Adjusting the Battle Pass

The silver rewarded in the current Battle Pass is very meagre. This has to be an overlook from the side of the developers.

No wonder people are complaining about the low and disappointing silver they gain from battles.
Silver gained from battles were never meant to cover the full expenses of a player.
However, if you complete the current Battle Pass, you get rewarded with a grand total of 72.000 silver which might sound alright at first, but if we compare it to the expenses of an average player than we can realise that it simple isn´t a whole lot.
72.000 is enough to enlisted 8 grade III soldiers or upgrade 7 three star guns to six stars with 40% discount.
Is that seriously all I get for owning Elite Battle Pass and playing for 3 months?
Even worse, the rewards are scattered across the Battle Pass.
Half of the Battle Pass is literally just 1000 or 2000 silver

I feel humiliated having to complete 3 tasks everyday for a 1000 silver. This honestly feels like the lowest paying job I ever had, except I was the clown who paid for it.
The most generous the Battle Pass ever gets is 4000 silver

Before the merge, I earned most of my silver orders by finishing the Battle Pass early and grinding it for extra rewards.

I literally stopped caring about the tasks altogether, the only thing I can earn that still holds some value is the XP booster.

The Elite Battle Pass is supposed to be the best deal in the game, a cheap microtransaction that is worth 100x times more than what players paid for, the catch is that players have to play the game to get the rewards. Elite Battle Pass was my and for most people the first purchase in this game, I hope I don´t have to explain why this is so important in a free to play game.

But the the Elite Battle Pass is no longer lucrative:

  • silver gain is abysmal
  • half of the rewards are mediocre
  • Gold Orders are no longer as valuable as before the merge

The silver gained from Battle Pass simply has to be increased.
A large sum of silver should be one of the immediate rewards for Purchasing the Elite Battle Pass and silver should become the most lucrative element of it.
Do not make half of the rewards laughable amounts of silver, the minimum silver gained from a reward should be 25.000 and 5000 for the repeatable rewards after the Battle Pass has been completed.
If we consider that a Battle Pass season lasts 3 months, a total of half a million silver gained for completion of the Elite Battle Pass is justified, after all players should be rewarded for playing the game.

Please don´t just fill up the redesigned Battle Pass with placeholder rewards. So many great ideas were born over the years that could genuinely improve the Battle Pass:

  • vehicle paint job order
  • vehicle decoration order
  • voucher for an old event or premium squad that is no longer obtainable, every season 4 old squad would be purchasable for those who missed the opportunity.
  • more customization order
  • more gold orders

And on one last note about Gold Order soldiers, I have many of them I don´t use anymore.
They have worse stats, they occupy my reserves slots and I can´t even sell them.
Consider letting players train these soldiers to perfect stats.

Thank you for your attention.


Please add your opinion and ideas as well.
Especially regarding:


If I had the ability to buy old squads or vehicles and weapons from older events, I would grind the battle pass much more seriously.

Vehicle paint job orders and decoration orders would be epic! I’d love to actually take advantage of the camouflage system, but it’s pricey for what it is, especially when the system isn’t working properly in the sense that you could have a white camouflage pattern on a summer map vis/vers. If it was an ability to gain cool rewards or even a new soldier uniform choice for an entire squad. I.E changing the default uniform to a new unique uniform that can be used as default or changed and matched with other items.

As it is now I am barely focused on it, it’s a balance between trying to get XP and in game points and also trying to keep track of what task I’m doing.

We are working a 9-5 where we don’t get paid for the lunches we take and we also have to do errands for work on our breaks. :rofl: