Update? Where are the news?

I would want some news too. I still havent found any jap bp guns in the editor

Just an idea, but we might get squads locked behind the BP. They said they were going to change the format.

warthunder also has unique vehicles behind bp so it would make sense to be in enlisted. I wouldnt complain if they did so. I always complete the bp without any stress and without need for elite pass

maybe, but it would make sense to reuse old event squads for that.
There is literally nothing else they can do with them.


even better suggestion. Many players would be thankful if they got chance to get old stuff like silenced mp 40 and sten


Shameless self promotion here:
I already suggested, weeks ago that they should reuse old event squads along side many other quality of life improvements for BP.

These surely have already reached DF so they could have considered it.
Anyway even if we dont get voucher for old event squads now, we can keep lobbying since the demand would be high, I think.


Twitch drop pistols/vehicle skins too. Maybe the cheeky kick starter rifles too.

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doubt, since those are supposed to be unique for supporters, but I could be wrong.

The German and British one are clearly not promotional picture.
Those are just normal picture you get when receiving a squad.
For example:


They are meant to be unique but I’ve literally never seen or know anyone who owns them. Seems like a waste if no one has them.

Who wants to play the same gun for three years? Literally all the premium/event stuff gets boring. No wonder you don’t see them anywhere anymore.

But that’s no reason why the exclusivity should be taken away from them.

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look very smooth already like it but it seem like another pps variant tho

so we got an mg on top but you cant use it man this is worst then the mg in the back of the tank that cant be use

still gonna stay positive and hope that there will be a button to “poke” the gunner head out so they can use it

Are you sure the MG is not working on the Hanomag ? It seems to be a coaxial machine gun to the 7.5 cm and appears with ammo and shooting bouton on the lower right side of the picture.

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yea i just saw that picture so now im a bit confuse on what he mean when he said “sadly no” i mean maybe it didnt work in editor for some reason i guess

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News post dropping in 15 minutes, when most stuff was already digged up on this thread


Because having the exclusive stuff is a flex so why wouldn’t you use them? Also they’re more viable now with the BR system but I still haven’t seen any of the kickstarter weapons and none of the founder squads except when I use mine. Timed exclusives are better, it’s been 3 years so it’s time to give them out in the form of an event.


The only one that will cost money is the Japanese squad. The other 2 are event rewards.


Nah I think it’ll be a pre order because of the portrait. Although the portrait could be part of the event.


anyway speculation aside i will enjoy using the german one over premium one since it have a canon that i assume could do some damage and aoe damage (unless it round suck but then again i am not an expert on ammunition or anything so i wouldnt know)