants about BP as possible, this issue wont be taken seriously otherwise.


well, my rants about the bp are

it’s horrid.

not the item it self, but both the concept and the implementation.
not to mention, the repercussions behind it.

so, the main problem that i have with it;

  • creates fomo
  • unecessary " limited rewards "
  • not enough
  • only for one faction
  • does not enrich the customization

let me briefly elaborate further,

the issues with it, is that you’d only get 6 hats, which are not enough if you want to dress up a squad of 9 or 7 soldiers. what’s the point of receiving them since most of the meta squads and most used squads have more than 6 members anyway.
additionally, it removes from the whole customization pieces that shouldn’t be limited or are not unique. as far as it goes for this hat, i have nothing against it, but at the same time, is it really a closed hat variet that unique that needs to be locked behind a battlepass? and not included in the base customization?. doesn’t help either that if you want to dress a squad, you can’t. because currently you have to reequip the same item over different campaigns. ideally only 2 soldiers will have such a hat for all campaigns that this hat comes for ( Moscow, Battle of the bulge & Stalingrad )

i’d rather have:


i’d rather have decals, decorations and camouflage gold orders instead.
since there are always so many vehicles which it would be up to the player to get what he/she wants for the factions that he / she plays.

would also allow players to get those otherwise unobtainables items similar to the appearance cards.

and those cosmetics be putted in the customization system already.

additionally, would be great to add a seasonal tank universal paintjob shop.

and from there, the ability to buy skins for your own base vehicle.

that you need to own. because since the merge it wasn’t adressed, but you need the base vehicle now. fully researched and bought. you can’t just skip it anymore.

which each season will rotate, and some may turn back.

as it goes for the gold order vehicles, there’s absolutely no reason to get the same tank that you have and customize how you want through the customization or upgrade through the same battlepass / event.

gold order vehicle do not even change color of their base paint in environment that they aren’t supposed to be. sticking out like a sore thumb.

gold older soldiers are nice that you only recently, have the optimal perks without rng screwing you over, but aren’t unique in any way shape or form as advertised the first time.

i rather if players can decide it’s face or even come with a helmetless option and hairs.
so it would increase people to buy their perfect soldier that they want the way they want him to be. sort of their unique and personal custom made soldier ( more about appealing features such as faces and hairs i guess ) instead of a generic soldier. plus, the medal should be visually present on the uniform.
P.s i don’t give a shit it’s not historical. half of this game is not historical. so let them dress a medal in combat.

and to conclude addressing the silver, id change the following values

1k → 2k
2k → 3k
4k → 5k

so you at least get slighlty more from the bp.