Silver costs too high

Following the merge I’m reorganizing all of my squads, I had quite a bit of silver to start with, but I’m getting through it at an alarming rate.

This is largely to do with the fact that I have to spend a huge amount of silver simply to re-choose some low level perks.

It’s a good system in principle, but it’s absolutley rinsing me of silver trying to make squad adjustments, can you please take a look at this, thank you.


they are many post of this, take it wiht calm…

Welcome to new enlisted your wallet better be prepared

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Its not actually the silver costs, BP rewards no longer cover player’s expenses.

Why do you think ? they increased initial buying prices on everything yet silver gain is the same from both BP and playing IMO silver gain and also BP rewards should be adjusted


When I saw the unadjusted BP rewards on 5th test server, I thought that we won’t see the merge for at least a month.
The update came about a week later. I have honestly no idea why no changes were made.

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i’ve started with little more than 600k silver now i’m down to 150k…

preparing my new japs make me reach 0, brrr, and I need invest for the grenade launcher and the new tank…brrrrrrrrrr

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It costs basically nothing to equip 6 squads, I’ve spent what, 60k of my 780k for new rifles, grenades, smgs, lmgs and perks.

I’m glad it’s working out for you, but for lots of people it’s not. The problem is that in order to select new perks, you have to pay to remove old perks. I’ve tried to be conservative and I’ve burned through 400K silver already. Admittedly, I have dedicated squads for each level and each faction, different levels and weapons favour different perks, (basically 192 squads) so yes that’s going to get expensive. But seeing as I had most of them maxxed out with all the desired perks that suited pre merge, now the goal posts have been moved I have had a big job sorting this lot out and I’m nowhere near finished.

What REALLY grips my sh*t is that in order to change low level perks, I have to pay to remove the high level perk, pay to remove the low level perk, then re-apply the high level perk that I didn’t want to remove in the first place. So I’m basically wasting silver, and that is rather annoying.

I think the new system is a good one, but the silver costs are too high to enable me to get them basically where I want them to be (for me anyway). If you’ve managed to cope well, then great, but I think you’re unique in this case as lots of people are not happy, hence the post.

yea didnt know that tier 2 soldier cost 7.5k silver like that is gonna be hard for new player to buy a full squad of tier 2 or even 3